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The NASA Administrator established the NASA Advisory Council (the “Council”). Having determined that it is in the public interest in connection with the performance of Agency duties under the law, and with the concurrence of the General Services Administration, the NASA Administrator hereby renews and amends the Council’s Charter, pursuant to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App.


  1. The Council shall draw on the expertise of its members and other sources to provide advice and make recommendations to the NASA Administrator on Agency programs, policies, plans, financial controls, and other matters pertinent to the Agency’s responsibilities.
  2. The Council shall function solely as an advisory body and comply fully with the provisions of the FACA.
  3. The Council reports to the NASA Administrator.


  1. The NASA Administrator shall establish the following Council committees:
    • Exploration Committee.
    • Science Committee.
    • Aeronautics Committee.
    • Human Capital Committee.
    • Audit and Finance Committee.
    • Space Operations Committee.

  2. In addition to exploration matters, the Exploration Committee will include astronautics and biomedical matters within its purview. In addition to science matters, the Science Committee will include planetary protection matters within its purview. In addition to human capital matters, the Human Capital Committee will include minority business, public outreach, and educational matters within its purview.
  3. Council committees may be established or discontinued at the discretion of the NASA Administrator. No formal amendment(s) to this Charter will be required to effect such change(s).
  4. Council committees shall be comprised of the members of the Council.
  5. The Council shall deliberate the recommendations received from the committees. The Council may endorse recommendations and forward them to the NASA Administrator, or provide any comments or suggestions on the recommendations back to the committees.
  6. The NASA Administrator, in consultation with the Council Chair, may establish subcommittees and community-wide analysis groups under the committees, as necessary. The terms of reference for subcommittees and analysis groups shall be subject to the approval of the Administrator. Members of subcommittees shall be appointed by the Administrator and may include noncommittee members. The subcommittees shall report back to the committees.
  7. The NASA Administrator, in consultation with the Council Chair, may establish temporary ad hoc task forces under the Council, as necessary. The terms of reference for task forces shall be subject to the approval of the Administrator. Task force chairs shall be members of the Council. Members of task forces shall be appointed by the Administrator, and may include non-Council members. The task forces shall report back to the Council.


  1. The Council shall consist of members to be appointed by the NASA Administrator. The Administrator shall ensure a balanced representation in terms of the points of view represented and the functions to be performed. Each member serves at the pleasure of the Administrator.
  2. The Council shall consist of approximately 25-35 members who will serve as Special Government Employees for a two-year term, renewable at the discretion of the NASA Administrator.
  3. The NASA Administrator shall designate the chair of the Council.
  4. The Council shall be comprised of the chair, the committee chairs, and the committee members.
  5. The chairs of the National Research Council’s Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board shall be ex officio, nonvoting members of the Council.


  1. The Council shall usually meet four times a year or as required by the NASA Administrator. Meetings shall be open to the public unless it is determined that the meeting, or a portion of the meeting, will be closed in accordance with the Government in the Sunshine Act, or that the meeting is not covered by FACA.
  2. The Executive Director of the Council shall be appointed by the NASA Administrator and shall serve as the Designated Federal Official (DFO). The DFO must be either a fulltime or a permanent part-time employee, who must: call, attend, and adjourn committee meetings; approve agendas; maintain required records on costs and membership; ensure efficient operations; maintain records for availability to the public; and provide copies of committee reports to the Committee Management Officer for forwarding to the Library of Congress.
  3. The Office of External Relations shall provide staff support and operating funds for the Council and is responsible for fulfilling the reporting requirements of section 6(b) of FACA.
  4. The estimated annual operating cost totals approximately $750,000, including 2.0 workyears for staff support.


This charter shall become effective upon the filing of this charter with the appropriate U.S. Senate and House of Representative oversight committees. It shall terminate two years from the date of the filing of this charter unless renewed or terminated earlier by the NASA Administrator.

Michael D Griffin
NASA Administrator
September 5, 2008


PDF Version of signed Charter
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NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Editor: Marla King
NASA Official: Marguerite Broadwell
Last Updated: September 11, 2008
Dec September 11, 2008
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