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Future Flight Contest
NASA's 7th Annual
Virtual Take Our Daughters To Work Day

NASA invites you to meet the women who have changed the way the world works and helped create the American Spirit. In anticipation of the Centennial of Flight celebrations, this year's events will focus on the many accomplishments women have made to the NASA legacy and their contributions to flight, aeronautics and space.

image of astronaut

Thursday, April 25, 2002
View the archived events from the day!

Future Flight Contest

From April 22 - April 25 Thinking ahead to a hundred years from now, we invite you to submit your idea for what flight will be like in the future. How will aircraft be designed? Where will we be able to fly? What changes in technologies will have evolved? Five winners will receive a Blackbird First Flight poster, autographed by Lou Schalk, the first man to fly the Blackbird!


Your entry may be submitted in a variety of mediums. It could be a descriptive paragraph about your idea, a drawing or scanned image of an actual prototype, a diagram, or it might be a dream that you hope could materialize but you cannot quite describe how to develop it.

The winner will be selected based on

  • creativity,
  • feasability,
  • presentation,
  • articulation,
  • inventive ideas,
  • vision
Remember what has taken shape in the past hundred years and think to the future!

Send your idea to NASA Future Flight Contest
You must put Future Flight Contest in the subject line of your entry
( You must include a parent contact for us to receive permission from in order for you to participate in this contest.)

Winner will be announced April 25th at 3:00 p.m. PT.

The winning entries will be featured on our Web site and will receive the Blackbird First Flight poster, autographed by Lou Schalk, the first man to fly the Blackbird!


Questions and comments about this event and other Women of NASA events can be sent to: tkrieg@mail.arc.nasa.gov



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