

One of the central activities of the Binational Center is to provide stakeholder outreach and education along the U.S.-Mexico Border region.  The community outreach goals are to increase public awareness of the risks associated with common occurring contaminants in the Border region (e.g. arsenic and heavy metals) and to provide information and assistance for remedial measures.  Some activities include:

  • Coordination of Nacozari and Cananea, Sonora, Mexico community meetings
  • Participation in Unified Community Advisory Board meetings in Arizona
  • Involvement in U.S. EPA Arizona/Sonora Border 2012 Waste and Enforcement Task Force Meetings
  • Creation of information sheets targeting Mexican and Border residents

Links to Outreach Projects:

Dr. James A. Field makes a presentation regarding the Binational Center at US State Department meeting in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico.  Photo provided by Denise Moreno.

Outreach materials available in Spanish and English. Please click on links to download.

U.S.- Mexico Binational Center
The University of Arizona
1703 East Mabel Street
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0207
P: 520-626-9049
F: 520-626-2466


Funded in part by:

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