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Signal Analysis Software - Automatic

This is a collection of Microsoft Windows graphical applications for analysis and processing of crash test data. These application can automatically connect over the internet to connect to NHTSA public crash test data and read/write NHTSA Database submissions files.

The Office of Research and Development is pleased to announce the release of the Automated Signal Analysis programs. The installation kit is a collection of the following programs. We look forward to your feedback.

  • Ankle Rotation: Facilitates the review and analysis of foot and ankle data from the Thor-LX and Thor-FLX instrumentation.

  • Load Cell Analysis: This application was developed to facilitate the review and analysis of crash test data collected in NHTSA's New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) full frontal barrier testing.

  • MHD Filter: This program was developed to facilitate the processing of raw data ATA's Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) angular rate sensors into NHTSA's database format.

  • Signal Browser: This is a general purpose plotting and analysis tool for the time series data stored in NHTSA's Vehicle, Biomechanics, and Component databases. The program facilitates plotting, filtering, and integration of the time series data. Both plots and data can be saved locally or copied to the windows clipboard.

  • Vehicle Checker: This program evaluates database submissions for the vehicle crash test database. It runs numerous checks for consistency, accuracy, and completeness of database submissions. The main intent is to check for common database coding errors.

  • Toe Pan Intrusion: This program displays a 3D surface plot of the pre and post test floorpan measurements. The driver and passenger floorpans are routinely measured and entered for offset crash tests.

  • Roof Crush: This application enables the review and analysis of FMVSS No. 216 test data. The program supports downloading and plotting a variety of deflection, force, and work/energy plots used to analyze FMVSS No. 216 results.

  • Injury Assessment Values: This program will examine the occupant / dummy type and the available data channels and determine an appropriate list of injury criteria. For each injury criteria, the signals will be downloaded and the injury measures will be computed. The program also computes additional injury measure details and can launch the appropriate signal analysis program to plot the time series data for the selected injury criteria.

  • Auto Injury Criteria: Auto Injury Criteria is intended to work with a series of similar tests and compute an injury criteria and the associated measures for a list of NHTSA tests. The injury measures are displayed in a grid fashion allowing quick comparison of the injury criteria, times, peaks, and other values relevant to the selected injury criteria and tests.

Automated Signal Analysis
    Date: 12/03/2008
    Version Number: 8.0.50727.42.
    File Size: 35.9 MB (37,655,930 bytes).

This is a self extracting zip file containing the Automated Signal Analysis Software. Create a temporary directory on your computer, download this file to that directory and extract the files. After files have been extracted run the "setup.exe" program. Simply follow the setup instructions. After the setup application has completed successfully, you can delete the temporary directory and any of the files it contains.

Software Support

Should you have difficulty with the installation kit or any of the applications included therein, please send postal mail to:

    U.S. Dept. of Transportation
    1200 New Jersey Ave SE
    Washington, DC 20590

    ATTN: Automated Signal Analysis

Check this website for announcements and updates to the program.

All reports to our technical support will receive a response within two (2) business days. Bug reports and usability issues will be prioritized above new feature requests.

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