GLOBE U.S. Partners
College of St. Catherine (joined GLOBE on Janvier 01, 2005)

We believe that GLOBE fits with our broad organizational goals by serving our pre-service education students and education alumnae, as well as science majors in the college. We have identified several goals for our GLOBE partnership, which are: 1.)integrating GLOBE as a foundational part of a new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) minor we will develop for education students; 2.)integrating GLOBE into various science courses for specific majors as well as science courses for non-majors; and 3.)eventually offering GLOBE training to our education alumnae.

Initially, our thrust will be working with primarily pre-service education students and secondarily science students. Later, we plan to work with schools and teachers primarily in Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota. We are creating a STEM minor which will have GLOBE as an integral part of this new program. In addition, we are developing an ongoing recruitment effort to encourage students to complete this new minor.

U.S. Partner Coordinator

Tony P. Murphy, PhD.
Associate Dean
Education Department, Mendel 315B
College of St. Catherine
2004 Randolph Ave, #4032
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Telephone : (651) 690-8877
Fax : (651) 690-8651
Email :

Training Point-of-Contact

Lori Maxfield
Associate Professor
College of St. Catherine
2004 Randolph Ave, #F13
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Telephone : (651) 690-8898
Fax : (651) 690-8651
Email :

Further Information

Partner Homepage :

Status of the GLOBE Program at College of St. Catherine (Last Updated 2007)

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