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Astronaut Video Contest
NASA's 7th Annual
Virtual Take Our Daughters To Work Day

NASA invites you to meet the women who have changed the way the world works and helped create the American Spirit. In anticipation of the Centennial of Flight celebrations, this year's events will focus on the many accomplishments women have made to the NASA legacy and their contributions to flight, aeronautics and space.

image of astronaut

Thursday, April 25, 2002
View the archived events from the day!

Astronaut Video Contest

From April 22 - April 25

Directions: View the three videos of our astronauts - Eileen Collins, Shannon Lucid, and Susan Helms. Then answer the questions below. If you get the answers correct the first letter from each correct answer will be one of the letters you need to unscramble to answer the final question.

1. Who comes to NASA Ames twice each year to train in the Virtual Motion Simulator?

6 letters

2. What word does Johnson Space Center use to refer to the ISS when they are communicating?

5 letters

3. Where did the interview with Susan Helms take place?

5 letters

4. What space shuttle did Shannon Lucid return on from her remarkable journey?

8 letters

5. What language did both Susan Helms and Shannon Lucid master that helped overcome the barriers that might have existed on the ISS?

7 letters

6. Which female astronaut has logged the most hours in orbit?

5 letters

7. What does Susan Helms say you will do if you try your hardest?

7 letters

8. What did Eileen Collins say that she never was during her missions?

7 letters

9. What word describes the countries involved in the Space Station?

13 letters

10. What did all three astronauts do at the Johnson Space Center?

5 letters

11. What type of mind do all three astronauts have?

11 letters

12. What keeps the shuttle from burning up upon reentry into earth' s atmosphere?

10 letters

Now take the first letter from each of your answers and unscramble them to make a thirteen (13) letter word that signifies this day.

Send your final answer to Astronaut Video Contest and make sure you enter the words "Astronaut Video Contest" in the subject line of your email.
( You must include a parent contact for us to receive permission from in order for you to participate in this contest.)

Winner will be announced April 25th at 3:00 p.m. PT on the web site.

We will draw a name from the correct submissions and you will receive a bundle of cool NASA prizes - a calendar, posters, autographed photographs, a cap, space food, and more!


Questions and comments about this event and other Women of NASA events can be sent to: tkrieg@quest.arc.nasa.gov


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