Ash Institute Ash Institute

Local government faces critical challenges
Falling revenues make it impossible to address increasingly complex public problems, and looming national crises in infrastructure, pensions, and healthcare will exacerbate the situation. This website, an ongoing initiative of Professor Stephen Goldsmith, provides network solutions for a city, state, or region.

From January 13–15, join Stephen Goldsmith and other experts as they talk about the best approaches to infrastructure spending and successful stimulus. NewTalk will host this interactive, online discussion.

Stephen Goldsmith advocates for prudent privatization, observing that political rhetoric often overshadows careful analysis in the privatization debate. Management Insights. January 14, 2009.

Stephen Goldsmith discusses the "Ascension of an Innovator," and asks if the president-elect's choice to lead HUD can teach a tough bureaucracy how to say yes. Management Insights. December 17, 2008.

"Volunteers for National Service Desperately Needed." With Senator Harris Wofford. The Miami Herald. December 3, 2008. Go to for more information on how to get involved.

"Next Generation Government: Redesigning Government to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century." Stephen Goldsmith and William Eggers convened the country's leading thinkers on government reform and implementers of major government transformations. The result was a roadmap to help guide the incoming administration's government-wide reform efforts. October 6, 2008.

America's Innovative Leaders: Stephen Goldsmith discusses how St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman is growing his city's middle class while tackling the mortgage crisis. October 6, 2008.

Feather O'Connor Houstoun writes that budget deficits create an imperative and opportunity to identify and streamline duplicative programs. Management Insights. January 7, 2009.

Frank Fairbanks writes that slashing spending offers opportunities for positive change. Management Insights. December 10, 2008

Babak Armajani explains how embracing workers' resistance to change is actually essential to making change happen. And, the need for organizational change is more urgent than ever during this time of fiscal crisis. Management Insights. December 3, 2008.

William Eggers and Tiffany Dovey examine the inauguration of Government 2.0 and what the Obama campaign taught us about collaboration. Management Insights. November 19, 2008.

The Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns launch the first Mayors Institute. Stephen Goldsmith, former mayor of Indianapolis, is a featured speaker. November 3, 2008.

The Innovations in American Government Program recognizes excellence and creativity in the public sector, serving as a catalyst for continued progress in addressing the nation’s most pressing public concerns. More >>>

The Government Innovators Network is an online marketplace of government innovation. More >>>

Louise K. Comfort on "Cities at Risk: Hurricane Katrina and the Drowning of New Orleans." Urban Affairs Review. Vol. 41, No. 4 (March 2006) 501-516.

Ronald Ferguson on "Low Wage America: The working-poverty trap." Public Interest. Vol.158 (Winter 2005) 71-82.

Marvin H. Kosters on "Low Wage America: Up from the bottom ring." Public Interest. Vol.158 (Winter 2005) 83-95.