- Used to purify stored water (6 letters)
- A place to go during a tornado (8
- Used to help a roof withstand high winds (2
words, 14 letters)
- Tag you are ___ (2 letters)
- The number of hurricane categories (4 letters)
- Hurricanes can form in the Caribbean ___ (3
- What you do in a swimming pool (4 letters)
- The opposite of girls (4 letters)
- Another word for soil (4 letters)
- In a drought, plants will ___ (4
- It's important to ___ for disasters (7 letters)
- Apple or cherry (3 letters)
- In wildfire areas, create a safe ___ around your house (4
- The American ___ Cross (3 letters)
- State where earthquakes happen (10 letters)
- Families should have a disaster supply ___ (3
- A kind of snake (3 letters)
- A hurricane can cause a storm ___ of ocean water (5
- You may need to stay in this if you must evacuate (7
- The natural disaster with the strongest winds (7
- Like a mouse, but bigger (3 letters)
- You should have a flash___ in your house (5 letters)
- Used in a BBQ (8 letters)
- The first meal of the day (9 letters)
- Snow will eventually do this (4 letters)
- Pack a suitcase to go on a ___ (4 letters)
- A place in the middle of the country where tornadoes occur
frequently is called Tornado ___ (5 letters)
- Where you should be during an earthquake or tornado (6 letters)
- A bride wears this on her head (4 letters)
- A polite term for a man (3 letters)
- A severe snow storm (8 letters)
- Your house should have a smoke ___ (8 letters)
- If you must evacuate, be sure to take your ___ (3 letters)
- The abbreviation for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (4 letters)
- The title of the person who can 'declare' a national disaster (9
- The bottom of your ear (4 letters)
- Floods that happen quickly are called ___ floods (5 letters)
- The most important thing to store in case of emergency
(5 letters)
- It's good to know how to administer ___ aid (5 letters)
- A light in the night sky (4 letters)
- The opposite of bad (4 letters)
- The center of a hurricane (3 letters)
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