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Trustees and Consolidation: Doubtful Savings, Real Costs

ImageThe coming Indiana legislative session will be historic in that it takes up the founding structure of government itself. Legislation will be introduced that would meld the township functions into a uniform structure governed solely by County officials — an idea that promoters would like you to believe is a simple matter of efficiency.


2009 Conferences

ImageConvention & Legislative Conference - February 1-4, 2009 - Indianapolis Hyatt


On behalf of the Board of Directors, we invite you to attend the 2008 Legislative Conference & Convention at the Hyatt Regency, February 1-4.


Township Government will continue to face challenges this year throughout the state. As in the past, expect these challenges to come from within the state legislature with broad sweeping “help” from every major newspaper.


The ONLY way township government will survive and thrive is if individual trustees, like you, join in the effort to educate the officials in Indianapolis. The ITA Legislative Conference will provide the tools you need to effectively lobby your legislators at the Statehouse. This will be the perfect opportunity to voice your comments and concerns to your lawmakers.


The agenda will include a reception to which all 150 state legislators are invited and full day to lobby the Statehouse Rallying the statehouse is an effective way to be noticed by lawmakers – IF WE HAVE ENOUGH PARTICIPANTS. Do your part in preserving township government: democracy and grassroots government.


Registration is required and details can be found in the registration packet below. 


2009 Legislative Conference & Convention Registration Packet

2008 Awards Presentation

The Indiana Township Association, on November 19th, presented their annual awards during the ITA Educational Conference. Nominations are received each year by the Awards Committee (Steve Anderson, Chair) and that committee is comprised of previous winners of the “Harold ‘Gene’ Stofer” Trustee of the Year. This year’s winners were:



Editorial Response to Inquiries Regarding the Kernan-Shepard Commission Report

Township trustees provide vital services to the citizens of Indiana effectively and efficiently. Providing these services on a countywide basis, which has been recommended by the Kernan-Shepard Commission, would not result in any savings to taxpayers and would make it more difficult for Hoosiers to obtain the assistance that they need.



Townships rally support for keeping government local

Townships in Elkhart, Kosciusko and St. Joseph counties have recently held public rallies in order to inform the public of the potential legislation in support of the recommendations from the Kernan-Shepard commission.


Included in the Kernan-Shepard Report, titled Streamlining Local Government, is the recommendation to eliminate township government and move all duties to the County Executive. The recommendations call for a County Executive to replace the current county commissioners.

Why join the ITA?
For Educational Opportunities


The Indiana Township Association is the ONLY township association that provides educational opportunities for elected township officials and their employees. The ITA has educational conferences, hosts a web site, prints publications, and holds area meetings.


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