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Meet mission team members and other Mars people who have contributed at the Mars Exploration Program People web page.

The mission team is made up of individuals from JPL, private industry, universities and international partner organizations. In addition to the numerous individuals making vital contributions, key team members include:

This image shows about 50 people standing and kneeling together as they pose outside in front of the tall Delta II rocket that perches toward the sky about 1/2 mile in the distance.  The sky is grey with total cloud coverage, and the rocket base blends in with the blue-grey clouds.  The top of the rocket and four visible rocket boosters on the bottom shine in white.  In between the people and the rocket stands a large, black steal scaffolding structure that looks somewhat like the Eiffel Tower, without the pointy peak.
MGS Team Pre-launch at Kennedy Space Center
Image credit: NASA/JPL/KSC
Program Executive: Mark Dahl

Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Project Manager: Thomas E. Thorpe
Mission Manager: Eugene Brower
Project Scientist Arden Albee
Project Resource Administration Brenda Holder
Mission Planning, Sequencing Maria Schellpfeffer
Navigation Pasquale Esposito
Deep Space Network Planning Wendy Casiano
Ground Data Systems Michael Tankenson
Mission Operations Assurance Grant Faris
Configuration Management Joy Bottenfield
Deep Space Management Operations Support Eugene Burke
Data Management John Swift
Payload Operations Jesse Glance
Project Secretary Merideth Fiore

Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Mission Operations Manager: Jim Neuman
Flight System Manager Dale Howell
Spacecraft Engineer Dean Espitallier
Operations Assurance Manager Chuck Love
Real Time Operations Kyle Martin
Spacecraft Test Lab Paul Travis
Attitude and Control Subsystem Dale Howell
Telecom Bill Adams
Flight Software N. Pence
Power S. Murraw
Thermal M. Griffin

Science Instrument Investigations:

MOC -- Malin Space Science Systems
Principal Investigator Michael Malin

MOLA -- Goddard Space Flight Center
Principal Investigator David Smith

TES -- Arizona State University
Principal Investigator Phil Christensen

MAGNETOMER -- Goddard Space Flight Center
Principal Investigator Mario Acuna

RADIO SCIENCE -- Stanford University
Team Lead Leonard Tyler

Communications Relay:

MARS RELAY SYSTEM -- CNSS (Nat'l Center for Study of Space)
Team Lead Jacques Blamont
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