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Theft Notices & Recoveries-William Kingsland Collection

Some of the below works of art, recovered in 2006 from a New York City apartment after the death of its occupant William Kingsland, are believed to have been stolen during the 1960s and 1970s. If you have information on any of these works—or if you want to make a claim—contact Special Agent James Wynne at (718) 286-7302 or by e-mail at James.Wynne@ic.fbi.gov.

Gallery 3

Robert Henri
Abstract in Black and Red
Robert Henri
Portrait of a Woman
Robert Henri
Blind Man and Dog

Robert Henri
Figures in a Café
Robert Hulse
Nude Female Figure Seated
Jan Baptiste Huysman
Portrait of a Male Subject in Profile

Italian School, 16th Century
Figures at Battle Near a Large Boat
Follower of Jan Miel
Figures Resting in a Landscape
Matsumi (Mike) Kanemitsu
Yellow, Orange, Black 1960

Hugo Wilhelm Kauffmann
Man with a Green Hat and Weapon, 1886
Georges Paul Keroux
Landscape View: A Madame La Leoux

Circle of Sir Godfrey Kneller
Portrait of Edward Negas, Esq.

John Koch
Study for Jeff Asleep

William Langley
River Landscape with Cows
Circle of Nicholas de Largilliere
Portrait of a Lady in a Blue Silk Dress

Sidney Laufman
Road in the Woods
Marie Laurencin
Self Portrait
Alexandre-Louis Leloir
Portrait of an Exotic Beauty, 1899

Peter Lely
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell
Carlo Liverati
Portrait of a Male Subject (di Lucia)

Vincenzo Loria
Man with a Cart
Wilhelm Lowith
Portrait of a Man in Red
William Mason
Cottage Opposite Mainer's Asylum

Tamara Melcher
Study for Painting; Geometric Study in Yellow, Red, Orange

Francis Luis Mora
Seated Man in a Café with Man in the Distance

Giorgio Morandi
Natura Morta

Jerome Myers
Woman with Head Covering Seated in an Interior Setting
Bruce North
Sheep in the County Fair
Claes Oldenburg
Monument for Thames Estuary
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