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Memorial Day 2003 Message from Secretary Martinez

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Throughout the world, America is known as the land of liberty - where every man and woman can enjoy the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, and the inalienable rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. But we must never forget that we live in 'the land of the free' because America also is 'the home of the brave.' On Memorial Day, we pause to pay tribute to the members of America's military services who gave their lives in service to our nation.

[Photo 1: Picture of Secretary Martinez with the American flag in the background]
From its beginning, Memorial Day has been a time of remembrance and healing, a day to pay tribute to the sacrifice made by so many of our fellow Americans to protect the liberties we enjoy today. In their own way, Americans across the nation will pause to pay respect to the soldiers who died defending the United States: families will hold reunions and gather together to honor the memories of their loved ones, and from our largest cities to our smallest towns, Main Streets will be transformed by colorful parades to celebrate local heroes.

[Photo 2: The American flag and the POW-MIA flag rise on top of the HUD building]
The Department of Housing and Urban Development flies both the American flag and the POW-MIA flag, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, because we owe a debt of honor to America's military veterans. Especially on the 2003 Memorial Day weekend, these flags are symbols of the esteem we have for the men and women who died in war - from the beginning of our nation's history - to protect our nation and defend the right of all men to live in freedom. Through them, every American has the opportunity to live the American Dream.

From Valley Forge to Normandy, from Vietnam to Afghanistan and the Middle East, American men and women have given their lives in service to their country. Because of them, America is more than ever an example for the world, forever striving to reach the ideals that define us as a nation.

As Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, I join President Bush in asking you to remember, honor, and pray for these defenders of democracy who served and died for our country. May our lives and our love of country forever reflect the nobility of their sacrifice.

Content current as of May 22, 2003   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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