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Screenshot from the animation: Animated Elevation Model of 'Victoria Crater' Animated Elevation Model of 'Victoria Crater'
- Release Date: September 11, 2006

After driving more than 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) from the site where it landed in January 2004, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity approached "Victoria Crater" in September 2006. The crater is about 750 meters (half a mile) across. That is about six times wider than "Endurance Crater," which Opportunity spent six months examining in 2004, and about 35 times wider than "Eagle Crater," where Opportunity first landed. The walls of Victoria hold the scientific allure of much taller stacks of geological layers -- providing the record of a longer span of the area's environmental history -- than Opportunity has been able to inspect on the Meridiani plains or at smaller craters.

This animation created by the U.S. Geological Survey uses a digital elevation model generated from computer analysis of three images taken by the Mars Orbiter Camera aboard NASA's Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. The vertical dimension is not exaggerated relative to the horizonal dimensions. The crater is about 70 meters (230 feet) deep.

The images used for providing the stereo information to calculate relative elevation were taken on Feb. 1, 2004, Feb. 15, 2004 and April 16, 2005. The animation begins and ends with the view looking from the northwest toward the southeast. Opportunity is approaching Victoria from the northwest.

Image credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/USGS

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AVI 20.5 MB   |   QuickTime 20.5 MB
Screenshot from the video 'Animation of Three Separate Mars Global Surveyor Orbits' Animation of Three Separate Mars Global Surveyor Orbits
- Release Date: November 23, 2005

Animation of three separate MGS orbits on 2005-04-14. The camera view is in the anti-Sun direction. Each animation covers one complete MGS orbit on that day. All times are UTC spacecraft event time (SCET).

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Starting 04:00 SCET QuickTime (3.7 MB)
Starting 14:00 SCET QuickTime (4.5 MB)
Starting 20:00 SCET QuickTime (4.7 MB)
Screenshot from the video 'Mars Global Surveyor Helps Track Changes On Mars' Mars Global Surveyor Helps Track Changes On Mars
- September 21, 2005

Recent Changes on Mars Seen by Mars Global Surveyor.

QuickTime (captioned) 8.7 MB
Screenshot from the 'Daytime Temperature' movie Daytime Temperature (April 9, 1999 - August 23, 2005)
- August 23, 2005

This movie shows the temperature of the surface of Mars as measured by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter.

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QuickTime 37.6 MB
Screenshot from the Spying Changes in Mars' South Polar Cap animated GIF Spying Changes in Mars' South Polar Cap
- July 13, 2005
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Animated GIF
Screenshot from the 'Atmospheric Dust Abundance' movie Atmospheric Dust Abundance (April 9, 1999 - August 31, 2004)
- August 31, 2004

The Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter has been tracking the weather on Mars for six years of mapping. This movie shows the abundance of dust in the martian atmosphere each day as determined by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer.

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QuickTime 26.6 MB
Screenshot from the Beta Supplement Animation Beta Supplement Animation
- March 3, 2000
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QuickTime 3.2 MB   |   MPEG 2.4 MB

Archived Animations of Mars Global Surveyor
Movements and Maneuvers Movements and Maneuvers
Mars Orbit Insertion Mars Orbit Insertion

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QuickTime - Large 9 MB   |   QuickTime - Medium 4 MB
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