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Sec. 682.100 Use of Drug-Contaminated Products in Animal Feed (CPG 7126.28)


We have been requested to permit use of penicillin-contaminated nonfat dry milk in the manufacture of animal feed.


We would consider the use of penicillin- contaminated nonfat dry milk as an ingredient in a non-medicated feed as a violation of the FD&C Act.

A product contaminated with a drug, but otherwise suitable for use as an ingredient in a feed, may not be used indiscriminately in a feed. Use of such a drug-contaminated product as a feed ingredient would be allowed only in a feed which contains that specific drug at therapeutic or sub-therapeutic (growth-promotion) levels. The drug-contaminated product may then be used to contribute to the feed an amount of drug up to the level approved for the feed.

Issued: 10/1/80