Jobs - Internships
Opportunity to change the world through a GRN internship.

Texas Campaign Organizer

Gulf Restoration Network’s Texas Campaign organizer will work to plan, develop and implement regional campaigns focused primarily on ending overfishing and advancing ecosystem fisheries management in the Gulf of Mexico. Key elements include:... Full details.

Working as an intern at GRN gives you hands-on experience in the non-profit world. Whether you are grassroots organizing, doing research, building our communications strategy, or analyzing policy, you'll be having a real impact on protecting and restoring the natural resources of the Gulf of Mexico. And, saving the world!

To apply, send your resume and cover letter to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Deadline has been extended to January 16, 2009.

Students United for a Healthy Gulf Leadership Conference in New Orleans will be January 23-25, 2009. The training weekend is required for interns and open to student leaders throughout the Gulf.

GRN Campaign Leaders : Through grassroots outreach, media work, direct pressure, and network building, Campaign Leaders address environmental issues in their local Gulf community by working on the most locally relevant GRN campaigns.

Media and Communications Intern : Help GRN get spread our message of conservation and sustainability by earning and creating media. Plus, help us keep track of all the media hits we are getting!

New Media and Internet Organizing Intern: Use your web and multimedia skills to increase the GRN's visibility and presence on the internet, and use on-line tools, like Democracy In Action, to further engage GRN e-activists. View full internship description.

Oil and Gas Accountability Campaign Intern : Oil and gas companies are responsible for 40 to 60% of Louisiana's wetlands loss, and they are currently raking in record profits. Help GRN hold them accountable and make them pay their fair share for wetlands restoration.

Save Our Cypress Grassroots Organizing Intern : The Save Our Cypress Campaign is hiring interns to engage volunteers and organize events to put pressure on Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowe's to stop selling cypress mulch. Whole coastal wetland forests are being destroyed to make mulch and fill corporate coffers. It's time they stopped. For more information, view the full internship description .

Musicians Outreach Intern
: No coast, no music. The musical traditions are one of the many valuable things at stake as we lose our wetlands in Louisiana. Help conduct outreach to recruit musicians to participate in GRN efforts to save the coast, and help organize our efforts at the 2009 Voodoo Music Experience.

Healthy Waters Intern
: Despite the essential roles water and wetlands play in our lives, local and regional water bodies remain at risk. The Healthy Waters intern will work with program staff to educate and empower community members to advocate for improved water quality and wetland protection.

Healthy Fisheries Intern: The Gulf of Mexico is the source for 25% of America's domestic wild seafood catch. Unfortunately, bad fisheries management means that many of our favorite species are threatened. Most importantly, forage fish that make up the base of the ecosystem are being harvested in unregulated amounts. You can help design and implement the campaign to stop it.

Natural Storm Defenses Intern: In Louisiana, protecting our wetlands is protecting ourselves. Wetlands are important natural storm protection for the region, and restoring the coast will take a national commitment. The natural storm defense intern will participate in the Defend the Coast, Defend Ourselves campaign to build a national constituency in support of America's wetland.

Global Warming Intern: The Gulf Coast is ground zero for the effects of climate change, and global warming will have a significant impact on the water resources of the Gulf. This internship will focus on aiding the development of the Gulf Restoration Network's new stop global warming campaign.

For any questions about the Gulf Restoration Network Internship Programs, please contact Collin Thomas, Campus Organizer, at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or 504-525-1528 ext 200.

Positions will be filled on a rolling basis.

Take Action - Online - Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Take Action on Global Warming in the Gulf of Mexico
Corporate Low-Down Depot Mart Cartoon