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January 17, 2009
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House Bills - 110th Congress

Session I | arrow indicating current page Session II

H.R. 4450—The Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship Research and Quality of Life Act of 2007

On December 11, 2007, Representative Hilda Solis (D-CA) introduced H.R. 4450, the Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship Research and Quality of Life Act of 2007. NIH-related provisions include requirements for 1) the Director of NCI to expand cancer survivorship activities; 2) the Secretary, in consultation with the Director of NIH, to award grants to establish or improve training programs for health care professionals; and 3) the Director of NIH, in consultation with HRSA, to award grants to establish pilot programs to develop, study, or evaluate model systems for monitoring and caring for cancer survivors. H.R. 4450 was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The companion measure, S. 2877, was introduced by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Hillary Clinton (D-N), on April 17, 2008. The companion measure, S. 2877, was introduced by Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Hillary Clinton (D-N), on April 17, 2008.

Legislative Update (June 2008): Cancer Survivorship



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