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Part D Contacts

This page contains contact information for specific contacts at Part D sponsors.

Click on the contact list that best matches your information needs.  Please check back, as we will continue to update these resources regularly.


Automated TrOOP Balance Transfer Contract List (v12.16.08) [ZIP, 103KB]

Part D Pharmacy Contracting Contact List (v01.09.08) [ZIP, 475KB]

Plan Government Relations Contact List (v02.06.08) [ZIP, 212KB]

CMS Casework Contact List (v02.06.08) [ZIP, 150KB]

EOB Transfer Contact List (v02.06.08) [ZIP, 139KB]

Coordination of Benefits (COB) Transfer Contact List (v08.29.08) [ZIP, 96.8KB]

State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program Contacts [PDF, 28KB]

Appeals and Exceptions Contacts [ZIP, 180KB]

State Veterans Home Contact List [PDF, 50KB]

IMD/ICF Pharmacy Contact List [PDF, 100KB]
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Page Last Modified: 12/23/2008 3:42:15 PM
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