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What Special Steps Has the FBI Taken to Address Terrorist Threats This Summer?


Graphic of the Counterterrorism Division SealIt's a question we've been asked a lot. Why? It's no secret. As Director Mueller said recently, "This summer and fall our nation will celebrate a number of events that serve as powerful symbols of our free and democratic society. Unfortunately, the same events that fill most of us with hope and pride are seen by terrorists as prime vehicles for sowing fear and chaos."

Special steps:

Beyond the 24/7 readiness of our Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs), staffed with federal, state, and local law enforcement and intelligence members, in coordination with the National JTTF at FBIHQ...beyond the 24/7 coordination of international and domestic threat information...beyond daily intelligence gathering, analysis, and sharing by our Field Intelligence Groups in our 56 field offices...beyond the readiness of our 48 Legal Attaché offices overseas, we are doing the following:

  • We have established the 2004 Threat Task Force, made up of FBI, Homeland Security, and Intelligence Community personnel to focus on these specific threats and to coordinate intelligence, analysis, and operations.
  • Our analysts at FBIHQ and in every field office are reviewing previously collected intelligence to determine if clarity can be added based on new information.
  • We have identified potential gaps in our available intelligence and tasked our JTTFs and our partners in state and local law enforcement to collect specific information that will help close them.
  • We are working with private industry to identify possible threats.
  • As part of our efforts to resolve outstanding intelligence questions, we may interview some individuals--and here's where we need your help and understanding.

"We need the support of the American people," as Director Mueller has said many times. First, to cooperate if you're called upon, as agents will be reaching out to many across the nation to help gather information and intelligence. Second, to be aware of your surroundings and report anything suspicious.

Do you have information that might help us? Please report it--either to your nearest FBI field office or law enforcement agency. Or, if you are located overseas, your closest FBI Legal Attaché office in U.S. Embassies. Or, through our Submit a Tip site.

Many thanks...and we wish you safe and happy summer holidays.

Links: FBI Counterterrorism | Most Wanted Terrorists | Seeking Terrorist Information

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