GLOBE U.S. Partners
University of Arizona (joined GLOBE on Avril 07, 1998)

The University of Arizona will undertake responsibility for recruiting GLOBE schools, training GLOBE teachers and mentoring GLOBE students throughout the Southwest region of the United States.

U.S. Partner Coordinator

Jim Washburne
Assistant Associate Professor
Department of Hydrology & Water Resources
University of Arizona
549b Marshall Bldg
P.O. Box 210158b
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
Telephone : (520) 626-4107
Fax : (520) 626-7770
Email :

Training Point-of-Contact

Dr. James Washburne
University of Arizona
549b Marshall Bldg
PO Box 210158b
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
Telephone : (520) 626-4107
Fax : (520) 626-4479
Email :

Further Information

Partner Homepage :

Partnership Affiliates :

  • Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ
  • Pima County Natural Resources, Parks & Recreation, Tucson, AZ

    Status of the GLOBE Program at University of Arizona (Last Updated 1999)

  • See all schools in Arizona

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