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Natural Defenses
thumb_natural-def-marsh-grassland.jpgThe Hurricane Season of 2005 has shown how vulnerable Gulf coastal communities are to the devastating impacts of ever-stronger storms. We have seen how the continued destruction of our natural barriers, such as coastal wetlands and barrier islands, takes away nature’s ability to reduce the strength and impact of hurricanes.

Our barrier islands, coastal wetlands and marshes must be protected and enhanced.

Katrina damaged home in the Lower 9th.
Katrina damaged home.

As impacted areas rebuild, decision-makers and planners must protect and enhance the natural barriers that help protect our communities. It is estimated that for every 3.4 miles of healthy coastal wetlands a storm surge must travel over, the surge is diminished by one foot. Coastal cypress swamps are thought to be even more effective in minimizing storm surge. Additionally, levees fronted by wetlands and coastal forests are thought to have held up far better than those fronted by open-water.

This documentary short lays out the scientific and legal rationale for oil and gas companies to put some of their record profits into fixing their legacy of coastal destruction in Louisiana.

Created by filmmaker Walter Williams, this concise and compelling film is worth watching by all who are concerned about the long-term sustainability of New Orleans and Louisiana's coastal communities.

No time to watch it now?  Take it with you.mp4 (right click: Save as)

To learn more about our efforts to increase the protection of our natural hurricane defenses, select a specific issue listed to the left.

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