U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)

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In 2006, 257 officers from the DOI were assaulted, and 62 of these officers were injured. The following provides breakdowns by agency within the DOI:

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs:

   129 officers were assaulted, and 42 of these officers were injured.

  • National Park Service:

   101 officers were assaulted, and 20 of these officers were injured.

  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service:

   27 officers were assaulted; however, none were injured.

Type of activity

Officers from the DOI were performing the following activities when they were attacked:

  • 125 officers were attempting arrests or delivering summonses.
  • 47 were on patrol or guard duty.
  • 34 were on protection duty.
  • 29 were involved with investigations or searches.
  • 12 were maintaining custody of prisoners.
  • 9 officers were performing office duties.
  • 1 officer was performing in an unspecified capacity (the tabular category of “Other”).


  • 210 of the 257 DOI officers were attacked with personal weapons, such as hands, fists, or feet.
  • 28 DOI officers were attacked with vehicles.
  • 7 officers were attacked with blunt instruments.
  • 5 officers were attacked with firearms.
  • 2 officers were attacked with knives or other cutting instruments.
  • 5 officers were attacked with other types of weapons.

Disposition information

Law enforcement identified 243 suspects in connection with the attacks on the 257 DOI officers. Of the assailants for which disposition data were provided:

  • 132 offenders were found guilty, and 68 suspected assailants were awaiting trial.
  • 20 suspected offenders were found not guilty or had their charges dismissed.
  • In cases against 10 alleged offenders, prosecutors declined to bring charges, and 9 alleged offenders were awaiting prosecutorial opinion.
  • 1 suspect was determined as being incompetent to stand trial.
  • 2 suspected assailants remain at large, and 1 suspected assailant is deceased.

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