NHTSA - People Saving PeopleRegulatory Analysis



NHTSA has been analyzing the costs and benefits of its future rulemakings (proposed and final rules) since 1970.There have been several Executive Orders since 1978 that require the analysis of proposed and final regulations.Executive Order 12866 (1993) is the current order.A regulatory analysis is written for all proposed and final rules that have identifiable costs and/or benefits.These analyses identify the problem that is address by the proposed rule, the alternative countermeasures, and the costs and benefits of those alternative countermeasures.������


Different names have been given to regulatory analyses over the years.These include, for example, Preliminary Regulatory Evaluation (PRE), Final Regulatory Impact Analysis (FRIA), Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA).


�Preliminary� identifies an analysis that accompanies a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM).An NPRM is published for public comment before a final rule is issued.


�Final� identifies an analysis that accompanies a Final Rule.


The Regulatory Flexibility Act (1980) requires a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis when there is a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.In some cases, a regulatory analysis is accompanied by a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis.


To view the titles of the regulatory analyses, you may access them below by date that they were completed or by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Number/Part Number.All of the regulatory analyses have been entered in the NHTSA docket.Since 1999, they have been entered into the DOT docket and are available over the internet at http://dms.dot.gov/, where you can enter the docket number or keywords to search for the full text of the analysis.


*Regulatory Analyses by Date
*Regulatory Analyses by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Number/Part Number


For further information or to obtain a copy of any listed report, contact:


Linda Bernett, Plans and Policy, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NPP-20, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590

Email Lbernett@nhtsa.dot.gov

Phone (202) 366-1581

Fax (202) 366-2559