Conferences and Institutes

Evaluations / Transcripts

Attention past conference attendees! Click here to obtain conference transcripts of your attendance at recent NSTA conferences.

Session Evaluations and Tracking Conference Attendance

All attendees can now simultaneously evaluate sessions and track professional development certification (based on clock hours). The primary presenter of all concurrent sessions (teacher presentations and workshops) is required to check in on-site at the Presenters/Presiders/Evaluation Booth located in the NSTA Registration Area to pick up a packet of session evaluation forms for distribution to session participants. Packets will not be delivered to session rooms.

The session evaluation process is intended to serve a two-fold purpose:

  • To obtain a reasonable-sized sample pool (up to 50 people) to provide evaluation feedback directly to the presenters (as a professional development opportunity) and NSTA; and
  • To "activate" the conference transcript in order for conference participants to accumulate credit for their PD portfolios.

Attendees complete this short evaluation and deposit the form in the evaluation drop-off boxes located in the Convention Center. Attendees MUST enter their badge numbers accurately (up to seven digits) on the evaluation form to have their attendance at the session documented. Presenters may also complete evaluation forms for their own sessions in order to track professional development credit.

In some cases, the presenters may not have enough evaluation forms to go around. A Professional Development Documentation Form is included in the final program of all NSTA conferences so that attendees can keep a personal record of activities for which they do not receive an evaluation form, either because the presenter did not provide one or because an activity is not being evaluated. These activities can be added to one’s conference transcript at a later date. Such events include field trips, short courses, featured speakers, the General Session, meetings, and exhibit hall visits.

Approximately four weeks after the last day of the conference, an attendee can visit the NSTA website to access a transcript of his or her attendance at specific sessions and to document credit for other activities for which he/she did not submit an evaluation form (see above). Attendees should take care to track their own attendance at such events. The Professional Development Documentation Form is a helpful tool.

A transcript can be printed from and presented to an administrator who requires documentation of participation in the conference. All information in these transcripts will be maintained (and can be accessed) indefinitely as part of an attendee’s individual profile. Questions? Please contact Beverly Shaw, Conferences Administrator; phone: 703-312-9232; e-mail:
