Astronomical Data Center



This listing shows the Astronomical Data Center's Astrophysical Journal collection arranged by journal, volume, and page. The contents of the first line of the standard "ReadMe" document for these data sets is listed. These lines include ADC data set identifier, the shortened title, the lead author, and the year of publication. For your convenience, this list also includes those data sets in the ADC Catalogs collection that have been published in journals. These are hyperlinked to the "ReadMe" document that describes the data set.

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Astrophysical Journal: May-31-2002

  1. J/ApJ/566/103 VIK' photometry and redshifts of galaxy clusters (Nelson+, 2002) [See: ADS abstract]
  2. J/ApJ/565/511 Cataclysmic variables in the 2MASS 2IDR (Hoard+, 2002) [See: ADS abstract]
  3. J/ApJ/564/421 Spectra of T dwarfs. I. (Burgasser+, 2002) [See: ADS abstract]
  4. J/ApJ/563/629 VIK' photometry and redshifts of galaxy clusters (Nelson+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  5. J/ApJ/563/80 3906 gamma-ray bursts BATSE triggers (Stern+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  6. J/ApJ/562/528 Teff and log(g) of low-metallicity stars (Snider+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  7. J/ApJ/562/368 UV photometry in NGC 2808 (Brown+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  8. J/ApJ/562/337 High proper-motion stars from MACHO astrometry (Alcock+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  9. J/ApJ/562/254 Velocities in A1750, A3395 and A3528 (Donnelly+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  10. J/ApJ/562/303 Old Stellar Populations of the SMC (Dolphin+ 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  11. J/ApJ/559/307 Clump distribution in Orion B molecular cloud (Johnstone+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  12. J/ApJ/554/L129 X-ray luminosity-velocity dispersion relation (Mahdavi+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  13. J/ApJ/554/803 New VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) Cat of IRAS 2 Jy Galaxies (Yun+ 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  14. J/ApJ/554/742 Chandra Deep Survey of the HDF-N (Hornschemeier+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  15. J/ApJ/554/202 ROSAT X-ray observations of M81 (Immler+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  16. J/ApJ/552/289 Semiregular variable stars in Baade's windows (Alard+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  17. J/ApJ/551/973 Variables near SN 1991T in NGC 4527 (Saha+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  18. J/ApJ/551/852 FCRAO CO survey of the outer Galaxy (Heyer+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  19. J/ApJ/551/111 HDF early-type and spiral galaxies (Ellis+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  20. J/ApJ/549/820 H{alpha} flux of ACCG 114 galaxies (Couch+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  21. J/ApJ/549/578 BV photometry of Trumpler 14 and 16 (Degioia-Eastwood+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  22. J/ApJ/549/441 Chandra observations of Orion Trapezium (Schulz+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  23. J/ApJ/549/172 X-ray-detected, poor groups galaxy populations (Tran+, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  24. J/ApJ/548/127 Hubble Deep Field-South region (Teplitz+ 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  25. J/ApJ/546/694 NICMOS star formation history (Thompson +, 2001) [See: ADS abstract]
  26. J/ApJ/543/178 Nearby Optical Galaxy (NOG) sample (Giuricin+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  27. J/ApJ/542/673 Morphological types of galaxies in clusters (Fasano+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  28. J/ApJ/542/257 MACHO LMC first-overtone RR Lyrae (Alcock+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  29. J/ApJ/541/841 UBV photometry and ages of Trapezium systems (Abt+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  30. J/ApJ/540/1016 K-band & NICMOS photometry of Trapezium Cluster (Luhman+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  31. J/ApJ/540/236 KH photometry of Orion Nebula Cluster (Hillenbrand+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  32. J/ApJ/539/136 Properties of poor groups of galaxies. II. (Zabludoff+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  33. J/ApJ/538/29 HDF-N Caltech faint galaxy redshift survey. X. (Cohen+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  34. J/ApJ/534/114 RASSCALS: X-ray and optical study (Mahdavi+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  35. J/ApJ/530/783 The r-process enriched giant HD 115444 (Westin+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  36. J/ApJ/528/123 KRI photometry of galaxies near B2 1335+28 (Tanaka+, 2000) [See: ADS abstract]
  37. J/ApJ/527/573 Line Strengths in Elliptical Galaxies (Kobayashi+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  38. J/ApJ/527/879 Gravities for late-type stars (Allende Prieto+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  39. J/ApJ/527/199 HST observations of old clusters in the LMC (Johnson+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  40. J/ApJ/526/788 Survey of infall motions toward starless cores (Lee+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  41. J/ApJ/526/544 Collision strengths in S III (Tayal+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  42. J/ApJ/525/466 Young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in IC 348 (Luhman+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  43. J/ApJ/525/420 UV and optical line variations in {epsilon} Persei (Gies+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  44. J/ApJ/525/127 RGB sample of BL Lacertae objects (Laurent-Muehleisen+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  45. J/ApJ/524/536 Nearby Ly{alpha} quasar absorbers (Impey+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  46. J/ApJ/523/540 VI photometry of new Cepheids in NGC 3319 (Sakai+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  47. J/ApJ/523/248 Variable stars in the Galactic center (Ott+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  48. J/ApJ/522/846 Optical monitoring of GeV loud blazars (Xie+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  49. J/ApJ/522/802 Cepheid calibration of SN 1989B in NGC 3627 (Saha+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  50. J/ApJ/521/682 Binaries in the Praesepe and Coma clusters (Abt+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  51. J/ApJ/521/577 HST studies of the WLM globular cluster (Hodge+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  52. J/ApJ/519/697 Molecular study of HC_3_NH^+^+e^-^ (Osamura+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  53. J/ApJ/519/533 ROSAT observations of ACO clusters (David+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  54. J/ApJ/519/1 Lyman-break galaxies at z {>~} 4 (Steidel+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  55. J/ApJ/518/859 Revision of MK luminosity classes (Keenan+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  56. J/ApJ/518/656 ASCA Large Sky Survey (Ueda+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  57. J/ApJ/518/69 Deep Optical Catalog of galaxy systems (Mahdavi+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  58. J/ApJ/517/650 Surface photometry of dwarf galaxies in Virgo (Ryden+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  59. J/ApJ/517/282 Atomic carbon observations of H II regions (Huang+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  60. J/ApJ/517/264 Extinction in the Taurus dark cloud complex (Arce+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  61. J/ApJ/517/148 ISO observations of the C-F redshift survey field (Flores+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  62. J/ApJ/516/693 Mass-to-light ratio of binary galaxies (Honma, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  63. J/ApJ/515/610 New PN in southern Galactic Bulge (Beaulieu+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  64. J/ApJ/514/614 VI photometry of new Cepheids in NGC 3198 (Kelson+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  65. J/ApJ/514/148 ROSAT survey of bright galaxies clusters (De Grandi+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  66. J/ApJ/513/168 HST observations of carbon in spiral galaxies (Garnett+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  67. J/ApJ/513/34 HDF photometric redshifts catalog (Fernandez-Soto+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  68. J/ApJ/512/125 Polarization of broad absorption line QSOs (Schmidt+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  69. J/ApJ/512/48 VI photometry of new Cepheids in NGC 4725 (Gibson+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  70. J/ApJ/511/639 Abundances in blue compact galaxies (Izotov+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  71. J/ApJ/511/612 Comparison of Radio-loud and Quiet Quasars (Goldschmidt+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  72. J/ApJ/511/595 An X-Ray Survey of Galaxies in Pairs (Henriksen+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  73. J/ApJ/511/65 Einstein images of galaxy clusters (Jones+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  74. J/ApJ/510/659 Size and Structure of AGN in NGC 5548 (Peterson+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  75. J/ApJ/510/637 Near IR properties of Galaxy disks (Hunt+ 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  76. J/ApJ/510/104 Ionizing Stars of Extragalactic H II Regions (Bresolin+ 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  77. J/ApJ/510/64 Radio time delay of gravitational lens 0957+561 (Haarsma+, 1999) [See: ADS abstract]
  78. J/ApJ/509/309 Search for peculiar objects (Cabanac+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  79. J/ApJ/508/397 H-band Spectral Standards (Meyer+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  80. J/ApJ/508/314 Gamma-ray bursts types (Mukherjee+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  81. J/ApJ/507/655 VI photometry of new Cepheids in NGC 2541 (Ferrarese+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  82. J/ApJ/507/585 Hubble Deep Field galaxy morphology (Marleau+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  83. J/ApJ/505/50 JK photometry in SA 57-6575, Her 1-5677 fields (Bershady+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  84. J/ApJ/504/113 F175W and F275W photometry of M31 and M32 (Brown+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  85. J/ApJ/504/27 The L_{X}-T Relation for Nearby Clusters (Markevitch, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  86. J/ApJ/502/558 Catalog of ROSAT galaxy clusters (Vikhlinin+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  87. J/ApJ/501/153 VRB photometry of red supergiants (Massey 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  88. J/ApJ/500/1059 Dimethyl ether transitions frequencies (Groner+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  89. J/ApJ/500/714 Color-magnitude relation in CL 1358+62 (Van Dokkum+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  90. J/ApJ/500/642==>catalogs/9/9019/ [See: ADS abstract]
  91. J/ApJ/500/554 COBE DIRBE IR photometry (Odenwald+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  92. J/ApJ/499/517 Ethylene oxide spectrum (Pan+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  93. J/ApJ/499/112 HST CFRS and LDSS redshift surveys. I. (Brinchmann+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  94. J/ApJ/498/195 Spectroscopic survey of CL 1358+62 (Fisher+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  95. J/ApJ/497/736 The young cluster IC 348. (Herbig, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  96. J/ApJ/497/330 Candidate main-sequence stars (Mannings+, 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  97. J/ApJ/497/188 A103, A118 and A114 morphological studies (Couch+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  98. J/ApJ/496/39 Properties of poor groups of galaxies. I. (Zabludoff+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  99. J/ApJ/491/93 JHK photometry of gamma-ray bursts (Larson+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  100. J/ApJ/491/L31 TMGS star positions (Garzon+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  101. J/ApJ/490/328 "Mass Discrepancy" for Massive Stars (Burkholder+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  102. J/ApJ/488/224 4.85 GHz fluxes of H II regions (Kuchar+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  103. J/ApJ/484/394 AX Mon photometry and UV spectra (Elias+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  104. J/ApJ/483/826 BVI CCD photometry of Berkeley 17 (Phelps 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  105. J/ApJ/483/745 NGC 4478 globular clusters (Neilsen+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  106. J/ApJ/481/95 Radio identification of EGRET sources (Mattox+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  107. J/ApJ/481/49 CFRS XIV. Field galaxies up to z=1 (Hammer+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  108. J/ApJ/480/568 RK photometry in 3C 336 field (Steidel+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  109. J/ApJ/479/427 Abundance Analyses of RV Tauri Variables (Gonzalez+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  110. J/ApJ/479/231 PNe in M51, M96 & M101 (Feldmeier+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  111. J/ApJ/478/603 L1448 & L 1455 new Herbig-Haro flows (Bally+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  112. J/ApJ/476/311 2MASS M-dwarf discoveries (Kirkpatrick+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  113. J/ApJ/475/479==>catalogs/8/8048 [See: ADS abstract]
  114. J/ApJ/475/469 Composite HST Spectrum of Quasars (Zheng+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  115. J/ApJ/475/445 VIK photometry of faint field galaxies (Moustakas+ 1997) [See: ADS abstract]
  116. J/ApJ/473/822 A Minnesota APS Catalog of Galaxies (Hoffman+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  117. J/ApJ/472/509 Lyman-alpha Forest in Q0000-26 (Lu+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  118. J/ApJ/471/694 Abell 2390 Gunn photometry and equivalent widths (Abraham+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  119. J/ApJ/471/L5 Redshift clustering in the Hubble Deep Field (Cohen+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  120. J/ApJ/470/864 JHKL photometry of the Galactic Center (Blum+, 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  121. J/ApJ/470/724 Abell 576 galaxies magnitude and velocities (Mohr+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  122. J/ApJ/470/172==>catalogs/7/7203 [See: ADS abstract]
  123. J/ApJ/469/629 UV-brightest stars of M33 and its nucleus (Massey+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  124. J/ApJ/468/633 Photometry in the M31 OB association NGC 206 (Hunter+ 1998) [See: ADS abstract]
  125. J/ApJ/466/415 Spectroscopic orbits for three binaries (Mazeh+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  126. J/ApJ/466/254 NIR Imaging of R136 in 30 Dor (Brandl+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  127. J/ApJ/466/191 Low-Density Warm Ionized Medium (Heiles+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  128. J/ApJ/464/79 CFRS XI: High-redshift field galaxies morphology (Schade+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  129. J/ApJ/463/205 CS and NH3 Survey of H2O Maser Emission (Anglada+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  130. J/ApJ/463/26 Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. III (Kelson+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  131. J/ApJ/462/614 A deep multicolor survey. II. (Hall+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  132. J/ApJ/462/241 Ca abundance for Omega Cen red giants (Norris+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  133. J/ApJ/462/1 PNe in the Coma I region (Jacoby+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  134. J/ApJ/461/127 The Einstein Two-Sigma Catalog (Moran+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  135. J/ApJ/459/686 Energy Deposition in Interstellar Dust Grains (Dwek+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  136. J/ApJ/459/606 Distance of planetary nebulae (Schneider+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  137. J/ApJ/459/278 Photometry of HD 3831 (Matthews+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  138. J/ApJ/459/110 Line strengths and gradients in S0 galaxies (Fisher+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  139. J/ApJ/458/455 M 104 planetary nebulae (Ford+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  140. J/ApJ/457/460==>catalogs/7/7198/ [See: ADS abstract]
  141. J/ApJ/457/102 Ly-Alpha Forest spectra simulation analysis. I. (Dobrzycki+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  142. J/ApJ/456/234 Cas A radio knots spectral indices (Anderson+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  143. J/ApJ/456/174 Intermediate-Mass Population in NGC 604 (Hunter+ 1996) [See: ADS abstract]
  144. J/ApJ/455/96==>catalogs/7/7225 [See: ADS abstract]
  145. J/ApJ/455/88==>catalogs/7/7225 [See: ADS abstract]
  146. J/ApJ/455/75==catalogs/7/7225 [See: ADS abstract]
  147. J/ApJ/455/60==>catalogs/7/7225 [See: ADS abstract]
  148. J/ApJ/455/50==>catalogs/7/7225 [See: ADS abstract]
  149. J/ApJ/454/788 Radial velocities and BV photometry of NGC 3201 (Cote+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  150. J/ApJ/454/151 OB Associations of the Northern Milky Way (Massey+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  151. J/ApJ/453/616 JHKL photometry of 12 micron galaxy sample (Spinoglio+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  152. J/ApJ/453/48 VI photometry of HST faint field galaxies (Driver+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  153. J/ApJ/452/238 HST photometry of I Zw 18 massive stars (Hunter+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  154. J/ApJ/452/210 UBV photometry in LH 47/48 (Oey+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  155. J/ApJ/450/51 X-rays from large optical QSO sample (Green+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  156. J/ApJ/449/592 NGC 5128 PN. III. (Hui+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  157. J/ApJ/449/527 Galactic anticenter region large-scale structures (Lu+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  158. J/ApJ/449/164 Var. Stars in Mag. Cloud Clusters. II (Sebo+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  159. J/ApJ/448/683 Hyades RASS observations (Stern+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  160. J/ApJ/448/179 HST photometry in R136 (Hunter+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  161. J/ApJ/446/622 UV and optical imagery of LH 52 and LH 53 (Hill+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  162. J/ApJ/446/300 Classification of NIR spectra of A Stars (Weaver+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  163. J/ApJ/446/115 Gamma ray burst localizations (Vrba+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  164. J/ApJ/446/12==>catalogs/7/7198/ [See: ADS abstract]
  165. J/ApJ/445/280 ROSAT survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  166. J/ApJ/445/62 Radio properties of optically selected quasars (Hooper+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  167. J/ApJ/443/124 Radial Velocities of Stars in M4 (Peterson+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  168. J/ApJ/442/523 Multiparam. Analysis, Einstein Sample. II. (Eskridge+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  169. J/ApJ/441/307 Proper motions and brightness of Cas A (Anderson+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  170. J/ApJ/440/28 Brightest Cluster Galaxies velocities (Postman+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  171. J/ApJ/439/983 Radio & optical observation of UX Arietis (Elias+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  172. J/ApJ/438/813 Stellar population in {rho} Oph cloud core (Strom+, 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  173. J/ApJ/438/181 Observations of H II Regions in M81 (Hill+ 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  174. J/ApJ/437/361 Einstein survey of the Orion nebula region (Gagne+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  175. J/ApJ/434/54 Spectral properties of X-ray-selected AGNs (Thompson+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  176. J/ApJ/429/253 W49N H2O masers (Gwinn, 1995) [See: ADS abstract]
  177. J/ApJ/428/693 Rosette Nebula and Maddalena Cloud structures (Williams+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  178. J/ApJ/427/684==>catalogs/7/7213/
  179. J/ApJ/427/125 QSOs orientation modeling (Lister+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  180. J/ApJ/425/122 IMF from UV stellar photometry (Hill+, 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  181. J/ApJ/424/599 Abundances in barred spiral galaxies (Martin+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  182. J/ApJ/420/612 Proper motions & radial velocities in M22 (Peterson+ 1994) [See: ADS abstract]
  183. J/ApJ/419/596==>catalogs/6/6065/
  184. J/ApJ/417/502==>catalogs/6/6076/ [See: ADS abstract]
  185. J/ApJ/416/787 The Mount Wilson Observatory Metallicity index, Crv: (SOON 1993)
  186. J/ApJ/416/276 Eq. of State in Magnetic Neutron Stars (Rognvaldsson+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  187. J/ApJ/416/36 Dynamics of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 2634 (Pinkney+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  188. J/ApJ/414/846 X-ray emission at the low-mass end: results from (BARBERA 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  189. J/ApJ/414/279 Faintest stars (Tinney, 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  190. J/ApJ/413/604 30 Dor (Hill+, 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  191. J/ApJ/413/453 On the redshift-apparent size diagram of double (NILSSON 1993)
  192. J/ApJ/412/183 RR Lyr in M68 (Clement+, 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  193. J/ApJ/411/614 Monitoring of PKS 2155-304 I. The IUE Campaign (Urry+, 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  194. J/ApJ/411/188 IRAS variables as galactic structure tracers: (ALLEN 1993)
  195. J/ApJ/409/28 Gravitationally Lensed Quasars (Maoz + 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  196. J/ApJ/408/484 Far-UV photometry of a field in Monoceros (Schmidt+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  197. J/ApJ/408/305 Cat of Stellar Lyman-Alpha Fluxes (Landsman, Simon 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  198. J/ApJ/405/538==>catalogs/6/6070/ [See: ADS abstract]
  199. J/ApJ/405/498 Counts and spectral indices at 8.44GHz (Windhorst+, 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  200. J/ApJ/405/94 Far-infrared emission from 5 galaxy clusters (Wise+ 1993) [See: ADS abstract]
  201. J/ApJ/400/699==>catalogs/6/6062A/ [See: ADS abstract]
  202. J/ApJ/399/353==>catalogs/7/7213/ [See: ADS abstract]
  203. J/ApJ/399/114==>catalogs/6/6056/ [See: ADS abstract]
  204. J/ApJ/397/520 IRAS observations in Cr A (Wilking+, 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  205. J/ApJ/395/L1==>catalogs/6/6104/ [See: ADS abstract]
  206. J/ApJ/393/149 W49N H20 maser outflow: distance and kinematics (Gwinn+, 1992) [See: ADS abstract]
  207. J/ApJ/391/685==>catalogs/6/6055/ [See: ADS abstract]
  209. J/ApJ/382/636 Rosseland mean free-free Gaunt factor (Itoh+ 1991) [See: ADS abstract]
  210. J/ApJ/380/30==>catalogs/7/7213/ [See: ADS abstract]
  211. J/ApJ/365/66 REDSHIFTS OF DISTANT ABELL CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES (Huchra+ 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  212. J/ApJ/361/49==>catalogs/7/7185/ [See: ADS abstract]
  213. J/ApJ/353/494 JHKL photometry on Galactic bulge M Giants (Frogel+, 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  214. J/ApJ/351/492 X-ray emission in the Ursa Major stream. (Schmitt+, 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  215. J/ApJ/348/557 X-ray studies of stars in the Pleiades (Micela+, 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  216. J/ApJ/348/253 Late type giants and supergiants in X-Ray (Maggio+, 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  217. J/ApJ/348/98 LMC AGB stars IRAS fluxes (Reid+ 1990) [See: ADS abstract]
  218. J/ApJ/347/251 Dynamics of Globular Cluster M15 (Peterson+ 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
  219. J/ApJ/339/126==>catalogs/5/5065/ [See: ADS abstract]
  220. J/ApJ/336/780 gr photometry of NGC 5053 blue stragglers (Nemec+ 1989) [See: ADS abstract]
  221. J/ApJ/328/315==>catalogs/3/3116/ [See: ADS abstract]
  222. J/ApJ/325/798 Einstein survey of stars in the Hyades (Micela+, 1988) [See: ADS abstract]
  223. J/ApJ/324/172 M 31 UBVR photometry (Hodge+, 1988) [See: ADS abstract]
  224. J/ApJ/322/706==>catalogs/8/8039/ [See: ADS abstract]
  225. J/ApJ/317/102 Cancer cluster 1.4GHz continuum sources (Salpeter+, 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  226. J/ApJ/315/687 X-Ray emission from solar-type stars: F and G (Maggio+, 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  227. J/ApJ/314/493 Boo Void survey (Kirshner+, 1987) [See: ADS abstract]
  228. J/ApJ/298/544 NGC 121 BR photometry (Stryker+ 1985) [See: ADS abstract]
  229. J/ApJ/297/582 NGC 2213 BR photometry (Da Costa+, 1985) [See: ADS abstract]
  230. J/ApJ/291/260==>catalogs/5/5065/ [See: ADS abstract]
  231. J/ApJ/269/107==>catalogs/7/7043/ [See: ADS abstract]
  232. J/ApJ/263/777==>catalogs/2/2082/ [See: ADS abstract]
  233. J/ApJ/261/412==>catalogs/7/7171/
  234. J/ApJ/261/1==>catalogs/7/7048/
  235. J/ApJ/257/423==>catalogs/7/7086A/
  236. J/ApJ/255/382==>catalogs/7/7085A/ [See: ADS abstract]
  237. J/ApJ/170/L89==>catalogs/2/2056/ [See: ADS abstract]
  238. J/ApJ/165/561==>catalogs/2/2045/
  239. J/ApJ/157/1279==>catalogs/2/2047/
  240. J/ApJ/157/327==>catalogs/3/3011A/
  241. J/ApJ/116/117==>catalogs/3/3013/ [See: ADS abstract]
  242. J/ApJ/104/234==>catalogs/3/3013/ [See: ADS abstract]
  243. J/ApJ/97/381==>catalogs/3/3013/ [See: ADS abstract]

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  Authors: James Gass & Gail Schneider
  Revised: Monday, 28-Mar-2005 14:30:08 EST