
Paying Your Bill

water bill

Paying Your Bill

Learn about our various bill payment methods here.

Water Emergencies

water emergencies

Water Emergencies

Call the field office at (505) 857-8250
24 hours a day to report an emergency.

Home arrow Important Links arrow Customer Feedback
Customer Requests and Feedback PDF Print E-mail

Your Water Authority encourages you to provide us feedback on the service that we provide. We also will be happy to answer specific questions or concerns you have regarding your account. Please fill out the form below, and a Customer Service Representative will be in contact with you. Remember to include your email address!

If this request is a water emergency, please call (505) 857-8250.

Common Requests

This is a list of some common requests and forms. If you can see what you want in this list, click to go straight to that form.


Feedback Form
Question, Comment,
Complaint, or Request:

Your Name: Required
Your Email: Required
Your 10 Digit Account Number:
Your Address:
Your Zip Code:
Daytime Phone Number:
To prevent spam, please type
exactly the letters that you see:
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 February 2008 )

Employees | Disclaimer | Contact Us & Feedback
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103
Phone: (505) 768-2500 | Fax: (505) 768-2580 | Email:

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority