Advantages for HR Specialists
Human Resources specialists seek greater efficiency, flexibility, and security in managing HR records. EHRI’s eOPF solution increases productivity and efficiency, and frees HR staff to work directly with the Federal employee to solve issues and answer questions. Specifically, EHRI eOPF and Analysis & Reporting help Agencies:
- Reduce re-work caused by inaccurate or missing personnel data/folders
- Enable more efficient, accurate workforce planning and human capital management
- Eliminate oversight of employee review of personnel folders
- Enhance accuracy, portability and security of personnel records
- Provide Immediate access to employee data for a geographically dispersed workforce
An Agency may grant access to eOPF for all employees to view their personnel data, which increases employee awareness and accountability. Additionally, eOPF facilitates the electronic filing of SF-50 data and automates employee notification of actions through email alerts. Highly innovative and specialized software enables eOPF to move beyond a document management tool, to an asset for process automation. Several agencies have leveraged eOPF underlying technology to automate approval processes and document removal, further improving HR Specialists’ ability to perform job functions quickly and effectively.
While these benefits are compelling, HR specialists may want to learn more about the conversion process. Read the answers to frequently asked questions about EHRI eOPF.