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Home arrow Customer Service arrow Fire Hydrant Meter Program arrow Alternative Fire Hydrant Permit
Online Application for Alternative Fire Hydrant Permit PDF Print E-mail

For further information about the Fire Hydrant Meter Program please contact us by phone at 768-3647, by email at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or by mail at the address at the bottom of this page.

Applicants desiring to use an alternative (non-green-top) hydrant must submit this completed form with the permit application stating the reason(s) for needing to use the alternative hydrant. Water Utility staff will review such requests on a case by case basis, and a decision shall be issued within three (3) business days of receiving the request. Any permit issued for an alternative hydrant will be limited to that hydrant requested only. Under no circumstances shall a permit be issued for more than one alternative hydrant.

Application for Alternative Fire Hydrant Permit Form
1. Applicant Information
Entity / Company Name: Required
Physical Street Address: Required
City: Required
State: Required
Zip Code: Required
Phone: Required
Alternate Phone / Pager:
Company Owner: Required
Email Address: Required
Billing Address:
Billing City: Required
Billing State: Required
Billing Zip: Required
NM Contractors
License Number

Federal Tax I.D. Number Required
2. Service Information
Reason(s) for needing an Alternative Hydrant Location:
Requested Location of Alternative Hydrant:
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 31 July 2008 )

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Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103
Phone: (505) 768-2500 | Fax: (505) 768-2580 | Email:

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority