Grant Deadlines

bullet Grant Deadlines Overview
 NLM grant deadlines are the same as those of other NIH Institutes and Centers, unless otherwise noted. Each program has 3 application deadlines per year.

bullet RFA Deadlines
 In addition to investigator-initiated grant programs, NLM also participates in Request for Applications (RFA) announcements. These RFAs have separate deadlines, as provided in each RFA.

Active RFAs with NLM participation

bullet For More Information
 NLM's grant programs listing
Grant submission, the review cycle, and all NIH grant deadlines

Receipt Cycle I Receipt Cycle II Receipt Cycle III Application Form to Use
Research Grants – R01
(Investigator-initiated basic and applied research)
February 5 June 5 October 5 Electronic SF424
Research Grants – R01
(Investigator-initiated basic and applied research)
renewal, resubmission, revision
March 5 July 5 November 5 Electronic SF424
Research Grants – R21
February 16 June 16 October 16 Electronic SF424
Research Grants – R21
renewal, resubmission, revision
March 16 July 16 November 16 Electronic SF424
Research Career Development – K99/R00
February 12 June 12 October 12 Electronic SF424
Research Career Development – K99/R00
renewal, resubmission, revision
March 12 July 12 November 12 Electronic SF424
Conference Grants – R13
new, renewal, resubmission, revision
April 12 August 12 December 12 Electronic SF424
Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) – R15
new, renewal, resubmission, revision
February 25 June 25 October 25 Electronic SF424
SBIR/STTR Grants – R43, R44, R41, R42
new, renewal, resubmission, revision
April 5 August 5 December 5 Electronic SF424
AIDS and AIDS-Related Grants
All mechanisms listed above
new, renewal, resubmission, revision
May 7 September 7 January 7 See particular mechanism
Research Grant Supplements (Diversity, Return to Career)
No set deadline
Paper PHS 398
Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health - G13
new, resubmission
February 2
Electronic SF424

Last reviewed: 24 December 2008
Last updated: 24 December 2008
First published: 20 November 2003
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed