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Innocence Lost National Initiative

Innocence lost national initiative, FBI, America's Children Are Not For Sale, Fifth Anniversary
In June 2003, the FBI in conjunction with the Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children launched the Innocence Lost National Initiative. Their combined efforts were aimed at addressing the growing problem of domestic sex trafficking of children in the United States.

In the five years since its inception, the Initiative has resulted in the development of 24 dedicated task forces and working groups throughout the U.S. involving federal, state and local law enforcement agencies working in tandem with U.S. Attorney's Offices.

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Statistics (as of October 2008)
Founded: June 2003
Children Recovered: 577
Seizures: Over $3 million
Convictions: 365
Task Forces & Working Groups: 28
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National Center for Missing & Exploited ChildrenReport a Sighting
NCMEC Resources
• Innocence Lost
• Prevention Strategies

• Success stories
• Laws
• Victim Resources
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FBI Resources:

• Crimes Against Children
• Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Teams
• Fugitives: Crimes Against Children
• National/State Sex Offender Registry
• Innocent Images
• Parent's Guide to Internet Safety

To date, these groups have worked successfully to rescue over 575 children. Investigations have successfully led to the conviction of more than 300 pimps, madams, and their associates who exploit children through prostitution. These convictions have resulted in lengthy sentences including multiple 25-year-to-life sentences and the seizure of real property, vehicles, and monetary assets.

Major Cases
• 47 Children Rescued in Operation Cross Country II | Press Release | Video
• 389 Arrested in Operation Cross Country
| Background | Press Release
• National Crackdown IDs 30 Child Victims (12/05)
• More Cases