A Message From The Chief Judge

For over twenty years, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has operated a court mediation and settlement program. During that time, experienced and skilled circuit mediators have worked cooperatively with attorneys and their clients to resolve a varietyof disputes. The disputes mediated range from the most basic contract and tort actions to the most complex cases involving important issues of public policy. The mediators have even successfully resolved death penalty cases. No case is too big or too small for mediation in the court's program.

The court offers this service, at no cost, because it helps resolve disputes quickly and efficiently and can often provide a more satisfactory result than can be achieved through continued litigation. Each year the mediation program facilitates the resolution of hundreds of appeals.

The judges of the Ninth Circuit are extremely proud of the professional work of the nine circuit mediators, all of whom are full-time employees of the court. They are highly experienced and qualified attorneys from a variety of practices and have extensive training and experience in negotiation, appellate mediation, and Ninth Circuit practice and procedure.

Although the mediators are court employees, they are well shielded from the rest of the court's operations. The court has enacted strict confidentiality rules and practices; all who participate in one of the court's mediations may be assured that what goes on in mediation stays in mediation.

Experience has shown that counsel and litigants will find professional, efficient and effective mediation services from the court's highly regarded Circuit Mediation Office.

Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge