Pollinator Partnership Sponsored by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign and The Coevolution Institute

Your Source for Pollination Information

Useful Resources

Search below for Pollinator Resources for Consumers, Gardeners, Resource Managers, Educators, Farmers and more.

Pollinator Conservation Digital Library (PCDL)

Go to the PCDL now.

Data Portal of the Pollinators Thematic Network (PTN) from Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)


Choose a category of pollinator resources (or browse through the list below)

Unless otherwise stated, most of the resources below were created through collaborative efforts by NAPPC Committee, Task Force and Steering Committee members, as well as NAPPC and CoE staff. These documents are intended for educational use. Please contact us if you wish to reproduce them in any way.


Development and Building



  • Powerpoint Presentations for Teaching from Michigan State University
  • Farming and Ranching

    Golf Courses

    Home Gardens

    Hunting & Fishing

    Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)

    Just for Fun

    Mining and Utilities

    Medicinal Plants


    Public Lands





    The Pollinator Partnership - 423 Washington St, 5th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94111-2339 - (415) 362-1137