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The Mission
Orbiter Update
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Mission Timeline
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bullet Cruise
bullet Mars Orbit Insertion
bullet Aerobraking
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bullet Communications Relay
bullet End of Mission
Communications With Earth
Mission Timeline
horizontal line

This image shows the tail end of an enormous jumbo jet that is wide open from the back, and 10 people are standing to the sides as a white cargo container with logos of NASA, JPL, and Mars Global Surveyor is rolling out the back of the plane.  The black night sky in the background is electrified with a surprising white lightning streak blazing in a squiggling arc around the C-17.  The lightning turns the sky a deep purple in a haze around the shark-looking tail of the plane.
Pre-launch: Spacecraft Arrival at Kennedy Space Center
Image credit: NASA/JPL/KSC

The phases of the mission include:

Pre-launch Activities Preparation for the mission, including assembly and testing, and delivery to Cape Canaveral
Launch Lift-off from Earth
Cruise Voyage through space to Mars
Mars Orbit Insertion Capturing the spacecraft into orbit around Mars
Aerobraking Slowing down in the martian atmosphere and settling into a lower, circular orbit for science-data collecting
Science Operations Gathering information about Mars through the day-to-day activities of the orbiter
Communications Relay Using the orbiter to communicate with other landed missions
End of Mission  
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration