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From The President

Bill McCool, President

October 2, 2008


We owe a huge thank you to Team Louisville, Jeff Apperson. and all the staff in the Western District of Kentucky, for hosting a very successful annual conference. The educational program was exceptional and offered something for everyone. The social events were wonderful, and the hospitality in Lousiville was memorable. On behalf of all FCCA members, we are most grateful to have attended the conference and spent time in Louisville.

It is time to renew your membership to FCCA. Our membership drive started in July and runs through October, although we continually pick new members and others who renew throughout the year. Last year we had over 1,450 members, our highest figure since 2003. We thank all of you who have renewed, or plan to, and we encourage you to talk with your colleagues about the benefits of FCCA

There is another side, however, to being a member. Many of us are old enough to recall the inspiring words of President John F. Kennedy during his inaugural address in January, 1961– “...And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man”. President Kennedy was calling upon all Americans to work together to make the country, and the world, a better place. I would call upon you, as FCCA members, to do the same, and make FCCA a better organization. Ask not what FCCA can do for you, but what you can do for FCCA. Together, we can make FCCA better for all our members.

What does this mean? As President I call upon you to volunteer your time to help sign up new members, to encourage others to read our Journal, and our monthly updates of events in the Judiciary. I ask you to come to our conferences and meet your colleagues, and join in the exceptional education and fellowship. I ask you to participate in one of our many standing or ad hoc committees. As FCCA members, we have the responsibility to give back, and I ask you to do so.

We are very proud of our efforts, in conjunction with our colleagues with the National Conference of Bankruptcy Clerks, The Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association, and the Federal Judicial Secretaries Association, on the FERS Sick Leave Initiative. The House of Representatives acted favorably on our bill, and upgraded the proposed benefit to mirror the benefit of CSRS employees. We will continue to pursue viable opportunities to improve compensation and benefits for our members.

Thanks for all you do. We hope to see you next Summer in Detroit at our 2009 Annual Conference.

Take care.


Bill McCool
FCCA President

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The Journal - Spring 2008

NOTICE OF CORRECTION - Spring Journal 2008

Link - FCCA 2008 Conference - Louisville, KY


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