[U.S. Food 
and Drug Administration]

Alternatives to High-Sodium Foods

If you find yourself continually eating more than 100 percent of the Daily Value for sodium each day, consider these lower sodium alternatives. For labeled items, check the %Daily Value for sodium; try to select foods that provide 5 percent or less per serving.

Instead of:                             Eat:

smoked, cured, salted, and canned             unsalted fresh or frozen beef,
meat, fish and poultry                        lamb, pork, fish, and poultry

regular hard and processed                    low-sodium cheese, low- 
cheese, regular peanut butter                 sodium peanut butter

crackers with salted tops                     unsalted crackers

regular canned and dehydrated                 low-sodium canned soups,
soups, broths and bouillons                   broths and bouillons

regular canned vegetables                     fresh and frozen vegetables and
                                              low-sodium canned vegetables

salted snack foods                            unsalted tortilla chips, pretzels,
                                              potato chips, and popcorn