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Our Work

Protecting Wetlands in the Gulf 

Marsh south of New Orleans     (c) GRN

The GRN works to protect wetlands from reckless development, destructive logging practices, and harmful U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects and policies.  The Gulf of Mexico has lost approximately 50% of its historic wetlands, and those remaining are under increasing threat. 

Wetlands loss often leads to declining water quality, a loss of habitat for wildlife and commercial fisheries species, and increased vulnerability to hurricanes and floods for coastal communities. By fighting destructive Army Corps of Engineers projects, reviewing permit applications to destroy wetlands, advocating for coastal restoration, and providing technical assistance to citizen groups, the GRN is working hard to protect Gulf wetlands. 



Take Action - Online - Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration
Take Action on Global Warming in the Gulf of Mexico
Corporate Low-Down Depot Mart Cartoon