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Classical WETA Opera House

Classical WETA Opera House

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Volunteers needed for pledge drive

We're looking for volunteers to answer phones for our February Classical WETA pledge drive (February 5-12). Sign up now »

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Programs & Features

Metropolitan Opera's Doctor Atomic on Classical WETA Opera House
Jens F. Laurson

Classical WETA Blog

Jens Laurson, "Critic At Large"

Jens Laurson offers his unique take on classical music recordings and performances.

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CD Cover Balsom

CD Pick of the Week

Haydn, Hummel, Torelli, Neruda: Trumpet Concertos

Discover Classical WETA's notable CD choice.

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Wu Han

Classical Conversations

Wu Han

Deb Lamberton talks with Pianist Wu Han about her new solo CD.

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Classical WETA 90.9 FM

is the exclusive classical music station in the nation's capital.

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Our partners

Congressional Classics

Congressional Classics

Bayer spotlights members of Congress and their favorite classical music.

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WETA Cultural Partners

Cultural Partners

Classical WETA thanks our cultural partners for their generous support.

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