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Administrative Leave/Excused Absence  |  Annual Leave  |  Compensatory Time
Conference/Convention Leave  |  Court Leave  |  Emergency Leave  |  Family Leave
Holiday Leave  |  Leave Without Pay  |  Parenting Leave  |  Religious Observance
Sabbatical Leave  |  Sick Leave  |  Miscellaneous

Administrative Leave/Excused Absence

  1. Providing “grace period” for excused absences without charge to leave for occasional, brief, and unavoidable tardiness in reporting for work. NLRB, Local 5, 2 FLRA 328, Article III, Section 5 [N]
  2. Agency to grant a certain amount of time only to union members for union training. NFFE, Local 951, 3 FLRA 884 [NN]
  3. Agency to grant administrative leave to attend legal education courses. NTEU, 6 FLRA 508, Proposal II [NN]
  4. Excusing National Guard technicians from their civilian technician duties for up to five days each time they are ordered to active duty in connection with state emergencies in the nature of natural disasters. Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc., Pennsylvania State Council, 7 FLRA 346, Provision 2 [N]
  5. Granting of administrative leave instead of annual leave for employees not working when agency operations are curtailed during the Christmas–New Year period. IFPTE, Local 174; AFGE, Local 2237; Federal Employees’ Metal Trades Council, Long Beach, CA, 7 FLRA 362 [N]
  6. If the President declares a regularly scheduled workday to be a non–workday (holiday), an employee who must report for duty on such a holiday would be granted a day of “administrative leave,” i.e., a day off with pay not charged to leave, in addition to compensation to which the employee would otherwise be entitled. IAFF, AFL–CIO, Local F–37, 9 FLRA 729 [NN]
  7. Agency to grant employees an amount of administrative leave equal to the number of days or hours they have been furloughed because of a delay by Congress in passing a supplemental appropriation. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of Field Labor Locals, 17 FLRA 122 [N]
  8. Granting of administrative leave when agency operations are curtailed over the Christmas holidays. NAGE, Local R14–62, 18 FLRA 307 [NN]. Remanded to Federal Labor Relations Authority in American Federation of Government Employees v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, No. 85-2098 (l0th Cir. 1986). On remand, NAGE, Local R14–62, 26 FLRA 59 [N]
  9. Agency to place employees on administrative leave during a period of partial closure of the installation. NAGE, Local R14–9, 18 FLRA 344 [NN]
  10. Agency to grant excused absence to employees when the activity is shut down due to circumstances beyond the agency’s control for short periods. NFFE, 21 FLRA 1105, Provision 4 [N]
  11. Administrative leave for employees who become sick during the third quarter of their work tour. AFGE, Local 2094, AFL–CIO, 22 FLRA 710, Proposal 7 [NN]
  12. Giving employees who return from rotational assignments a reasonable amount of administrative time to become familiar with all relevant job related materials. NTEU, 23 FLRA 273, Provision 5 [NN]
  13. One day’s administrative leave for bereavement purposes on the death of an immediate relative or dependent. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of SSA Field Operations Locals, 25 FLRA 622, Proposal 3 [NN]
  14. Early dismissal on school days due to extreme heat. Fort Knox Teachers Association, 27 FLRA 750, Proposal 2 [NN]
  15. Management to move employees to safe work sites or to grant them excused absences, should dangerous conditions arise at the work place. NFFE, Local 1994, 27 FLRA 968, Provision 3 [N]
  16. Management to release nurses from duty for up to 59 minutes for special circumstances with no charge to leave. Illinois Nurses’ Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 5, Article X, Section 7 [N]
  17. Employees to be given excused absence of 4 hours to recuperate from blood donations. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1815, 28 FLRA 1172, Provision 7, Article 17, Section 5 [NN]
  18. Requiring management to place employees on administrative leave for the brief period of curtailed operation. NAGE, Local R1–144, 29 FLRA 471, Proposal 1 (second disputed sentence) and Proposal 2 (first disputed sentence) [N]. Reversed in Navy v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, 854 F.2d 1 (1st Cir. 1988).
  19. Title 5 employees will receive 1 hour of administrative leave for each hour of compensatory time earned. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of Virginia Locals, 29 FLRA 515, Proposal 6, Article 27, Section 6(B) [NN]
  20. Employees who are prohibited by law or regulation from receiving overtime will receive administrative leave for those hours worked beyond their normal tour of duty. AFGE, AFL–CIO, National Council of Virginia Locals, 29 FLRA 515, Proposal 6, Article 27, Section 6(A) [N]
  21. Permitting excused absence for brief periods without loss of pay or charge to leave when various activities that are incidental to the employees' overseas employment cannot be accomplished outside the duty day. Overseas Education Association, Inc., 29 FLRA 734, Proposal 10, Article 20, Section 1 [N]
  22. Requiring approval of administrative leave for blood donations, adverse weather, unavoidable calamity, attendance at professional meetings, illnesses in family, and union conference. Fort Bragg Association of Educators, NEA, 30 FLRA 508, Proposal 23, Article 12, Section 3 [NN]
  23. Detailed employees would receive administrative leave to cover the difference in commuting time between regular and temporary duty stations. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 3232, 31 FLRA 355 [NN]
  24. Giving management the discretion to determine whether an employee can accept a teaching assignment that requires the employee to be released from work and to excuse the absence without charge to leave if the teaching assignment does not involve remuneration. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 15, Article 14(a), Section 1 [N]
  25. Supervisor may excuse tardiness and brief absences for acceptable reasons and may take certain actions when such absences are not excused. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 8, Article 14(a), Section 1 [NN]
  26. Officials authorized to approve leave may excuse absences for tardiness and for portion of a day. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 8, Article 14(a), Section 2 [N]
  27. Authorizing administrative leave for employees who undergo test by specialty or certification board in the medical field. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 2, Article 12 [NN]
  28. Granting of excused absences will be consistent with agency policy and lists examples of activities for which excused absences may be authorized. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 5, Article 14(a), Section 1 [N]
  29. The Chief Medical Director and facility directors or their designees are authorized to approve absences for employees who have been required to serve long hours in the care and treatment of patients. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 5, Article 14(a), Section 2 [N]
  30. Authorizing absences for employees who undergo various types of professional examinations. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 5, Article 14(a), Section 3 [NN]
  31. Authorizing administrative leave for employees in specific circumstances such as for medical examinations; medical treatment, examination for work related injury, appearance before Federal Boards, etc. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 5, Article 14(a), Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 [N]
  32. Administrative leave allowed for travel outside the continental U.S. will not exceed the time required for air travel. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 24, Article 30(a), Section 5B(2) [N]
  33. Employees will be granted military leave in accordance with title 5, United States Code, section 6323 and will be provided advice on leave benefits by the Personnel office upon request. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Article 14(a), Proposal 10 [N]
  34. Agency to grant administrative leave to employees who are reassigned as a result of a reduction in force to attend counseling. NTEU, 31 FLRA 566, Proposal 38.26, Section D [N]
  35. Allowing the granting of time up to 90 days or more for affected employees to complete a move to a new location. NTEU, 31 FLRA 566, Proposal 38.26, Section C [N]
  36. Agency to release employees from work, with pay and without–charge to leave, for service with the National Guard or Army Reserves. Independent Lettermen Hospital Workers’ Union, 32 FLRA 809 [N]
  37. Allowing duty time for a union representative to attend a funeral. AFGE, Local 2761, 32 FLRA 1006, Provision 4 [NN]
  38. Providing administrative excusal for employees attending motorcycle safety training during working hours. AFGE, Local 2298, 35 FLRA 591 [N]
  39. Requiring the agency, subject to budgetary limitations, to grant employees administrative leave during the “Christmas curtailment” and setting forth actions the agency would be required to take if budgetary limitations prevent it from granting employees administrative leave. Federal Employees Metal Trades Council of Charleston, 36 FLRA 401 [NN]
  40. Providing for grants of administrative leave to employees for the purpose of taking professional examinations. NTEU, 39 FLRA 27, Provision 5 [NN]
  41. Requiring the agency to grant up to 40 hours of administrative leave to employees to attend Boy or Girl Scout functions. AFGE, Local 2022, 40 FLRA 371, Proposal 2 [NN]
  42. Administrative leave for employees who are subject to an impending furlough is appropriate in order for them to inquire about other jobs or to apply for unemployment benefits. AFGE, National Veterans Administration Council, 41 FLRA 73, Proposals 1 and 2 [N]
  43. Requiring the agency to place employees affected by a holiday shutdown of the agency’s operations in November–December 1991 on administrative leave, rather than on annual leave. NFFE, Local 2119, 42 FLRA 993 [N]
  44. Requiring the agency to grant employee a day of administrative leave for each day the employee takes leave without pay, annual leave, or other leave during a shutdown. NAGE, Local R7–72, 42 FLRA 1019 [N]
  45. Providing for changing absence–without–leave to another type of leave, if it is later determined that the absence was excusable. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 19 [N]
  46. When the agency decides that an employee’s services are not needed on a particular day, the agency would be required to permit the employee to remain on duty or grant administrative leave. NAGE, 43 FLRA 414, Proposal 4 [N]. Reversed in Veterans Affairs v. Federal Labor Relations Authority, No. 92-1111 (D.C. Cir. 1993). Unpublished.
  47. Requiring the agency to credit employees with excused time for certain trips between their new and old offices. NTEU, 44 FLRA 293, Provision 1 [NN]
  48. Requiring the agency to grant employees certain excused time to perform proofreading. NTEU, 44 FLRA 293, Provision 2 [NN]
  49. Pertaining to the use of administrative leave concerning tardiness and voting. NAGE, Local R14–52, 44 FLRA 738, Provision 3, Sections (a) and (c) [N]
  50. Requiring the agency to grant administrative leave to bargaining unit employees whenever nonessential military personnel are granted such leave. NFFE, Local 3, 45 FLRA 805, Proposal 1 [NN]
  51. The agency will grant administrative leave to donate blood unless work demands leave no other reasonable alternatives to denial of such leave. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 10 [NN]
  52. The agency will grant employees meeting certain conditions administrative leave to take certain licensing examinations. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 11 [NN]
  53. Excused, paid absences during an employee’s administrative workweek will not reduce the amount of overtime pay to which an employee may be entitled. International Brotherhood of Police Officers, 47 FLRA 397, Proposal 3 [N]
  54. Supervisors should excuse certain absences without charge to leave. AFGE, Local 1345, 48 FLRA 168, Proposal 6 [N]
  55. Providing for 4 hours of administrative leave for blood donors. AFGE, Local 1345, 48 FLRA 168, Proposal 7 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  56. Seeking a retroactive grant of administrative leave for all employees who were required to work on December 24 and 31, 1991 when other employees were dismissed early. NFFE, Local 2119, 49 FLRA 151 [NN, GWR]
  57. Seeking administrative leave for employees who were on annual or sick leave on December 24 and 31, 1991 when other employees were dismissed early. NFFE, Local 2119, 49 FLRA 151 [N]
  58. Requiring the agency to grant employees excused absence to donate blood. NFFE, Local 1655, 49 FLRA 874 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  59. Management will provide reasonable amounts of administrative leave as necessary. AFGE, Local 2879, 49 FLRA 1074, Provision 1 [N]
  60. A proposal permitting certain employees to leave work following the dismissal of students on the Friday of conference week. National Education Association, Overseas Education Association, Laurel Bay Teachers Association, 51 FLRA 733, Provision 1 (last disputed sentence) [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  61. Granting administrative leave under certain circumstances. NTEU, 53 FLRA 539, Article 14, Section 12 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  62. Requiring management to provide employee blood donors with up to 4 hours of excused leave. AFGE, Local 1815, 53 FLRA 606, Provision 3 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  63. Entitling all bargaining unit employees up to three hours of administrative leave per week to participate voluntarily in a fitness program, if they meet certain medical and fitness criteria and if their workload permits. NTEU, 55 FLRA 1174, Provision 2, Article 13, Section 32C [N]
  64. Requiring the agency to grant administrative leave to employees to attend labor recognition programs sponsored by the union. AFGE, Local 12, 60 FLRA 533, Proposal 8 [N]

Annual Leave

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  1. Management may not deny annual leave as an act in lieu of discipline or in connection with discipline, the effect of which would be to prevent management from denying a request for annual leave during the days upon which a suspension would be effective. NTEU, 10 FLRA 405 [NN]
  2. Granting annual leave in lieu of sick leave and leave without pay in lieu of annual leave. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 2263, 15 FLRA 580, Proposal 4 [NN]
  3. Agency to make every conceivable attempt to avoid forcing any employee to take annual leave or leave without pay and to make every conceivable attempt to assign employees to available work for which qualified. AFGE, Local 2185, 23 FLRA 193, Proposal 1 [NN]
  4. Agency to grant employee requests for annual leave unless an emergency exists or work demands leave no other alternatives; and the agency to grant leave where there are other employees who want to work and who are otherwise qualified. AFGE, Local 2185, 23 FLRA 193, Proposal 3 [N]
  5. Management to use seniority in determining which employees may take annual leave when it is not possible to allow all who apply to take leave. NAGE, Local R4–75, 24 FLRA 56, Provision 1, Article XIV, Section 4 [N]
  6. Employee’s hours of accrued annual leave remain unchanged after a change of grade. NAGE, Local R7-23, 26 FLRA 916, Proposal 1 [N]
  7. Procedures for scheduling annual leave. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 2, Section 1(A) [N]
  8. Agency to make every effort to grant emergency annual leave. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 2, Section 1(B) [N]
  9. Preventing the agency from altering the annual leave schedules of employees who move within departments. NFFE, Local 1798, 27 FLRA 239, Proposal 2, Section 1(D) [NN]
  10. Resolving conflicts in chosen vacation periods according to service computation date. Illinois Nurses Association, 27 FLRA 714, Proposal 6, Article XV, Section 3 (sixth sentence) [N]
  11. Conflicts in chosen vacations to be resolved by the head nurse or coordinator. Illinois Nurses Association, 27 FLRA 714, Proposal 6, Article XV, Section 3 (fourth sentence) [NN]
  12. Prohibiting the agency from canceling its approval of annual leave, except in emergencies. NFFE, Local 1994, 27 FLRA 968, Provision 1, Article XII, Section 3(b) (sixth sentence) [NN]
  13. Providing an equitable procedure of granting annual leave according to seniority when there are scheduling conflicts. Illinois Nurses Association, 28 FLRA 212, Proposal 8, Article XII, Section 2 [N]
  14. Management to grant an employee’s request for annual leave unless compelling workload requirements prevent scheduling the leave over the period involved and which would deprive management of any discretion to deny an employee’s request for annual leave or leave without pay when the request is made for a particular reason––death in the employee’s immediate family. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 1815, 28 FLRA 1172, Provisions 5 and 6, Article 15, Sections 1 and 9 [NN]
  15. Technician employees will not be required to use annual leave or be placed in a leave without pay status in order to attend Military Education Program training. NAGE, SEIU, AFL–CIO, 29 FLRA 1231, Proposal 2 [NN]
  16. The maximum amount of accumulated vacation leave that may be carried over from one leave year to another is 240 hours, any amount in excess being forfeited except upon certification by the employer that an eligible employee has been denied the privilege to take vacation leave, in which case the employee will be paid cash in lieu of the vacation not taken. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 214, 29 FLRA 1587, Provision 4, Article XIII, Section 3 [N]
  17. Annual leave be used on certain days. Fort Bragg Association of Educators, NEA, 30 FLRA 508, Proposal 25, Section 5(a) [NN]
  18. Encouraging employees to plan vacations each year and requiring management to make every effort to accommodate the employees’ desires consistent with workload and staff needs. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 16, Article 14(a), Section 1 [N]
  19. Management to make a reasonable effort to honor an employee’s request to extend his or her vacation period by adding two scheduled days off both before and after the vacation leave. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 16, Article 14(a), Section 2 [N]
  20. Prohibiting the agency from canceling approved annua11eave, except for emergencies. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 1 [N]
  21. Establishing the minimum charge for annual leave for various types of employees. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 2 [N]
  22. Setting forth the procedure for requesting annua1 1eave. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 3 [N]
  23. Providing for the advancement of annua1 1eave. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 4 [N]
  24. Addressing the use of annual leave when such leave coincides with travel while in a duty status. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 5 [N]
  25. Addressing accrual and use of annual leave by career residents. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 36, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 7 [N]
  26. Outlining the minimum charge and method of charge of annual leave for full–time physicians, dentists, podiatrists and optometrists. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 8 [N]
  27. Concerning the disposition of leave on transfer, separation or retirement. NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 3, Article 14(a), Section 9 [N]
  28. Agency to notify employees of the potential for forfeiting annual leave and to assist them in scheduling their use of annual leave so that they will not forfeit such leave. Veterans NFFE, Council of Veterans Administration Locals, 31 FLRA 360, Proposal 13, Article 14(a) [N]
  29. During periods when activities are curtailed temporarily, management will attempt to provide available work to employees lacking annual leave. Federal Employee Metal Trades Council of Charleston, AFL–CIO, 33 FLRA 618 [NN]
  30. Prohibiting management from requiring employees to schedule or use annual leave unless the employees are in danger of losing accrued leave at the end of the year. IAM, 33 FLRA 711, Proposal 5 [NN]
  31. Granting of leave without pay and prohibiting the consideration of an employee’s current annual or sick leave balances in deciding whether to approve the request. IAM, 33 FLRA 711, Proposal 6 [N]
  32. Requiring the approval of requests for annual leave in some circumstances. AFGE, Local 2024, 37 FLRA 249, Proposal 1, Article 14, Section 5 [NN]
  33. When unused leave is restored to a leave donor, the servicing personnel office shall round the amount of leave down to the nearest quarter hour. NTEU, 39 FLRA 740, Provision 2, Article 55, Section 2M3(a)(3) [N]
  34. Granting of annual leave will not be restricted in cases where employees may forfeit leave. AFGE, Local 1513, 41 FLRA 589 [NN]
  35. The agency will attempt to place employees subject to forced annual leave into other areas of need within the shipyard. Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, 42 FLRA 845, Proposal 2 [N]
  36. Management to make every effort to keep employees who have no annual leave on duty to perform work during periods of temporary shutdown or reduced operations. AFGE, AFL–CIO, Local 53, 42 FLRA 938, Provision 3 [N]
  37. Requiring the agency to give employees the option of using annual leave or other paid leave in lieu of leave without pay during a shutdown due to lack of production or to promote production efficiency. NAGE, Local R7–72, 42 FLRA 1019, Proposal 1 (first sentence) [N]
  38. Employees’ annual leave requests will be routinely granted. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 12, Article 14, Section 1b (first sentence) [NN]
  39. Requiring that the agency accommodate employees’ requests that annual leave be advanced before it is earned whenever possible. NFFE, Local 405, 42 FLRA 1112, Proposal 12, Article 14, Section 1b (second sentence) [NN]
  40. Concerning the granting of annual leave. NTEU, 45 FLRA 339, Provisions 15, 16, and 18 [NN]
  41. Concerning the granting of annual leave or leave without pay to union officers for attendance at union–sponsored conventions and meetings. NTEU, 45 FLRA 339, Provision 17 [NN]
  42. Placing restrictions on management’s right to determine when annual leave and leave–without–pay may be used. NTEU, 45 FLRA 696, Provision 5 [NN]
  43. When the agency will approve annual leave requests. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 5 [NN]
  44. Requiring the agency to consider certain matters in acting on requests for advanced annual leave. NTEU, 46 FLRA 696, Provision 6 [N]
  45. Supervisors will routinely grant annual leave unless there are compelling work requirements related to the agency’ mission. AFGE, Local 1345, 48 FLRA 168, Proposal 4 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  46. Requiring the agency to grant up to 6 weeks' advanced annual leave, unless precluded by compelling mission–related requirements. AFGE, Local 1345, 48 FLRA 168, Proposal 5 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  47. Establishing a cap on the number of employees who will be permitted to be on annual leave. AFGE, Local 3369, 49 FLRA 793, Proposals 1–4 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]
  48. Requiring management to provide each employee with at least 2 consecutive weeks of annual leave. AFGE, Local 1815, 53 FLRA 606, Provision 2 [NN, (a)(2)(B)]

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