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15 septiembre 2008

Recursos en Internet (en inglés)

Recursos electrónicos para encontrar información sobre terrorismo


U.S. Government

U.S. Air National Guard: Conflict 21's Center for Psychology of Terrorism Studies

The center identifies innovative ideas for research, leveraging of resources, and institutional changes needed to meet the challenges of homeland security and to combat terrorism.

U.S. Congress. Hearing on the Terrorist/Jihadist Use of the Internet for Strategic Communications

This hearing demonstrates how jihadists effectively use the Internet to communicate with disaffected or young moderate Muslims.

U.S. Department of State: Counterterrorism Office (S/CT)

This office leads a worldwide effort to combat terrorism using all the instruments of statecraft: diplomacy, economic power, intelligence, law enforcement, and military. S/CT provides foreign policy oversight and direction to all U.S. government international counterterrorism activities and is guided by the National Security Strategy and the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism.

Country Reports on Terrorism 2006

A major annual report from the U.S. Department of State Counterterrorism Office.

U.S. Department of State: International Information Programs: International Security: Response to Terrorism

This site links to news, electronic journals, photos, video segments, documents, fact sheets, and other electronic resources.

U.S. National Defense University: Military Policy Awareness Links—Terrorism: Terrorist Group Profiles

A group of links from the National Defense University that includes government and think-tank reports on terrorist leaders, ideology, and motivations.

U.S. Organizations

Center for Interdisciplinary Policy, Education, and Research on Terrorism (CIPERT)

CIPERT'S mission is to promote the scientific understanding of the causes and effects of political violence, especially terrorism, and to translate this understanding into effective policy, education, and research.

Counterterrorism Blog

This Web log features posts from former law enforcement officials and congressional staffers, as well as links to news stories and research reports.

Public Broadcasting System: Frontline—The Roots of Terror (Teacher's Guide)

This seminal television program produced a series of documentaries, all of which dealt with the roots of terrorism and the complex evolution of U.S. policy and Islamic fundamentalism. Frontline also developed an in-depth teachers' guide for use with the programs to meet a variety of instructional needs and to help students explore these intricate issues.

Terrorism Knowledge Base

The Terrorism Knowledge Base, a collaboration of government, nongovernmental organizations, and think tanks, covers the history, affiliations, locations, and tactics of terrorist groups operating across the world, with more than 35 years of terrorism incident data and hundreds of group and leader profiles and trials.

Academic Organizations

America's War Against Terrorism: Psychological Causes of Terrorism

The University of Michigan's mega Internet documents center provides U.S. foreign policy and government information about America's war against terrorism and its aftermath.

Combating Terrorism Center at West Point: Annotated Bibliography (en inglés) of Terrorism and Counterterrorism Research

Volume One:

Volume Two:

An annotated bibliography produced by faculty and researchers of the Combating Terrorism Center serves as an information resource for students, researchers, policy makers, teachers, the media, and the general public.

Kennedy School of Government: Undermining Terrorism

This portal captures key academic papers, reports, books, op-eds, and conferences on undermining terrorism.

The National Center on the Psychology of Terrorism (NCPT)

This center argues that psychology and psychological science is critical to understanding terrorism and to combating its consequences. It will join forces with CIPERT in the future.

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)

Based at the University of Maryland, START is tasked by the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate with using data from the social and behavioral sciences to improve understanding of the origins, dynamics, and social and psychological impacts of terrorism.

International Organizations

Center for Defense Information (CDI): Terrorism Project

CDI's Terrorism Project is designed to provide insights, in-depth analysis, and facts on the military, security, and foreign policy challenges of terrorism.

Institute for Counter-Terrorism

This think tank provides detailed profiles of terrorist organizations and brief reports on terrorist-related activities.

International Center for the Study of Terrorism

The center is built around a core of universities that use theories, methods, findings, and perspectives from a wide range of disciplines, including psychology and sociology, and apply them to studying terrorism and to developing effective means of responding to the threat of terrorism.

Middle East Media Research Institute: Islamist Websites Monitor Project

The Islamist Websites Monitor, which focuses on the major jihadi Web sites, will be regularly releasing translated news, analysis, and videos from these sites

El Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos no asume responsabilidad por el contenido o la disponibilidad de los recursos pertenecientes a las agencias u organizaciones indicadas arriba. Todos los enlaces en el Internet estaban activos en mayo de 2007.

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