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E-Training: Products & Services

Go to to learn about a community of practice tool that allows the Federal Government Learning Community to share knowledge and ideas, understand the services provided by the Human Resources Development Service Providers Consortium, which is the service delivery arm for learning and human capital systems, and discover numerous Federal Learning links and resources to agency learning and management systems, and the IT Roadmap.  The information below provides additional details about the Service Providers’ offerings and the Compliance Training Library (CTL).

Defense Acquisition University (DAU)

  • Operates out of Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Delivers formal training, workplace consulting, targeted and rapid deployment training, and online knowledge to the DOD Acquisition, Technology and Logistics community

Target Audience: Defense Acquisition Workforce


  • Originally developed for the Intelligence community
  • Focused on global organizations requiring heightened security precautions
  • Recognized as a preferred provider for agencies requiring heightened security precautions in their e-Learning and blended learning environments
  • Provides over 3,500 off-the-shelf courses online, distant learning, custom course development, online references, certification training and consulting and support services from a consortium of industry-leading learning companies

Target Audience: Highly Secured Government Personnel
POC: Joan Waller, Technical Director, 410-854-7110,
Joe Piazza, Business Manager, 202-262-4453,
Charles Keith, Assistant Business Manager, 703-598-6179,

Foreign Service Institute (FSI):

  • Acts as the Federal Government’s training institution for U.S. foreign affairs training. FSI’s 500 plus courses, include instruction and testing in more than 70 foreign languages, provides training and professional development for the foreign affairs community including Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Foreign Service Nationals and locally engaged staff of all agencies engaged in foreign affairs issues, domestically and abroad
  • Provides mandatory training for individuals of all agencies going overseas and serving at Embassies and Missions under the authority of the Chief of Mission

Target Audience: Foreign Affairs Community
POC: Catherine J. Russell, FSI Executive Director, 703-302-6729,
Dr. Thomas McMahon, Information Resources Manager,


  • Serves 23 scorecard agency clients (and many other federal agencies) with access to 50 industry-leading vendors in the areas of Competency Management, Performance Management, Training Content, Learning Management Systems (LMS/ LCMS), Change Management, Integration Support, Online Degrees, Staffing and more
  • Provides all the services an agency needs to implement Human Capital Management, from planning, contracting and implementation, to on-going operation and support
  • Operates out of the Office of Personnel Management

Target Audience: Executive Branch and Civilian Agencies
POC: Scott Wortman, Director, GoLearn Program, 202-606-8160,

National Technical Information Service (NTIS):

  • Serves our nation as the largest central resource and repository for Government-funded scientific, technical, engineering, and business related information. NTIS also offers a wide range of customized e-Training services to Government agencies
  • Established partnerships with leading industry e-Training and Knowledge Management firms
  • Provides complete e-Training and Knowledge Management solutions tailored to accomplish the objectives of the agency

Target Audience: Federal Employees
POC:Patricia Gresham, Sr. Program Manager,

The HRD Compliance Training Library (CTL):  The CTL marks a new day in the management of governmentwide learning content assets.  CTL is a library of 12 courses (initially) developed specifically to meet government training mandates.  For each course, the entity responsible for compliance under the law has supplied a subject matter expert (SME) to review the course content, thus ensuring that learners receive the knowledge necessary to comply with the law.  For example, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has supplied an SME to review the No Fear Act course.  The Office of Governmental Ethics (OGE) has done the same for the Conflict of Interest courses.

The CTL uses government Intellectual Property (IP), which is then developed and maintained by a professional courseware vendor to optimize the learner experience. Each course includes an engaging and dynamic user interface, quizzes, a test, vocabulary and other resources that enhance the learning experience.  Learners can access CTL courses via an agency’s enterprise LMS,, or directly from the vendor’s content server.

The HRD CTL is professionally designed and centrally maintained.  The learning experience is engaging and up-to-date. Most importantly, the courseware content has been reviewed by an SME from the agency responsible for the training under the law. Agencies that use the CTL are assured that their employees are receiving knowledge exactly as the law intends.