GLOBE U.S. Partners
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (joined GLOBE on Avril 17, 1997)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will continue our work with GLOBE to ensure that schools in our service area have the opportunity to participate in the GLOBE Program and reap the benefits of enhancing students' environmental awareness and contributing to the scientific understanding of the Earth's environment. We plan on working primarily with schools and K-16 teachers in commuting distance of Chapel Hill, NC. We have an on-going relationship with more than 15 school districts, and shall work primarily with them.

U.S. Partner Coordinator

Dr. Patricia Shane
Associate Director
Center for Mathematics and Science Education
School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus Box #3500,
309 Peabody Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500
Telephone : (919) 966-3092
Fax : (919) 962-0588
Email :

Training Point-of-Contact

Dr. Patricia Shane
Associate Director
Center for Mathematics and Science Education
School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus Box #3500,
309 Peabody Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500
Telephone : (919) 966-3092
Fax : (919) 962-0588
Email :

Further Information

Partner Homepage :

Status of the GLOBE Program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Last Updated 1999)

See all schools in North Carolina

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