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Advent Christian Villiage

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Advent Christian Village (ACV) was the first retirement community in the State of Florida. Originally founded as an orphanage in 1913, the founders recommended that it also serve as a home for retired ministers and missionaries. The first retiree took up residence in July 1914, officially establishing the home for retirees.

Through its 94-year history, ACV has developed in many ways, and is now home to over 800 residents. In the 1980's two HUD buildings were erected to serve lower income senior adults. Desiring to build a continuum of care, administrators sought ways to assist frail residents with limited resources who were not yet ready for nursing home care. ACV faced several challenges in bringing the necessary services to its residents, largely due to its rural location.

In 1993, the CHSP grant was awarded to Dowling Park Home, Inc and Dowling
Park Apartments, Inc., and the program has continued ever since. The grant offers home care, meals, medical transportation, housekeeping, and case management to the residents who qualify. Advent Christian Village, through its benevolent fund, contributes at least 50% of the funds to meet the costs of these services.

There are currently 31 residents being served by the program. Through the grant, participants receive services that help them to remain in their apartments, when they would otherwise have to move to a higher level of care. It has also allowed some to return to their apartments following stays in assisted living and skilled nursing facilities.

Advent Christian Village
P.O. Box 4307
Dowling Park, FL 32064

[Photo: Ed & Ricki Hickel]
Ed & Ricki Hickel: "The increased cost of living
overcame our ability to pay, so we are now assisted
by CHSP, without which there seems to be no way to
buy both food and medications. We are grateful!"

[Photo: Jack Briggs]
Jack Briggs: "I held a job for 43 years with Post Polio
Syndrome, and now I really appreciate getting the help
I need to survive a little longer just to smell the roses."

[Photo: Emma Lewis]
Emma Lewis: "Without the services that CHSP covers, many,
including myself, would be in dire straits just attempting to survive.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"


Content current as of 1 July 2008   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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