GLOBE U.S. Partners
University of Missouri - Kansas City (joined GLOBE on Mars 29, 2005)

The UMKC GLOBE partnership is an initiative of the Department of Geosciences, University of Missouri of Kansas City and directed by Dr. Jimmy Adegoke. The primary goal of our partnership to increase the number of urban students majoring in geoscience fields by providing a pipeline from K-12 to college through content and pedagogic workshops for teachers and direct mentoring of students. Through various summer professional development workshops for teachers and school year follow-up activities, we are working to improve science achievement through the use of more effective instructional strategies that draw upon the vast resources of the GLOBE program. The long term goals of our GLOBE partnership are to continue providing an engaging, rigorous and inquiry driven learning environment for urban students in the six-county Kansas City metro area by implementing carefully targeted and challenging professional development programs for teachers.

U.S. Partner Coordinator

Dr. Jimmy Adegoke
Associate Professor
Dept. of Geosciences
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Missouri - Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
420 Robert Flarsheim Hall
Kansas City, MO 64110
Telephone : (816) 235-2978
Fax : (816) 235-5535
Email :

Training Point-of-Contact

Dr. Jimmy Adegoke
Associate Professor
Dept. of Geosciences
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Missouri - Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
420 Robert Flarsheim Hall
Kansas City, MO 64110
Telephone : (816) 235-2978
Fax : (816) 235-5535
Email :

Further Information

Partner Homepage :

Partnership Affiliates :

  • Betty Paulsell, Kansas City, MO
  • Dr. Ollie Bogdon, Kansas City, MO
  • Joan Leavens, Kansas City, MO

  • See all schools in Missouri

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