Insights for Executives
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has established firm milestones that all Executive Branch Agencies eliminate paper OPFs by October 2012. EHRI offers proven, cost-effective solutions to ease an Agency’s transition to electronic OPFs (eOPFs) and improve workforce planning with insightful analysis and reporting capabilities. All solutions are fully compliant with OPM and Federally mandated HR employee record management regulations.
The process of moving from a paper based system to electronic records management can be a daunting one, especially given scarce resources. The EHRI PMO has the expertise and established best practices to maximize Agency results while minimizing negative impacts. For example, we know that bringing your IT team into the process as early as possible will ensure that resources are allocated and prioritized appropriately.
EHRI Benefits for Agency Executives Include:
- Enterprise-wide workforce visibility by enabling departments with multiple HR systems to have visibility of their entire workforce
- Improved workforce management by providing access to personnel data across the Federal Government to facilitate analysis/planning for hiring, skills development, retention strategies, and forecasting employee movements to ensure qualified personnel are in place
- Cost savings by reducing document storage, maintenance, and retrieval costs as well as copying, filing, faxing, and mailing requirements (estimated cost avoidance per folder is $44)
- Retirement Systems Modernization (RSM) support by serving as the primary interface for RSM for active employee data
- Enhanced security via a multi-level secure environment with document access that is restricted to a need-to-know basis, as well as a comprehensive audit trail for all activity
- Continuity of operations and disaster recovery with offsite electronic record storage capabilities and backed-up data safeguarding against theft, fire, flood, and other damage to paper folders
- Better accessibility through immediate and secure Web-based access to folders, simplifying daily procedures, eliminating delays, supporting remote workers, and facilitating interagency collaboration
- Improved employee satisfaction via self-service, 24/7 Web access to key personnel information