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We are the Iowa Farm Bureau.

In 1914, a group of farmers realized that they could function better through an organization of their own. This organization was later to be known as the Clinton County Farm Bureau. Soon, other counties realized the value of farm and farmer support and quickly formed similar organizations. Charter members included farmers, teachers, bankers, lawyers, merchants, local commercial club leaders, chambers of commerce officials, real estate brokers, coal operators, stock buyers and editors. These men and women created Farm Bureau because they wanted to help agriculture assume its place in a stable economy.

Four years later, a group of 72 counties, representing all farm interests came together in Marshalltown on a cold, snowy December day. They gathered because they realized that there is strength in unity – that there was power in joining together with a common vision and purpose to achieve tremendous results while providing Farm Bureau members with a variety of unique and beneficial benefits.

On Dec. 27, 1918, the Iowa Farm Bureau was born.

While much has changed since then, one thing hasn’t: the character of Farm Bureau and its more than 153,000-member families – a character rooted in timeless values like hard work, love of community, a passion for the land and a belief rooted in faith and family.

Farm Bureau is a unique and highly successful organization because it’s in business to serve members. The organization’s services, programs and benefits are developed based on the causes, concerns and needs important to members based on their beliefs and values – from leadership development, savings on preventative health care services and farm marketing seminars to programs to help young farmers thrive and prosper (for a complete list of member services, click here).

By reflecting the values of Iowans and its members and holding true to its mission of helping farm families prosper and improving their quality of life, Farm Bureau continues to grow stronger. Membership continues to grow, proof that Farm Bureau is offering the kind of programs and service that Iowans have come to expect and value.

Individually, each Iowan’s effort is important. But when we put our efforts together, we can make amazing things happen for Iowa. The Iowa Farm Bureau has been proving this for nearly a century. And we will continue this spirit of cooperation for the century ahead.

We will continue to support and speak out for Iowa farmers and their families.

We will continue to champion our youth and everything that they have to offer Iowa’s future.

We will continue to support and provide communities with the resources they need to be better places to live and work.

We will strive to keep health and wellness programs affordable for all Iowans.

And we will continue to promote the rural heritage that is Iowa.

We are the Iowa Farm Bureau. We are the people, progress and pride within all of Iowa


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