ADC Author Index W

This document is a comprehensive author index to the ADC's public archives as of March 05, 1999 (Last Updated 03/11/99). The entries to the right of each name are the ADC short title identifiers for catalogs or journal tables by that author. Click on the first letter of the last name of the author of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the name. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the FTP directory for data sets by that author. Click on the first letter of the last name of the author of interest, then scroll down the alphabetical listing to find the name. The identifiers are hyperlinks to the FTP directory for data sets by that author.

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]


Wachter S.
VI photometry of CG Muscae (Layden+ 1997)
Wackerling L.R.
Early-Type Emission-Line Stars (Wackerling 1970)
Wade C.M.
Radio source flux densities at 750 & 1400MHz (Pauliny-Toth+ 1966)
Wade G.A.
HD 59435 radial velocity & Geneva photometry (Wade+ 1996)

84 UMa ubvy photometry (Wade+ 1998)
Waelde E.
Long-term Photometry of Variables IV (Sterken+ 1995)

Pulsating star in Eta Car: 1992-1994 (van Genderen+, 1995)
Waelkens C.
Mode identification with the moment method in four (AERTS 1994)

Nature of the peculiar supergiant HD 101584 (Bakker+, 1996)

Line profile variations in eta Ori (De Mey+, 1996)

HD 34798 & HD 45284 UBVG photometry (Waelkens+, 1996)

Radial velocities of HR 4049 (Bakker+ 1998)
Waggett P.C.
6C Survey of Radio Sources I (6CSRSI; Baldwin+ 1985)
Wagner R.M.
New T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga (Wichmann+, 1996)
Wagner S.
Nature of the FHIL winds from AGN (Erkens+ 1997)

Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 I. The IUE Campaign (Urry+, 1993)
Wahnon P.
Catal. of variable stars in instability strip (Garcia+, 1995)
Wainscoat R.J.
The Ursa Major cluster. I. (Tully+ 1996)
Wakamatsu K.
Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)
Walborn N.R.
IUE Atlas of O-Type Stellar Spectra, 1200-1900 A (Walborn+ 1985)

IUE Atlas of B-type Stellar Spectra (Walborn+ 1995)

Atlas Optical Spectral Classification OB Stars (Walborn+ 1990)

Stellar Content of LH 9 and 10 in the LMC (Parker+ 1992)
Waldram E.M.
Revised source list for the Rees 38-MHz survey (Hales+ 1995)

7C survey of radio sources (Visser+, 1995)

Radio-optical survey of the North Ecliptic Cap (Lacy+ 1996)

7C 151-MHz survey of region 9-16h 20-35deg (Waldram+ 1996)
Walker A.R.
Southern Spectrophotometric Standards. I + II (Hamuy+ 1992,94)

Search for Jupiter-Mass Companions (Walker+ 1995)

The Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1835: (WALKER 1993)

M68 (Walker 1994)

NGC 1866 BVI photometry (Walker 1995)

Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)

CCD photometry of NGC 2257 RR Lyrae (Walker 1989)

NGC 1866 CCD photometry (Brocato+ 1989)

NGC 6649 UBV photometry (Walker+ 1987)

Kinematics of the late M-giants in Baade's (SHARPLES 1990)

HST VI Photometry of Six LMC Old Globular Clusters (Olsen+ 1998)

A BV Color-Magnitude Diagram for the Galactic (WALKER 1992)

BVRI photometry of Omega Cen (Walker 1994)
Walker C.E.
Quasar absorption-line systems (Tanner+ 1996)
Walker D.W.
IRAS Small Scale Structure Catalog, Ver 1.00 (Helou, Walker 1985)
Walker G.A.H.
Search for Jupiter-Mass Companions (Walker+ 1995)

Beta Lyr radial velocities and UBV data (Harmanec+, 1996)

Photometry of HD 3831 (Matthews+ 1996)
Walker I.
Early-type stars in orthogonal halo fields. I. An (RODGERS 1993)
Walker R.G.
IRAS Asteroid and Comet Survey 1.00 (IPAC 1986)

IR spectra of standard stars (Cohen+ 1995)
Walker R.L.
U. S. Naval Observatory photographic parallaxes (HARRINGTON 1993)

Karle observations of V505 Sgr (Chambliss+, 1993)
Wallace B.J.
327 MHz survey of the galactic plane (Taylor+ 1996)
Wallace L.
Arcturus IR spectral atlas (Wallace+ 1996)

Spectra of normal stars in the K band (Wallace+ 1997)

Infrared Arcturus Atlas (Hinkle+ 1995)
Wallenquist A.
Photoelectric Mags/Colors Visual Multiple Sys (Wallenquist 1981)
Waller W.H.
UV-UBV photometry in NGC 595 (Malumuth+ 1996)

UV Observations of the SMC (Cornett+ 1997)
Walmsley C.M.
SiO production in interstellar shocks (Schilke+ 1997)
Walsh A.J.
Methanol maser of IRAS-selected sources (Walsh+ 1997)
Walsh J.R.
Planetary nebulae radial velocities (Zijlstra+ 1997)
Walter H.G.
Fifth Fundamental Catalogue, Basic Fund Stars (FK5; Fricke+ 1988)

Selected Compact Radio Sources (Argue+ 1984)

Astrometric Catalogue of Radio Stars (Walter+ 1990)

Radio stars for linking celestial reference frames (Walker+ 1997)
Walter R.
The ultraviolet to soft X-ray bump of Seyfert 1 typ (WALTER 1993)

X-ray quasar spectra (Schartel+ 1996)
Walterbos R.A.M.
Interstellar medium of M 31. III. Narrow-band (WALTERBOS 1992)
Walton M.M.
Henry Draper Extension 2 (Cannon+ 1949; ADC 1989)
Wamsteker W.
Five-Color Phot Blue Stars in Magellanic Clouds (Wamsteker 1980)

UV variability of Fairall-9 (Recondo-Gonzalez+, 1997)

Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 I. The IUE Campaign (Urry+, 1993)
Wanders I.
Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. (Sterken+ 1993)
Wang G.
Optical Identifications of IRAS Point Sources (Wang+ 1986,87,91)
Wang J.
BVRI photometry of blazars (Jia+ 1998)

BVRI photometry of OJ 287 (Jia Guibin+ 1998)
Wang J.C.
Simultaneous multirange observations and detection of (XIE 1994)
Wang J.J.
Proper motions in Praesepe (Wang+ 1995)
Wang J.S.
H2O maser sources new detections (Han+ 1998)
Wang R.
Yunnan Observatory photoelectric astrolabe catalogue (Hu+ 1996)

Fourth preliminary catalogue of stars (PPCP4; Wang+ 1991)
Wang S.
Miyun 232MHz survey (Zhang+ 1997)
Wang T.-G.
X-ray properties of AGN (Wang+, 1996)

UV variability of Fairall-9 (Recondo-Gonzalez+, 1997)
Wang Z.
CPASJ1 catalogue (Lu+, 1996)
Wang Z.Z.
HIP and RSSJ95 position differences (Manrique+ 1998)
Wargau W.F.
CCD photometry of Abell clusters (Cunow+, 1994)

Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995)

BVRIJHK photometry of red LMC supergiants (Oestreicher+ 1997)
Wark R.M.
Flux densities at 8400MHz for a large sample of (WRIGHT 1991)

Parkes-Tidbinbilla radio sources (Duncan+ 1993)
Warner P.J.
6C Survey of Radio Sources I (6CSRSI; Baldwin+ 1985)

6C Survey of Radio Sources II (6CSRSII; Hales+ 1988)

6C Survey of Radio Sources III (6CSRSIII; Hales+ 1990)

6C Survey of Radio Sources IV (6CSRSIV; Hales+ 1991)

6C Survey of Radio Sources V (6CSRSV; Hales+ 1993)

6C Survey of Radio Sources VI (6CSRSVI; Hales+ 1993)

Revised source list for the Rees 38-MHz survey (Hales+ 1995)

Radio-optical survey of the North Ecliptic Cap (Lacy+ 1996)

7C 151-MHz survey of region 9-16h 20-35deg (Waldram+ 1996)
Warnock III A.
Faint Blue Objects at High Galactic Latitude (Warnock+ 1984)

Ultraviolet Excess Galaxies (Mitchell+ 1982)
Warren Jr. W.H.
Bonner Durchmusterung Supplemental Stars (Warren, Kress 1980)

Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars (Corbin,Urban 1991)

International Reference Stars (Corbin 1991)

XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars (Dunham & Warren 1995)

UBV, uvby-Beta Obs in Orion OB 1 Association (Warren, Hesser 1977)

Stellar Spectrophotometry (Adelman+ 1989)

SAO-HD-GC-DM Cross Index (ADC 1983)

CD-CPD Cross Index (Rappaport, Warren 1987)

AGK3-BD Cross Index (Warren 1978)

BD-AGK3 Cross Index (Warren 1978)

Yale Bright Star Catalogue, 5th Revised Ed. (Hoffleit, Warren 1991)

SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog (Myers+ 1997)

SKY2000 - Master Star Catalog, Version 2 (Myers+ 1998)

Finding List Multiplet Table NSRDS-NBS 3, Sec 1-10 (Adelman+ 1985)

Multiplet Table and Finding List for Mn I (Adelman+ 1989)
Warren S.J.
Cat of High-Redshift Quasars, z >= 2.2, in SGP and F401 (Warren+ 1991)

A deep multicolor survey. II. (Hall+ 1996)

A deep multicolor survey. I. (Hall+ 1996)
Warwick R.S.
Ariel Catalogue of X-Ray Sources (3A; Warwick+ 1981)

Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 I. The IUE Campaign (Urry+, 1993)

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)
Wasserman L.H.
Chiron occultations (Bus+, 1994)

Occultations of stars by asteroids 1995-96 (Wasserman+ 1995)
Watanabe E.
UBV Photometry of Barium Stars (Watanabe+ 1993)
Watanabe M.
Photometric Cat of Northern Bright Galaxies (Kodaira+ 1992)
Watanabe S.
Redshift survey for IRAS galaxies (Nakanishi+ 1997)
Waters L.B.F.M.
Be stars near-IR excess (Dougherty+, 1994)

Nature of the peculiar supergiant HD 101584 (Bakker+, 1996)

C_2_ Phillips and CN Red bands in HD 56126 (Bakker+, 1996)

Optical spectra of post-AGB stars (Bakker+ 1997)

Obscured AGB in Magellanic Clouds. I. (Loup+ 1997)
Watson A.M.
Stellar photometry in NGC 147 (Han+ 1997)

Low-Mass Stars in Outer Field in NGC 6397 (Mould+,1996)
Watson M.G.
Second Ariel X-Ray Catalogue (2A; Cooke+ 1978)

Ariel Catalogue of X-Ray Sources (3A; Warwick+ 1981)

The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)

Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995)
Way M.J.
Velocities in Abell 3266 (Quintana+ 1996)
Wayman P.A.
Double star CCD astrometry and photometry (ARGUE 1992)
Weaver G.
Seeing Tests for NPOI Project (Hutter+ 1997)
Weaver H.
Berkeley Low-Latitude H I Survey (Weaver, Williams 1973)
Weaver K.A.
Calibrating Broad Band X-ray Telescope (Weaver+ 1995)
Weaver W.B.
Near Infrared Spectra of Normal Stars (Torres-Dodgen+ 1993)

Seeing Tests for NPOI Project (Hutter+ 1997)

Classification of NIR spectra of A Stars (Weaver+ 1995)

Orion stars CO-added IRAS fluxes catalog (Weaver+, 1992)
Webb D.
Arp's Peculiar Galaxies (Webb 1996)
Webbink R.F.
Catalog and Atlas of Cataclysmic Variables (Downes+ 1997)

Structure Parameters of Galactic Globular Clusters (Webbink 1985)
Webster R.L.
Parkes Half-Jansky Flat-Spectrum Sample (Drinkwater + 1997)

QSO MgII absorption line systems (Drinkwater+, 1993)
Weedman D.W.
Seyfert Galaxies (Weedman 1977-1978)
Wegner G.
Photometric and Spectroscopic Obs for Elliptical Gal (Faber+ 1989)

Pisces-Perseus supercluster. V. (Wenger+, 1993)

A study of the rich cluster of galaxies A119. (FABRICANT 1993)

Redshifts in First CfA Slice. III. (Thorstensen+ 1995)

Abell 576 galaxies magnitude and velocities (Mohr+ 1996)
Wegner R.
Radio & optical observation of UX Arietis (Elias+ 1995)
Wegner W.
Catalogue of 166 Ultraviolet Extinction Curves (Krelowski+ 1992)
Wehlau W.H.
Photometry of HD 3831 (Matthews+ 1996)
Wehmeyer R.
H-alpha Stars in Northern Milky Way (Kohoutek+ 1997)
Weigelt G.
UV photometry of NGC 6397 (Burgarella+ 1994)

Massive stars in I Zw 36 (Deharveng+ 1994)
Weikard H.
CO observations of clouds in IC 1396 region (Weikard +, 1996)
Weiland J.L.
1997 reference of diffuse night sky brightness (Leinert+ 1998)
Weinberg J.L.
1997 reference of diffuse night sky brightness (Leinert+ 1998)
Weinberg M.D.
IRAS variables as galactic structure tracers: (ALLEN 1993)
Weinberger R.
21cm observations of galaxies in the region of (SEEBERGER 1994)

Penetrating the "zone of avoidance". I. (Weinberger+, 1995)

Optically galaxies in 180<l<240 (Seeberger+, 1996)

Obscured galaxies in 120<l<130,-10<b<+10 (Lercher+, 1996)

Galaxies in the "zone of avoidance". IV. (Saurer+, 1997)

Photoelectric UBV photometry of stars in four (SAURER 1992)

Berkeley 93 RVB photometry (Saure+ 1994)
Weis E.W.
K and M stars photometry (Weis, 1993)
Weiss W.W.
Observations of the Ap Star HR 1217 from 1980-86 (Kurtz 1989)

Catalogue of CP stars with references to (MALANUSHENKO 1994)

Lambda Boo stars consolidated catalogue (Paunzen+ 1997)
Weistrop D.
Photographic Mags for Stars at High Galactic Lat (Weistrop 1983)
Weitenbeck A.J.
Cross identifications in NGC 1502 (Weitenbeck 1997)
Welch D.L.
Dynamics of the young binary LMC cluster NGC 1850 (FISCHER 1993)

Dynamics of the globular cluster NGC 362 (FISCHER 1993)

DL Cas (Gieren+ 1994)

Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)

MACHO Variables V. (Alcock+ 1997)

Radial velocities and BV photometry of NGC 3201 (Cote+ 1995)

Binaries in NGC 3201 (Cote+, 1994)
Welch G.A.
UBV photometry of 163 stars around SU Cyg (Turner+ 1997)
Wells A.A.
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)
Wells L.A.
Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)
Welty D.E.
Diffuse Interstellar Band Measurements (Snow, York, Weltz 1977)
Wenderoth E.
Photometry of NGC 1904 (M79) (Alcaino+ 1994)

M 68 BVRI photometry (Alcaino+ 1990)
Wendker H.J.
Radio Continuum Emission From Stars (Wendker 1995)

The Cygnus X region. XVIII. A detailed (WENDKER 1991)

Radio emission from stars: a survey at 250 GHz (ALTENHOFF 1994)
Wendlandt H.U.
Galactic 21-cm line Survey (Westerhout+ 1982)
Wenk R.
NGC 5548 BR photometry (Tyson+ 1998)
Wenzel W.
Bibliographic Cat of Variable Stars (BCVS), Part 1 (Huth,Wenzel 1992)
Wesemael F.
The Montreal Blue Galaxy Survey. I. First list of (COZIOL 1993)
Wesselius P.R.
ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Cat of Point Sources (Wesselius+ 1982)

UV Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415 Stars (Savage+ 1985)

List of Globules (Wesselius 1979)

IRAS pointed observations data (Assendorp+, 1993)
West R.G.
The 2RE Source Catalogue (Pye+ 1995)
West R.M.
Plate Centers of the ESO Sky Survey (Holmberg+ 1974)
Westerhout G.
Galactic 21-cm line Survey (Westerhout+ 1982)
Westerlund B.E.
Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO in the (ISRAEL 1993)

Abundances in zeta Scl open cluster (Edvardsson+, 1995)

On the spectra and photometry of M-giant stars (FLUKS 1994)

Clusters and field stars in LMC. I. (Linde+, 1995)

UBV and uvbyb in zetaScl cluster (Westerlund+, 1988)

Carbon Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. II. (REBEIROT 1993)
Westphal J.A.
Stellar photometry in NGC 147 (Han+ 1997)

Low-Mass Stars in Outer Field in NGC 6397 (Mould+,1996)
Wetterer C.J.
Search for RR Lyrae Variables (Wetterer+ 1996)
White E.J.
Melbourne General Catalogues 1-5 (Ellery+ 1874, 1889, 1917)
White G.L.
Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1995)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1996)

SMC catalogue of radiosources (Filipovic+ 1997)

Mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites (Arlot+ 1997)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1998)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+ 1998)

Parkes-Tidbinbilla radio sources (Duncan+ 1993)
White N.E.
The WGACAT version of ROSAT sources (White+ 1995)

EXOSAT GSPC iron line catalog (Gottwald+, 1995)
White R.A.
1400-MHz Survey of 1478 Abell Clusters of Galaxies (Owen+ 1982)

VLA survey of Abell clusters. II. (Owen+ 1992)
White R.E.
UBV HR Diagrams of Globular Clusters (Philip, Cullen, White 1976)

Stellar Spectrophotometry (Adelman+ 1989)

Star Clusters/Associations. II. Globular Clusters (Ruprecht+ 1981)

Star Clusters/Associations. III. Open Clusters (Ruprecht+ 1981)
White R.L.
53,522 4.85-GHz Sources (Becker+ 1990)

31524 1.4-GHz Sources (White and Becker 1992)

The FIRST Survey (White+ 1997)

The FIRST Survey, version 1998Feb (White+ 1998)

The Einstein Two-Sigma Catalog (Moran+ 1996)

Small-diameter radiosources catalogue (Zoonematkermani+, 1990)

Compact Radio Sources Near the Galactic Plane (Helfand+ 1992)

A 5-GHz VLA Survey of the Galactic Plane (Becker+ 1994)
Whitelock P.A.
UBVRIJHKL photometric catalogue of symbiotic stars (MUNARI 1992)

High Mass-Loss AGB Stars in the South Galactic (WHITELOCK 1994)
Whiteoak J.B.
Int. sulfur isotopes & stellar oxygen burning (Chin+, 1996)
Whitford A.E.
JHKL photometry on Galactic bulge M Giants (Frogel+, 1990)
Whitmore B.C.
Stellar Velocity Dispersions. I. Std Galaxies (Whitmore+ 1985)

Young star clusters in The Antennae (Whitmore+ 1995)
Whittet D.C.B.
Southern reddened luminous stars. I. (Kilkenny+ 1993)

Southern reddened luminous stars. III. (Kilkenny+ 1993)

Southern reddened luminous stars. IV. (Spencer Jones+ 1993)
Wicenec A.
Prelim List of Stars from Tycho Obs (TIC data) (Halbwach+ 1994)
Wichmann R.
T Tauri stars ROSAT survey (Neuhaeuser+, 1995)

New T Tauri stars in Taurus-Auriga (Wichmann+, 1996)

New WTTS in the Chamaeleon complex (Alcala+ 1997)

T Tauri UBVRIcJHKL photometry (Wichmann+ 1997)

Cham. X-ray sources & optical identifications (Alcala+ 1995)

New weak-line T Tauri stars in Lupus (Krautter+ 1997)
Wielebinski R.
Multifrequency observations of ROSAT selected (NEUMANN 1994)

ROSAT AGN content (Brinkmann+, 1995)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1995)

Shapley-Ames Galaxies at 2.8cm (Niklas+, 1995)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1996)

SMC catalogue of radiosources (Filipovic+ 1997)

Radio continuum study of the MC (Filipovic+, 1998)

Radio Survey Around North Ecliptic Pole (Kollgaard+ 1994)
Wiercigroch A.
EUV Explorer bright sources list (Malina+, 1994)
Wieringa M.H.
Deep 370 MHz Westerbork Survey (Wieringa 1991,93)

Optical identifications of faint ultra-steep (WIERINGA 1992)
Wiese W.L.
Atomic Transition Probabilities, Sc-Ni (NIST 1993)
Wild W.
mm-monitoring of radio sources IV. (Reuter+ 1997)
Wildeman K.J.
ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Cat of Point Sources (Wesselius+ 1982)
Wilds R.P.
Mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites (Arlot+ 1997)
Wilhelm K.
Solar disk spectrum (660-1175A) (Curdt+ 1997)
Wilhelm R.
HK survey emission-line candidates positions (Beers+ 1995)

HK survey emission-line candidates (Beers+ 1996)

Horizontal-branch and A-type star catalog. II (Beers+ 1996)
Wilkes B.J.
Einstein database of quasars. I. (Wilkes+, 1994)

Atlas of Quasar Energy Distributions (Elvis+ 1994)
Wilking B.A.
IRAS observations in Cr A (Wilking+, 1992)
Wilkinson P.N.
Second Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. II. (Henstock+ 1995)

Second Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. I. (Taylor+ 1994)

First Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. I. (Polatidis+ 1995)

First Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. II. (Thakkar+ 1995)

First Caltech-Jodrell Bank VLBI Survey. III (Xu+ 1995)

Interferometer phase calibration sources. I (Patnaik+ 1992)
Will J.-M.
Photometry of NGC 1962-65-66-70 (Will J.-M.+, 1995)

Open cluster Pis 20 (Vazquez+, 1995)

Selected Regions C and E in the LMC (Will+, 1995)

LH 47 UVBRI photometry (Will+ 1997)
Willacy K.
IRC+10216 Silicon and sulfur chemistry (Willacy+ 1998)
Williams D.R.W.
Berkeley Low-Latitude H I Survey (Weaver, Williams 1973)
Williams G.V.
Astrometry of outer Jovian satellites (Hernius+, 1996)
Williams I.P.
1990-1994 Saturn's satellites astrometry (Harper+ 1997)

Astrometry of Satellites of Uranus (Jones+ 1998)
Williams J.G.
Short Blazhko Period RR Lyrae Star (Smith+ 1994)

Nutation of the Earth (Williams 1995)
Williams J.P.
Rosette Nebula and Maddalena Cloud structures (Williams+ 1994)
Williams K.L.
Color of Bright Galaxies (Buta+ 1995)
Williams O.R.
EXMS catalog (Reynolds+ 1999)
Williams R.E.
Hubble Deep Field observations (Williams+ 1996)
Williams S.D.
Rotation Periods of Open Cluster Stars II (Prosser+, 1993)
Williams T.B.
Fabry-Perot measurements of M15 (Gebhardt+, 1994)

F-P observations of globular clusters (Gebhardt+ 1995)

Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)

Fabry-Perot Observations of M15 (Gebhardt+ 1997)
Williamson R.
Hot subdwarfs proper motions (Thejll+ 1997)
Willick J.A.
Mark III Catalog of Galaxy Peculiar Velocities (Willick+ 1997)
Williger G.M.
Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)
Willingale R.
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)
Willis T.D.
The second EGRET catalog (Thompson+ 1995)

Supplement to Second EGRET Catalog (Thompson+ 1996)
Willmer C.N.A.
Redshift Survey at the NGP (Willmer+ 1996)

The morphological catalogue of galaxies equatorial (HUCHRA 1993)

Minislice at the North Galactic Pole. II. (Willmer+ 1996)
Willmore A.P.
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)
Willner S.P.
Atlas of Quasar Energy Distributions (Elvis+ 1994)
Willoughby G.A.
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)
Wilms J.
Pre-eclipse dip of Her X-1 (Stelzer+ 1999)
Wilmsen U.
An atlas and catalogue of northern dwarf nova (BRUCH 1987)
Wilson A.S.
H II Regions in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies (Evans+ 1996)
Wilson C.D.
OB Associations and Sprial Structure in M33 (Regan+ 1993)

UBV photometry in NGC 6822, M31 and M33 (Massey+ 1995)
Wilson J.W.
All-sky Stroemgren photometry of speckle binary (SOWELL 1993)
Wilson O.C.
Ca II H and K Measurements Made at MWO (Duncan+ 1991)
Wilson R.
Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes, SKYSCAN/TD-1 (Thompson+ 1978)

Ultraviolet Bright-Star Spectrophot Suppl (Macau-Hercot+ 1978)

Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (Jamar+ 1976)
Wilson R.E.
General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities (Wilson 1953)

Beta Lyrae light curve changes (Van Hamme+ 1995)

AX Mon photometry and UV spectra (Elias+ 1997)
Wilson R.W.
Bell Laboratories H I Survey (Stark+ 1992)

Bell Lab. H I Survey - High Velocity Clouds (Stark+ 1992)
Wilson T.L.
Maps of the 36 GHz methanol emission (Liechti+, 1996)

5cm OH masers survey (Baudry+ 1997)

Kinematics and electron temperatures in Orion A (Wilson+ 1997)
Wilson W.J.F.
delta Scuti Variables II: DY Her (Milone+ 1994)
Windhorst R.A.
Counts and spectral indices at 8.44GHz (Windhorst+, 1993)

VI photometry of HST faint field galaxies (Driver+ 1995)
Winkler H.
UBVRIJHKL photometric catalogue of symbiotic stars (MUNARI 1992)

UBV photometry of HD stars (Kilkenny+ 1993)
Winkler P.F.
Light curves of SN 1993J (Benson+, 1994)
Winnberg A.
New Sample of OH/IR stars (Sjouwerman+ 1998)

OH/IR stars close to the Galactic centre. I. Obs (LINDQVIST 1992)

A survey of circumstellar CO emission from a sample (NYMAN 1992)
Winnewisser G.
CO observations of clouds in IC 1396 region (Weikard +, 1996)
Wiramihardja S.D.
H-alpha emission stars in the Orion region (Wiramihardja+ 1989,91,93)
Wirtanen C.A.
Proper Motions of 8790 Stars with Ref to Galaxies (Klemola+ 1971)
Wischnjewsky M.
Proper motions in the southern ESO Areas (RUIZ 1993)

Light Curves of 29 SNe (Hamuy+ 1996)
Wise M.W.
Far-infrared emission from 5 galaxy clusters (Wise+ 1993)
Wisniewski W.Z.
UBV Photometry of Bright Stars (Johnson+ 1966)

HST Guide Star Photometric Catalog (Lasker+ 1988)
Wisotzki L.
AGN from the RASS (Bade+, 1995)

The Hamburg/ESO survey for bright QSOs. II. (Reimers+, 1996)

The Hamburg Quasar Survey. II. (Engels+ 1998)
Witt A.N.
1997 reference of diffuse night sky brightness (Leinert+ 1998)
Witteborn F.C.
IR spectra of standard stars (Cohen+ 1995)

Spectral irradiance calibration. VII. (Cohen+ 1996)

Spectral irradiance calibration. VI. (Cohen+ 1996)
Wittmann A.D.
Spectral lines unaffected by instrumental polarizati (VELA 1994)
Witzel A.
Selected Compact Radio Sources (Argue+ 1984)

Extragalactic Radio Sources, Flux Den >1 Jy at 5 GHz (Kuehr+ 1981)

4.85GHz extragalactic sources (Pauliny-Toth+ 1980)

Radio & optical observation of UX Arietis (Elias+ 1995)
Wlasuk P.
Supplement to the Bright Star Catalogue (Hoffleit+ 1983)
Woblewski H.
New proper-motion stars Dec<-40, 16<RA<24h (Wroblewski+ 1994)
Wolf B.
Galactic abundance gradients (Kaufer+, 1994)

Long-term spectroscopy of eta Carinae (Damineli+ 1998)
Wolfe C.
Texas Survey of radio sources at 365MHz (Douglas+ 1996)
Wolff S.C.
Rotational Vel. of Intermediate-mass MS Stars (Wolff+ 1997)
Wolter A.
Einstein EMSS Survey (Gioia+ 1990, Stocke+ 1991)

EMSS (Fleming+ 1995)
Womble D.S.
Lyman-alpha Forest in Q0000-26 (Lu+ 1996)
Wong T.
Recent star formation in Sextans A (Van Dyk+ 1998)
Wonnacott D.
The ROSAT Wide Field Camera all-sky survey of (POUNDS 1993)

Optical Identifications of ROSAT EUV Sources (Mason+ 1995)
Wood D.O.S.
Ultracompact HII regions radio images (Kurtz+ 1994)

IRAS images of nearby dark clouds (Wood+ 1994)
Wood F.B.
Finding List Obs of Interacting Binary Sys, 5th ed. (Wood+ 1980)
Wood H.J.
Observations of the Ap Star HR 1217 from 1980-86 (Kurtz 1989)
Wood K.M.
Var. Stars in Mag. Cloud Clusters. II (Sebo+ 1995)
Wood K.S.
HEAO A-1 X-Ray Source Catalog (Wood+ 1984)

X-ray survey of clusters of galaxies. IV. (Kowalski+, 1984)
Wood P.R.
Be stars in MC young clusters (Keller+ 1999)

Variables Near NGC 330 (Sebo & Wood 1994)

IR photometry of LMC long-period variables (Hughes+ 1990)

Post-AGB evolution (Vassiliadis+, 1994)
Woodard L.
Ca II H and K Measurements Made at MWO (Duncan+ 1991)
Wooden D.H.
IR spectra of standard stars (Cohen+ 1995)

Spectral irradiance calibration. VII. (Cohen+ 1996)

Spectral irradiance calibration. VI. (Cohen+ 1996)
Woods T.
Stellar Maser Observations (Benson+ 1990)
Woodward C.E.
JHK photometry of the OMC2 region (Jones+ 1994)
Woolley R.V.D.R.
Stars within 25 pc of the Sun (Woolley+ 1970)
Working Group of CGSC
Chinese Geodetical Stars Catalogue (CGSC; 1992)
Working Group of GCPA
General Catalogue of Stars (GCPA; 1992)
Worley C.E.
The Washington Visual Double Star Catalog, 1996.0 (Worley+, 1996)

Fourth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars (Worley+ 1983)
Worrall D.M.
Einstein database of quasars. I. (Wilkes+, 1994)
Worthey G.
H{gamma} & H{delta} absorption features (Worthey+ 1997)

Old Stellar Populations. VI. Absorption-Line (Trager+ 1998)

Old stellar populations. V. (Worthey+, 1994)
Woudt P.A.
Crux region redshifts (Fairall+ 1998)
Wouterloot J.G.A.
CO observations of clouds in IC 1396 region (Weikard +, 1996)

IRAS sources beyond the solar circle. I. CO obs (WOUTERLOOT 1989)

IRAS Sources behind the Solar circle. III. Obs (WOUTERLOOT 1993)
Wray J.D.
SKYLAB S-019 Far-UV Objective-Prism Spectrophot (Henize+ 1979)
Wright A.E.
Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue, Version 1.01 (Wright, Otrupcek 1990)

The Parkes-MIT-NRAO 4.85GHz (PMN) Surveys (Griffith+ 1993-1996)

Source Catalog, PMN Equatorial Survey (Griffith+ 1995)

Flux densities at 8400MHz for a large sample of (WRIGHT 1991)
Wrobel J.M.
Interferometer phase calibration sources. I (Patnaik+ 1992)
Wroblewski H.
Proper motion of LTT stars (Wroblewski+, 1995)

New proper-motion stars -30<Dec<-5, 0<RA<9h (Wroblewski+ 1996)

New proper-motion stars -30<DE<-5, 9<RA<13h30m (Wroblewski+ 1997)

Proper motion LTT stars -5<DE<-30, 0<RA<13h30 (Wroblewski+ 1998)

New proper-motion stars south of declination -4 (WROBLEWSKI 1989)

New proper-motion LTT stars Dec<-40, 0<RA<4h30 (Wroblewski+ 1990)

New proper-motion stars south of declination -4 (WROBLEWSKI 1991)

Proper-motion of LTT stars (Wroblewski+ 1992)
Wu H.
Very luminous IRAS galaxies spectra. (Wu+ 1998)
Wu X.
Second Extreme Ultra-Violet Explorer Catalog (2EUVE, 1996)

First EUVE source catalogue (Bowyer+, 1994)

Far-UV Point Sources (Bowyer+ 1995)
Wu Y.F.
A catalogue of high velocity molecular outflows (Wu+, 1996)

H2O maser sources new detections (Han+ 1998)
Wycoff G.L.
San Fernando AC Zone Data Reduced to ACRS (Urban+ 1995)

The ACT Reference Catalog (Urban+ 1997)
Wyse R.F.G.
Atlas of UV Spectra of Starforming Galaxies (Kinney+ 1993)

Thick Disk Chemical Abundance Distribution (Gilmore+ 1995)

The survival of Sagittarius dwarf galaxy (Ibata+ 1997)

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]