Astronomical Data Center



The ADC has a category called "external" which complements our catalogs and journal table directories. This listing shows the Astronomical Data Center's collection of links to external data sets. The contents of the first line of the abbreviated ReadMe document for these data sets is listed. These lines include the ADC database identifier, the shortened title, the lead author, and the year of publication. These are hyperlinked to the abbreviated ReadMe containing the external site link(s) and its brief description. Additional hyperlinks are provided to the ADS Abstract Service. The ADC is not responsible for the content of external sites linked from this category.

The subdirectories contain descriptions and links to databases grouped in nine categories, the categories are as follows:

(1)Astrometric and Positional Data     
(2)Photometric Data    
(3)Spectroscopic Data               
(4)Cross Identifications               
(5)Combined and Derived Data
(7)Nonstellar and Extended Objects 
(8)Radio Sources 
(9)High-Energy Data 

[key icon] [ADS icon] - link to ADS Abstract

Astrometric and Positional Data External Databases: May-31-2001

  1. E1001 APS Catalog of the POSS I (Humphreys+ 1996)
  2. E1002 APS Image Database (Humphreys+ 1996)
  3. E1003 APS Plate Database (Humphreys+ 1996)
  4. E1004 JPL's HORIZONS System (Giorgini+ 1996)
  5. E1006 Orbits of Minor Planets (Bowell 2001)

Photometric Data External Databases: May-31-2001

  1. E2001 DDO Database of Galactic Classical Cepheids (Fernie+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  2. E2002 General Catalogue of Photometric Data (Mermilliod+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  3. E2003 Photometric Systems (Mermilliod+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  4. E2004 Photometry of T Tauri Stars (Herbst+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  5. E2005 The 2MASS Sampler Point Source Catalogue (2MASS, 2000)
  6. E2006 The DENIS database (Epchtein+, 1999)

Spectroscopic Data External Databases: April-9-1998

  1. E3001 IUE Standard Stars (Wu + 1991) [See: ADS abstract]

Combined and Derived Data External Databases: May-31-2001

  1. E5001 SkyView (McGlynn + 1996)
  2. E5002 Extra-solar Planets Catalog (Schneider+ 1998)
  3. E5003 Multiband Astronomical Imaging Service ON-line (NAOJ/ADAC 1999)
  4. E5004 Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables On-line (Downes+, 2001)

Miscellaneous Data External Databases: May-31-2001

  1. E6001 Systematic, Accurate, Multiconfiguration Calculations (SAM, 1996)
  2. E6002 CLOUDY / Atomic Data for Astrophysics (1996)
  3. E6003 Astrophysics Multi-spectral Archive Search Engine (AMASE, 1996)
  4. E6004 Grids of model atmospheres (Kurucz 1998)
  5. E6005 Evolutionary Stellar Population Models (Worthey 1994)
  6. E6006 Log of CFHT Exposures (CADC, 1979-)
  7. E6007 HST Archived Exposures Catalog (STScI, 2001)

Nonstellar and Extended Objects External Databases: May-31-2001

  1. E7001 The Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database (LEDA, 2001)
  2. E7002 Current BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog (Meegan+ 1998)
  3. E7003 COSMOS/UKST Catalog of the Southern Sky (Yentis+ 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  4. E7004 Extragalactic Megamaser Database (Braatz 1998)
  5. E7005 A Catalog of Digital Images of 113 Nearby Galaxies (Frei+ 1996)[See: ADS abstract]
  6. E7006 Hypercat Extragalactic Database (Prugniel+ 1999)

Radio Sources External Databases: September-21-1999

  1. E8002 Atlas of Images from the FIRST Survey (Becker+ 1997)
  2. E8003 USNO Radio Reference Frame Image Database (Fey+ 1998)
  3. E8004 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) (Condon+ 1998)
  4. E8005 The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (1998)
  5. E8006 Double Radio Source Associated with Galactic Nucleus (Leahy+ 1998)
  6. E8007 A 408 MHz All-sky Continuum Survey (Haslam+ 1982) [See: ADS abstract]
  7. E8008 A Synthesis Map of the Sky at 34.5 MHz (Dwarakanath+ 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  8. E8009 Radio Continuum Survey of the Northern Sky at 1420 MHz (Reich+ 1986) [See: ADS abstract]
  9. E8010 90GB 4.85 GHz Sky Maps Covering Decl. -40 to +5 (Condon+ 1991) [See: ADS abstract]
  10. E8011 Galactic Plane Survey at 10 GHz (Handa+ 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  11. E8012 Northern Sky Survey at 820 MHz (Berkhuijsen 1972)
  12. E8013 87GB 4.85 GHz Sky Maps Covering Decl. 0 to +75 (Condon+ 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
  13. E8014 1400-MHz Sky Survey, Maps Covering Dec -5 to +82 (Condon+ 1985-86) [See: ADS abstract]

High-Energy Data External Databases: November-13-2000

  1. E9001 Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of Optical Identifications (Bade+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  2. E9002 The First ROSAT High Resolution Imager Source Catalog (Arida+ 1998)
  3. E9003 The Second ROSAT High Resolution Imager Source Catalog (Arida+ 1999)
  4. E9004 ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS3) (ROSAT 2000)

  Authors: James Gass & Gail Schneider
  Revised: Monday, 04-Feb-2008 14:03:05 EST
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