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Robert Mueller Addresses FBI Leadership and Initiatives


Photograph of FBI Director Robert S. Mueller IIIOn 4/14, following the testimony of FBI Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence executive John Pistole on "Preventing Future Attacks inside the United States", Director Mueller and Intelligence Executive Maureen Baginski specifically responded to 9/11 Commission members on the FBI's Leadership in detecting and preventing terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

We urge you to read both statements and, if possible, all the testimony given at the 9/11 Commission's 10th Public Hearing on Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community. It's a lot of reading, but it concerns nothing less than the future safety of the United States.

Highlights of Director Mueller's testimony include:

  • a description of asymmetrical and diverse threats to the U.S. that use criminal networks to advance terrorist plans.
  • the need for fused intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to predict and prevent terrorist attacks.
  • the need for an integrated law enforcement/intelligence "task force" network, at home and abroad and on the community level, to detect and defeat terrorist plans.
  • an overview of the FBI's 7-point plan to protect the homeland against attack.
  • the importance of protecting Americans against attack in strict compliance with the Constitution and the rule of law.

Director Mueller's conclusion? "The men and women of the FBI have embraced and implemented these counterterrorism and intelligence reforms, while continuing to shoulder the responsibility to protect America. And, they have carried out the pressing mandate to prevent further terrorism, while continuing to work in strict fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law."

Links: Read the Director's full testimony. Read the full report on The FBI's Counterterrorism Program Since September 2001. Go to the 9/11 Commission's web site to review all the testimony from Public Hearing 10.

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