Archive list

International Perspective Requirement Courses

Comprehensive list of courses approved since 1996 for the International Perspectives Requirement

(3 credits, except where noted) View IP courses offered from the current catalog

A   B  C  D  E   F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

A E 388X (C E 388X, M E 388X, E E 388X) Sustainable Engineering and International Development (Approved FSCC 3/22/2005)

A Ecl 455 International Wildlife Issues (approved by FSCC 10-18-99)
A Ecl 496/596A Animal Ecology Travel Course (approved by FSCC 04-23-2002) (not offered after Summer 2003)

AESHM 421 Global Leadership: Maximizing Human Potential (formerly FCEdS )

Af Am 310 (Hist 310) Introduction to African History I (not offered after summer 2003)
Af Am 311 (Hist 311) Introduction to African History II (not offered after summer 2003)
Af Am 325 (Anthr 325) People and Cultures of Africa

AgEdS 496 Agricultural Travel Course (approved FSCC 12-8-97)
AgEdS 561 Agriculural and Extension Education in Developing Countries (approved FSCC 9-16-2002)
AgEds 597X (Agron 597X, Anthr 597X, FS HN 597X, SusAg 597X) Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems (approved FSCC 11/1/2001)

Agron 342 (Env S 342, FS HN 342, T SC 342, U ST 342) World Food Issues: Past and Present

Agron 406 (EnSci 406, Mteor 406) Climate of the Continents (approved FSCC 3-8-2006)
Agron 446 World Agronomic Systems (approved FSCC 3-2-2000)
Agron 450 (Env S 450) Issues in Sustainable Agriculture (2 cr.)
Agron 460/560 (For 460/560) Agroforestry Systems
Agron 496A (An S 496A) Agricultural Travel Course (0.5 cr./week traveled)
Agron 597X (AgEds 597X, Anthr 597X, FS HN 597X, SusAg 597X) Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems (approved FSCC 11/1/2001)

Am In 323 (Anthr 323) Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
Am In 380/580 (Art H 380/580, Dsn S 380/580) North American Indian Art (not offered after summer 2005)

An S 496A (Agron 496A) Agricultural Travel Course (0.5 cr./week traveled)

Anthr 201 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Anthr 230 Globalization and the Human Condition (2003-2005 catalog)
Anthr 230 Third World Cultures in Global Perspective (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Anthr 230X Third World Cultures in Global Perspective (approved FSCC 2/3/00) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 250 Contemporary Muslim Societies (approved FSCC 11/28/05)
Anthr 306 Comparative Studies of World Cultures
Anthr 309 (Ling 309) Linguistic Anthropology
Anthr 311/511 Cultural Change and Applied Anthropology (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 313/513 The Family and Kinship in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Anthr 317 Art, Objects, and Culture (Approved FSCC 01-20-2000) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 323/523 (Am In 323) Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
Anthr 325/525 (Af Am 325) Peoples and Cultures of Africa
Anthr 326/526 Peoples and Cultures of East and Southeast Asia
Anthr 327/527 People and Cultures of South Asia (2005-2007 catalog)
Anthr 327X/527X Peoples and Cultures of South Asia (approved FSCC 4-16-2001) (not offered after summer 2005)
Anthr 335 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (approved as 335X FSCC 11-01-1999)
Anthr 337 Andean Archaeology
Anthr 337X Andean Archaeology (approved FSCC 01-20-2000) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 339/539 Medical Anthropology (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 340/540 (Relig 340) Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion
Anthr 343X/543X Ethnobotany: Cross Cultural Perspectives (approved FSCC 11/2/06)
Anthr 344X/544X (W S 344X/544X) Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 394X/594X International Study in Anthropology (approved FSCC 11/2/06)
Anthr 411/511 Cultural Change and Applied Anthropology
Anthr 417/517 Art, Objects, and Culture
Anthr 418/518 Global Culture Consumption, and Modernity (2003-2005 catalog)
Anthr 418X/518X Global Culture, Consumption, and Modernity (approved FSCC 4-16-2001) (not offered after summer 2003)
Anthr 436/536 Development Anthropology (2003-2005 catalog)
Anthr 436X/536X Development Anthropology (approved FSCC 10/18/2001)
Anthr 439/539 Medical Anthropology
Anthr 442X/542X Ecological Anthropology (approved FSCC 3-31-2000) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Anthr 444/544 (W S 444/544) Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (was 344X, approved FSCC 11/01/1999)
Anthr 597X (AgEds 597X, Agron 597X, FS HN 597X, SusAg 597X) Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems (approved FSCC 11/1/2001)

Arabc 102X Elementary Arabic II ( approved FSCC 4-23-02)
Arabc 110X Intensive Elementary Arabic (6 cr.) (approved FSCC 02-02-04)

Arch 221 (Dsn S 221) History of Western Architecture I
Arch 222 (Dsn S 222) History of Western Architecture II
Arch 402 Architectural Design VI (6 cr.)
Arch 422/522 Topics in Medieval Architecture
Arch 423/523 Topics in Renaissance to Mid-18th Century Architecture
Arch 427/527 History, Theory, and Criticism of Chinese Architecture
Arch 486 Changing States: Identity and Difference (approved FSCC 11-14-97) (not offered after Summer 2003)
Arch 489 Foreign Study Seminar (2 cr.) (95-97 catalog only)
Arch 519X Middle Eastern Cities: their history and contemporary polemics (Approved DSN 10-4-07)
Arch 528A Topical Studies in History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture: Pre-Modern (2 or 3 cr.)
Arch 576X Study Abroad Options (approved FSCC 3-5-2001)
Arch 597 Seminar on the Built Environment III: Theory. (approved DSN 10-4-07)

Art 494 Art and Design in Europe Seminar (1 cr.) (not offered after summer 2005)
Art 495/595 Art and Design in Europe

Art H 104X (Dsn S 104X) Introduction to Visual Art: A Multicultural Perspective (approved FSCC 3-9-01) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Art H 280/281 (Dsn S 280/281) History of Art I and II (4 cr.) (approved FSCC 4-20-2000)
Art H 378 Popes and Caesars: 2000 Years of Art and History in Rome (2005-2007 catalog)
Art H 378X Popes and Caesars (approved FSCC 3-5-2001) (not offered after summer 2005)
Art H 380/580 (Am In 380/580, Dsn S 380/580) North American Indian Art (not offered after summer 2005)
Art H 381/581 (Dsn S 381/581) Art and Architecture of India (not offered after Summer 2001)
Art H 382/582 (Dsn S 382/582) Art and Architecture of Asia
Art H 384 Art of Islam (2005-2007 catalog)
Art H 384X The Art of Islam(approved FSCC 12-1-2004) (not offered after summer 2005)
Art H 481/581 (Dsn S 481/581) Art and Architecture of India

ArtID 357X Made in Italy (approved FSCC 4/27/06)

AST 372X (Relig 372X) Religion and Agricultural Sustainability (approved FSCC 3-22-2004) (not offered after summer 2005)

Biol 374 (Ent 374, MIPM 374 or Micro 374) Insects and our Health (not offered after summer 2005)
Biol 394 International Field Trips in Biology
Biol 394X International Field Trips in Biology (not offered after Summer 1997)

C E 388X (A E 388X, M E 388X, E E 388X) Sustainable Engineering and International Development (Approved FSCC 3/22/2005)

Ch E 391A/B Foreign Study (1 or 2 cr.)
Ch E 392 Foreign Study Program (2-6 cr.)
Ch E 492 International Technology and Globalization (not offered after Summer 2003)
Ch E 493 International Internship (not offered after Summer 2001)
Ch E 495 International Internship (not offered after Summer 2003)

Chin 102 Elementary Mandarin Chinese
Chin 170X Topics in Modern East Asian Cultures (Approved FSCC 11/01/1999) Not offered after 2001
Chin 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I
Chin 202 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II
Chin 205X Advanced Beginning Chinese for Heritage Learners (Approved FSCC 04/17/2003)
Chin 272X Chinese Cultural Tradition (Approved FSCC 04/20/2005)
Chin 301 Advanced Chinese Readings (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Chin 302X Advanced Chinese Readings II (Approved FSCC 11/15/2001)
Chin 304 Chinese for Business and Professions (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Chin 370 Chinese Literature in English Translation (2003-2005 catalog)
Chin 370 Topics in Chinese Literature (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Chin 375X China Today (Approved FSCC 11/15/2001)
Chin 472X Commercial Culture in China (approved FSCC 11/2/06)

Cl St 273 Greek and Roman Mythology
Cl St 275 The Ancient City
Cl St 275H The Ancient City (4 credits) (approved FSCC 4-16-2001)
Cl St 275X The Ancient City(approved FSCC 3-31-2000)(not offered after Summer 2001)
Cl St 353 (Engl 353) World Literature: Western Foundations through Renaissance
Cl St 372 Greek and Roman Drama
Cl St 373 Greek and Roman Epci (2003-2005 catalog)
Cl St 373 The World of Heroes in Greece and Rome (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Cl St 374 Women in the Ancient Mediterranean World (2003-2005 catalog)
Cl St 374A/B (W S 374, Hist 374) Women in Classical Antiquity (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Cl St 376 (Hist 376) Classical Archaeology (2003-2005 catalog)
Cl St 376 (Relig 376) The Archeology of Greek and Roman Religion (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Cl St 394 The Archaeology of Greece: An Introduction
Cl St 395 Study Abroad: The Archaeology of Greece

ComSt 310 Intercultural Communication

C R P 290 (Dsn S 290) World Cities and Globalization (Approved FSCC 4/02/2002) (not offered after Summer 2003)
C R P 291 (Dsn S 291) World Cities and Globalization

C I 408X Dean's International Leadership Seminar in Australia (Approved FSCC 12-9-2002)

Czech 102 Elementary Czech (2005-2007 catalog)
Czech 102X Elementary Czech (4 Cr.) (Approved FSCC 9-30-2002 (not offered after summer 2005)
Czech 201 Intermediate Czech I (2005-2007 catalog)
Czech 201X Intermediate Czech I (Approved FSCC 3-27-2003) (not offered after summer 2005)
Czech 202 Intermediate Czech II (2005-2007 catalog)
Czech 202X Intermediate Czech II (Approved FSCC 3-27-2003) (not offered after summer 2005)

Dsn S 104X (Art H 104X) Introduction to Visual Art: A Multicultural Perspective (approved FSCC 3-9-01) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Dsn S 221 (Arch 221) History of Western Architecture I
Dsn S 222 (Arch 222) History of Western Architecture II
Dsn S 273 (L A 273) Landscape Architectural History: Prehistory to 1800 (approved FSCC 9-16-2002)
Dsn S 280/281 (Art H 280/281) History of Art I and II (4 cr.) (approved FSCC 4-20-2000)
Dsn S 290 (C R P 290) World Cities and Globalization (Approved FSCC 4/02/2002) (not offered after Summer 2003)
Dsn S 291 (C R P 291) World Cities and Globalization
Dsn S 373 (L A 373) Landscape Architectural History: Prehistory to 1800 (formerly 273)
Dsn S 380/580 (Am In 380/580, Art H 380/580) North American Indian Art (not offered after summer 2005)
Dsn S 382/582 (Art H 382) Art and Architecture of Asia
Dsn S 481/581 (Art H 481) Art and Architecture of India

E E 351X (E St 351X) Introduction to Energy Systems (approved College of Engr. 9-3-2008)
E E 388X (A E 388X, C E 388X, M E 388X) Sustainable Engineering and International Development (Approved FSCC 3/22/2005)

E St 351X (E E 351X) Introduction to Energy Systems (approved College of Engr. 9-3-2008)

Econ 355 International Economics
Econ 370 Comparative Capitalism and Economic Transitions
Econ 385 Economic Development
Econ 455 International Trade and Finance(4 cr) (approved FSCC 3-31-2000)
Econ 496 Economics Travel Course (1-3 credits each time taken.)(approved FSCC 4-6-2000)

Engl 230 Readings in British Literature and Culture (2003-2005 catalog)
Engl 230  Literature in British Culture (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Engl 353 (Cl St 353) World Literature: Western Foundations through Renaissance
Engl 354 World Literature Seventeenth through Present
Engl 370 Shakespeare
Engl 374 British Literature: The Renaissance
Engl 375 British Literature: Restoration and 18th Century
Engl 376 British Literature: Romantic and Victorian
Engl 389 Postcolonial Literatures (approved FSCC 9-11-00)
Engl 395 Study Abroad

Engr 320X International Experience Report (approved FSCC 9-15-04)

EnSci 406 (Agron 406, Mteor 406) Climate of the Continents (approved FSCC 3-8-2006)

Ent 374 (Micro 374) Insects and our Health
Ent 511 (Hort 511, Pl P 511) Integrated Management of Tropical Crops (approved FSCC 05/04/05)

Env S 342 (Agron 342, FS HN 342, T SC 342, U St 342) World Food Issues: Past and Present
Env S 345 (Soc 345) Population and Society
Env S 384 (Relig 384) Religion and Ecology (approved FSCC 02-02-04)
Env S 384X (Relig 384X) Religion and Ecology (approved FSCC 02-02-04)
Env S 450 (Agron 450) Issues in Sustainable Agriculture (2 cr.)

FCEdS 421/521 International Perspectives of Family and Consumer Sciences
FCEdS 424/524 International Study Abroad Seminar (1-3 cr.)
FCEdS 424X/524X International Study Abroad (1-3 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-2-2000) (not offered after Summer 2001)

F Lng119X (Ling 119X) Introduction to World Languages (approved FSCC 3-8-2006)
F Lng 278X Introduction to European Film (approved FSCC 6-19-2003)
F Lng 484X/584X (M E 484X/584X) Technology, Globalization, and Culture (approved FSCC 12-1-2004)
F Lng 492 (Ling 492) History of the Romance Languages (not offered after Summer 2003)

Fin 380 International Finance
Fin 480X International Finance (approved FSCC 11-7-05) changed to Fin 480 for 07-09 catalog; (Fin 480X and 480 not available for International Perspectives credit after Fall 2007)

Fin 452 International Financial Management (not offered after Summer 2001)

For 460/560 (Agron 460) Agroforestry Systems
For 496A Forestry Travel Course (approved FSCC 2-5-2001) (not offered after summer 2001)

Frnch 102 Elementary French II
Frnch 110 Intensive Elementary French (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 201 Intermediate French I (4 cr.)
Frnch 202 Intermediate French II (4 cr.)
Frnch 275X Contemporary France (approved FSCC 2-26-2002; first offered F02)
Frnch 301 Reading and Writing French (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Frnch 304 French for Business and Professions (2005-2007 catalog)
Frnch 304X Business French (approved FSCC 3-31-2000) (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
Frnch 314 Introduction to Textual Analysis (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Frnch 320 France Today (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Frnch 321 French Civilization (not offered after Summer 2003) Frnch 322 French Civilization (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 331 Survey of French Literature (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 332 Survey of French Literature (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 333 Modern French Literature
Frnch 334 The French Literary Tradition
Frnch 370 French Studies in English
Frnch 375 Contemporary France and the Francophone World
Frnch 378 French Film Studies in English (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Frnch 395 Study Abroad (1-10 cr.)
Frnch 440 Topics in French Studies
Frnch 441 Topics in Medieval, 16th, or 17th Century Literature (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 442 Topics in 18th, 19th, and 20th Century Literature (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 471 Foundations of French Civilization
Frnch 472 Modern France and French Civilization
Frnch 480 Seminar in French Literature or Civilization (not offered after Summer 2003)
Frnch 491 (Ling 491) French Linguistics (not offered after Summer 2003)

FS HN 342 (Agron 342, T SC 342, U ST 342) World Food Issues: Past, Present and Future
FS HN 416 Family Food and Wines of Selected Cultures (not offered after Summer 2001)
FS HN 463 Community Nutrition (approved FSCC 4-2-2001) Not applicable for International Perspectives after Summer 2005.
FS HN 496A/596A FS HN Travel Course (approved FSCC 5-31-2001)
FS HN 565 Malnutrition in Low-Income Countries (2 cr.)
FS HN 597X (AgEds 597X, Agron 597X, Anthr 597X, SusAg 597X)Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems (approved FSCC 11/1/2001)

Geog 100 World Geography (not available after 1999-2001 catalog)
Geog 324 Cultural Geography (not available after 1999-2001 catalog)
Geog 325 Cultural Geography: Asia (not available after 1999-2001 catalog)
Geog 327 Cultural Geography: Africa (not available after 1999-2001 catalog)
Geog 328 Europe (not available after 1999-2001 catalog)

Ger 102 Elementary German II
Ger 110 Intensive Elementary German (not offered after Summer 2003)
Ger 201 Intermediate German I
Ger 202 Intermediate German II
Ger 301 Reading
Ger 302 Composition (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 304 German for Business and Professions (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 305 Advanced Conversation and Listening Comprehension
Ger 320 Germany Today (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 330 Introduction to German Literature
Ger 370 German Studies in English
Ger 371 The Holocaust in Text, Image, and Memory (approved FSCC 6-19-2003)
Ger 375 Grimm's Tales (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 378 German Film and Media Studies (3-4 cr.) (approved FSCC 4-9-2002)
Ger 395 Study Abroad (1-10 cr.)
Ger 440 Colloquium in German Studies (1-4 cr.) (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 471 Foundations of German Civilization
Ger 475 (Hist) Foundations of German Civilization (formerly 471) 3-4 cr. (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Ger 476 Topics in German Cultural Studies (3-4 cr.) (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)

Greek 102 Elementary Classical Greek II
Greek 201 Intermediate Classical Greek
Greek 332 Introduction to Classical Greek Literature (Approved LAS 10/5/2007
Greek 441 Advanced Readings in Greek Literature (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Greek 442 Advanced Topics in Greek Literature (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)

H Sci 482 Dean's International Leadership Seminar (formerly C I 408X Dean's International Leadership Seminar in Australia) (Approved FSCC 12-9-2002)

HD FS 270 Family Diversity Across Cultures (not offered after summer 2005)
HD FS 575 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Families and Children

Hist 201 Introduction to Western Civilization I
Hist 202 Introduction to Western Civilization II
Hist 207 Chinese Civilization
Hist 208 Japanese Civilization (not offered after Summer 2003)
Hist 245X Introduction to Latin American History (approved FSCC 04-7-05)
Hist 280 (M E 280) Introduction to History of Science I
Hist 281 (M E 281) Introduction to History of Science II
Hist 310 (Af Am 310) Introduction to African History I (not offered after summer 2003)
Hist 311 (Af Am 311) Introduction to African History II (not offered after summer 2003)
Hist 323 (Relig 323) Science and Religion
Hist 326 History of England II (not offered after Summer 2003)
Hist 336 History of Modern China I
Hist 337 History of Modern China II
Hist 338X History of Modern Japan (approved FSCC 04-7-05)
Hist 338 Modern Japanese History (not offered after Summer 2003)
Hist 339 U.S.-Asian Relations (2005-2007 catalog)
Hist 339X U.S.-East Asian Relations (approved FSCC 12-4-00) (not offered after summer 2005)
Hist 341 History of Latin America II
Hist 374 Women in the Ancient Mediterranean (2003-2005 catalog)
Hist 374 (Cl St 374) (W S 374) Women in Classical Antiquity (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Hist 376 (Cl St 376) Classical Archaeology
Hist 383X Technology, Public Science, and European Culture 1715-presentHist 389 Modern Military History I (approved FSCC 4-19-06)
Hist 390 Modern Military History II
Hist 411 Contemporary Europe I (not offered after Summer 2001)
Hist 412 Contemporary Europe II (not offered after Summer 2001)
Hist 417 European Society and the Industrial Revolution (not offered after summer 2005)
Hist 420X France's Revolutionary Century: 1715-1815 (approved FSCC 03-8-2006)
Hist 421 History of Russia I
Hist 422 History of Russia II
Hist 424 History of Modern Germany I
Hist 425 HIstory of Modern Germany II (2003-2005 catalog)
Hist 425X Modern Germany II (approved FSCC 10-23-00) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Hist 426 Nationalism and Communism in Eastern Europe (not offered after summer 2003)
Hist 443X Science, Technology, and Medicine in Latin America (approved, LAS 11/07)
Hist 474X Tradition and Transformation of China's Foreign Affairs (approved FSCC 03-22-2004)
Hist 475 (Ger) Foundations of German Civilization (formerly 471)
Hist 476 History of European Agriculture (not offered after Summer 2001)
Hist 284 Wonders of the World, Ancent to Early Modern (01-05-09)
Hist 485 (M E 485) History of Physics and Physical Engineering (not offered after Summer 2001)

Hort 347X International Public Gardens (approved FSCC 10-18-99) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Hort 496 Horticulture Travel Course (3 cr.) (approved FSCC 12-7-98)
Hort 511 (Ent 511, Pl P 511) Integrated Management of Tropical Crops (approved FSCC 05/04/05)

HRI 260 Global Tourism Management (approved FSCC 3-13-03)
HRI 360 Tourism Management (approved FSCC 10-30-00) (not offered after Summer 2003)
HRI 485/585 Catering (2 cr.)(dropped from list as of Summer 2000)
HRI 485L/585L Fine Dining Management (2 cr.) (dropped from list as of Summer 2000) (not offered after Summer 1999)
HRI 487/587 Fine Dining Management (3 cr.) (approved FSCC 4-23-02)
Honors Seminars approved by semester

HON 350X Florence as Text (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 351A  Euterpe: The Hidden Muse of Tuscany (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 351B  Post-War Italian Cinema (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 351C Post-War Italian Literature (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 353A Art of Florentine Renaissance (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 353B Art: Public and Private Space - Gardens, Villas, and Piazzas (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 354A Science and Engineering: Early and Modern Science in Tuscany (2-3 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 354B Science and Engineering: Calculus and Mechanics (2-3 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 355X Business: Capitalism and Entrepreneurship in Tuscany (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 356X History: Tuscany and Roman Italy (2 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)
HON 359X Florence as Text - Special Project (2-3 cr.) (approved FSCC 3-31-00)

IntSt 120 (LAS 120, U St 120) Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after summer 2005)
IntSt 220 (LAS 220, U St 220) Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.)
IntSt 235 (LAS 235, U St 235) Introduction to International Studies
IntSt 320 (LAS 320, U St 320) Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after summer 2005)
IntSt 420 (LAS 420, U St 420) Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after summer 2005)
IntSt 430 (LAS 430, U St 430) Seminar in International Studies

Ital 102 Elementary Italian II
Ital 201 Intermediate Italian I
Ital 202 Intermediate Italian II

Jl MC 474/574 (T SC 474/574) Impact of Communication Technology on People and Societies (not offered after Summer 2001)
Jl MC 474/574 (T SC 474/574) Communication Technology and Social Change
Jl MC 476/576 World Communication Systems

L A 271 Landscape Architectural History (not offered after Summer 2001)
L A 273 (Dsn S 273) Landscape Architectural History: Prehistory to 1800 (approved FSCC 9-16-2002)
L A 373 (Dsn S 373) Landscape Architectural History: Prehistory to 1800 (formerly 273)

LAS 120 (IntSt 120) Study Abroad Credit (not offered after summer 2005)
LAS 211 Introduction to U.S. Latino/a Studies (Effective Fall 2007, Approved for U.S. Diversity only. Not approved for International Perspectives.)
LAS 220 (IntSt 220) Study Abroad Credit (not offered after summer 2005)
LAS 230 Third World Cultures in Global Perspective (not offered after Summer 2001)
LAS 235 (IntSt 235) Introduction to International Studies (not offered after summer 2005)
LAS 250 Cultures in Transition
LAS 250X Cultures in Transition: Central Europe (Approved FSCC 6-17-1999) (not offered after Summer 2001)
LAS 320 (IntSt 320) Study Abroad Credit (not offered after summer 2005)
LAS 385 The Holocaust
LAS 420 (IntSt 420) Study Abroad Credit (not offered after summer 2005)
LAS 430 (IntSt 430) Seminar in International Studies (not offered after summer 2005)

Latin 102 Elementary Latin II
Latin 201 Intermediate Latin
Latin 332 Intermediate Latin (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Latin 441 Advanced Readings in Latin Literature (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Latin 442 Advanced Topics in Latin Literature (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)

Ling 119X (F Lng 119X) Introduction to World Languages (approved FSCC 3-8-2006)
Ling 119 (WLC 119) Introduction to World Languages
Ling 309 (Anthr 309) Linguistic Anthropology
Ling 463 (Span 463) Hispanic Dialectology
Ling 491 French Linguistics (not offered after summer 2003)
Ling 492 History of the Romance Languages (not offered after summer 2003)
Ling 494 (Span 494) Hispanic Dialectology (not offered after Summer 2001)

LSCM 466 International Transportation and Logistics (changed from Tr Log 466 with 05-07 catalog) (not available for International Perspectives credit after Fall 2007)

Mat E 389X/M E 389X Applied Methods in Sustainable Engineering and International Development (approved Engr 4/25/08)
Mat E 392 Foreign Study (approved FSCC 12/13/01 as experimental)
Mat E 392X Foreign Study (approved FSCC 12/13/01) (not offered after summer 2005)

Math 489 History of Mathematics

M E 280 (Hist 280) Introduction to History of Science I (not offered in M E after Summer 2001)
M E 281 (Hist 281) Introduction to History of Science II (not offered in M E after Summer 2001)
M E 388X (A E 388X, C E 388X, M E 388X) Sustainable Engineering and International Development (Approved FSCC 3/22/2005)

M E 389X/Mat E 389X Applied Methods in Sustainable Engineering and International Development (approved FSCC 2-1-2006)

M E 484X/584X (F Lng 484X/584X)Technology, Globalization, and Culture (approved FSCC 12-1-2004)
M E 485 (Hist 485) History of Physics and Physical Engineering (not offered after Summer 2001)

Mgmt 414 International Management (not available for International Perspectives credit after Fall 2007)

Micro 374 (Ent 374, Biol 374) Insects and our Health

MIPM 374 (Ent 374, Biol 374) Insects and our Health (not offered as MIPM after Summer 2001)

Mkt 448 Fundamentals of International Marketing (not available for International Perspectives credit after Fall 2007)

Mteor 406 (Agron 406, EnSci 406) Climate of the Continents (approved FSCC 3-8-2006)

Music 102 Introduction to Music Listening I
Music 383 History of Music
Music 384 History of Music
Music 471 (U St 471) The Tones of Florence - A Study of Humanism (Approved 5-31-2001)

NREM 471/571 Agroforestry Systems; Local and Global Perspectives (formerly For 460)
NREM 496A Travel Course (Cr. 1-3)

Pl P 511 (Hort 511, Ent 511) Integrated Management of Tropical Crops (approved FSCC 05/04/05

Pol S 241 Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
Pol S 251 Introduction to International Politics
Pol S 341 Politics of Japan
Pol S 342 Politics of China
Pol S 347 Introduction to African Politics (not offered after Summer 2001)
Pol S 347X Introduction to African Politics (Approved FSCC 4-26-2007)
Pol S 349 Politics of Russian and the Soviet Succesor States (2005-2007 catalog)
Pol S 349 Politics of Russia and Central Eurasia (not offered after Summer 2001 with this title)
Pol S 349 Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Government (not offered after summer 2005 with this title)
Pol S 350 Politics of the Middle East (2005-2007 catalog)
Pol S 350 Introduction to the Middle East (not offered after summer 2005 with this title)
Pol S 350X Introduction to the Middle East (not offered after Summer 2001)
Pol S 383X The Politics of Planet Earth (approved FSCC 2/3/00) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Pol S 385 (W S 385) Women in Politics
Pol S 440 Comparative Politics of the Middle East
Pol S 452/552 Comparative Foreign Policy

Port 102 Elementary Portuguese II
Port 112X Elementary Portuguese, Accelerated II (Approved FSCC 3-8-2004)
Port 211 Intermediate Conversation (not offered after summer 2005)
Port 320X Brazil Today (approved FSCC 11-7-05)
Port 321 Luso-Brazilian Civilization and Culture (deleted after 05-07)
Port 340 Brazilian Civilization and Culture (not offered after summer 2005)
Port 341 Portuguese Civilization and Culture (not offered after summer 2005)
Port 370 Luso-Brazilian Topics in English Translation (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Port 440 Advanced Readings in Portuguese (not offered after summer 2005)

Polsh 102 Elementary Polish II (2005-2007 catalog)
Polsh 102X Elementary Polish (4 Cr.) (Approved FSCC 9-30-2002) (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
Polsh 201 Intermediate Polish I (2005-2007 catalog)
Polsh 201X Intermediate Polish I (Approved FSCC 3-27-2003) (not offered after summer 2005)
Polsh 202 Intermediate Polish II (2005-2007 catalog)
Polsh 202X Intermediate Polish II (Approved FSCC 3-27-2003) (not offered after summer 2005)

Psych 488 Cultural Psychology

Relig 105 Introduction to World Religions (not offered after summer 2005)
Relig 205 Introduction to World Religions (2005-2007 catalog)
Relig 233 Judaism (approved FSCC 2-3-00)
Relig 242 History of Christianity (approved FSCC 2-26-2002)
Relig 323 (Hist 323) Science and Religion
Relig 333 Judaism (formerly 233)
Relig 335X War in World Religions (approved FSCC 10-27-2003)
Relig 338 Latino/a Religious Experience
Relig 340 (Anthr 340) Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion
Relig 352 Religious Traditions of India (approved FSCC 11-14-97)
Relig 353 Hinduism and Buddhism (not offered after Summer 2001 with this title)
Relig 353 Buddhism
Relig 354 Islamic Civilization (not offered after summer 2005)
Relig 355X Judaism (approved FSCC 11-14-97)
Relig 356 African Religions (approved FSCC 11-9-99 as 356X)
Relig 358 Islamic Civilization (2005-2007 catalog)
Relig 372X (AST 372X) Religion and Agricultural Sustainability (approved FSCC 3-22-2004)
Relig 376 Classical Archaeology (2003-2005 catalog)
Relig 376 (Cl St 376) The Archeology of Greek and Roman Religion (not offered with this title after summer 2003)
Relig 384 (Env S 384) Religion and Ecology (approved FSCC 02-02-04)
Relig 384X (Env S 384X) Religion and Ecology (approved FSCC 02-02-04)
Relig 395X Contemporary India (approved FSCC 3-31-00) (not offered after Summer 2001)

Rus 102 Elementary Russian II
Rus 195X Study Abroad. Cr. 1-10(approved FSCC 2-8-06)
Rus 201 Intermediate Russian I
Rus 202 Intermediate Russian II
Rus 295X Study Abroad. Cr. 1-10 (approved FSCC 2-8-06)
Rus 301 Composition and Conversation (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 304 Russian for Business and Professions (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 314 Reading Russian Literary and Cultural Texts (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 320 Russia Today (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 370 Russian Studies in English Translation
Rus 375 Topics in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 378 Russian Film Studies (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Rus 395 Study Abroad (1-6 cr.)
Rus 441 Literary Masterpieces of the 19th and 20th Centuries (not offered after Summer 2003)
Rus 442 Literary Masterpieces of the 19th and 20th Centuries (not offered after Summer 2003)
Russian 401 Advanced Composition and Conversation
(Approved LAS 10/5/2007)Russian 440 Seminar in Russian Studies (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)

SerbC 102 Elementary Serbo-Croatian II (2005-2007)
SerbC 102X Elementary Serbo-Croatian II (Approved FSCC 3-27-2003) (not offered after summer 2005)
Soc 335X African Society and Development (not offered after Summer 2001)
Soc 345 (Env S 345) Population and Society
Soc 411 Social Change in Developing Countries
Soc 496 Agriculture and Rural Development in Ireland (approved FSCC 2-5-2001) (not offered after summer 2005)

Span 102 Elementary Spanish II
Span 110 Intensive Elementary Spanish (not offered after summer 2005)
Span 160 Accelerated Beginning Spanish (not offered after summer 2003)
Span 195X Study Abroad (approved FSCC 4-19-2006)
Span 201 Intermediate Spanish I
Span 202 Intermediate Spanish II
Span 290X Casa Hispanica (Learning Community)
Span 295X Study Abroad (approved FSCC 4-19-2006)
Span 301 Spanish Grammar and Composition
(Approved LAS 10/5/2007)Span 303 Spanish Grammar and Conversation
(Approved LAS 10/5/2007)Span 304 Spanish for Business and Professions (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 314 Introduction to Reading Hispanic Texts
Span 321 Spanish Civilization
Span 322 Latin American Civilization (2005-2007 catalog)
Span 322 Spanish Civilization (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
Span 323 Spain Today (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 324X Latin America Today (approved FSCC 4/19/06)
Span 326/526 Hispanic Art in a Cultural Context
Span 326X Hispanic Art in a Cultural Context (approved FSCC 11-14-97) (not offered after Summer 2001)
Span 330 Survey of Spanish Literature to 1700
Span 331 Survey of Spanish Literature from 1700 to the Present
Span 331 Seminar on Cervantes and the Golden Age (2005-2007 catalog)
Span 332 Survey of Latin American Literature
Span 333 Studies in Latin American Literature from the 20th Century to the Present (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 351 Introduction to Spanish-English Translations (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 352 Introduction to Spanish Phonology (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 370 Hispanic Topics in English Translation
Span 390X Casa Hispanica (Learning Community)
Span 395 Study Abroad (1-10 cr.)
Span 401 Advanced Composition and Grammar (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 440 Seminar on the Literature and Cultures of Spain (Approved LAS 10/5/2007)
Span 441 Literature of the Golden Age (from 1500 to 1700) (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
Span 442 Spanish Literature of the 18th and/or 19th Century (not offered after summer 2005)
Span 443 Spanish Literature of the 20th Cent. (not offered after summer 2005)
Span 444 Latin American Literature from Earliest Times to Independence (not offered after summer 2005)
Span 445 Seminar on the Literatures and Cultures of Latin America (2005-2007 catalog)
Span 445 Latin American Literature from Independence to the Present (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
Span 463 (Ling 463) Hispanic Dialectology
Span 494 (Ling 494) Hispanic Dialectology  (not offered after Summer 2001)

SusAg 597X (AgEds 597X, Agron 597X, Anthr 597X, FS HN 597X) Global Seminar: Environment and Sustainable Food Systems  (approved FSCC 11/1/01)

T C 354 History of European and North American Dress
T C 355/555 History of Asian Costume
T C 362 Cultural Perspectives in Dress
T C 472/572 Global Issues in Textiles and Apparel

Thtre 393F International Storytelling Workshop (Approved FSCC 11/15/2001)

T SC 342 (Agron 342, FS HN 342, U ST 342) World Food Issues: Past and Present
T SC 474/574 (Jl MC 474/574) Impact of Communication Technology on People and Societies (not offered after Summer 2001)
T SC 474 (Jl MC 474) Communication Technology and Social Change
T SC 574 (Jl MC 574) Communication Technologies and Societies

Tr Log 466 International Transportation and Logistics (not offered after summer 2005 as TrLog 466 see LSCM 466)

TSM 496X Technology Travel Course (Approved FSCC 4/19/07)

SusAg 471/571 Agroforestry Systems; Local and Global Perspectives (formerly For 460)

U St 120 Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 220 Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 235 Introduction to International Studies (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 240 Predeparture Orientation for China Study Abroad Cr. 1 (approved as 240X FSCC 11/01/1999) (not offered after summer 2005)
U St 320 Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 342 (Agron 342, FS HN 342, T SC 342) World Food Issues: Past and Present
U St 385 The Holocaust (not offered after summer 2003)
U St 420 Study Abroad Credit (Cr. var.) (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 430 Seminar in International Studies (not offered after Summer 2003)
U St 471 (Music 471) The Tones of Florence - A Study of Humanism (Approved 5-31-2001)

W S 301 International Perspectives on Women and Gender
W S 344X/544X (Anthr 344X/544X) Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective
W S 370F French Studies in English
W S 370G German Studies in English
W S 374 Women in the Ancient Mediterranean (2005-2007 catalog)
W S 374 (Cl St 374) Women in Classical Antiquity (not offered with this title after summer 2005)
W S 385 (Pol S 385) Women in Politics
W S 444/544 (Anthr 444/544) Sex and Gender in Cross-cultural Perspective

WLC 119 (Ling 119) Introduction to World Languages
WLC 484/584(M E 484/584)Technology, Globalization, and Culture

In addition to the courses listed above, any course or alternative academic experience involving a stay in a foreign country of three weeks or greater duration is approved by the FSCC for use in meeting the International Perspectives requirement. A course involving travel abroad for less than three weeks is also approved for use in meeting the requirement if it carries three or more academic credits.