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IGSHPA Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of IGSHPA:

ARTICLE I. Name, Purpose and Affiliation
ARTICLE II. Membership
ARTICLE III. Advisory Council
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
ARTICLE V. Oklahoma State University/International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
ARTICLE VI. Amendments

ARTICLE I. Name, Purpose and Affiliation

Section 1. Name

The name of this organization is the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA).

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association is to promote the growth of the ground source (also known as geothermal) industry by:

  1. Promoting the efficient use of ground source heat pumps
  2. Developing and promoting sound industry-related standards
  3. Supporting the effective marketing of ground source heat pumps;
  4. Identifying and supporting sanctioned affiliate institutions for the purpose of IGSHPA training and industry research;
  5. Developing and distributing internationally recognized training materials;
  6. Enabling its members to have direct input into any published materials;
  7. Providing a forum for information interchange;
  8. Enabling association members to benefit from the advantage of large numbers;
  9. Representing the association in matters of local, state, national, and international interest of members. The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association is established as an integral part of Oklahoma State University.



ARTICLE II. Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

In order to obtain membership, an individual, corporation, or group (sometimes referred to hereafter as company) will pay an annual membership fee, be actively affiliated with the ground source heat pump industry, utilize IGSHPA materials, contribute to the materials content, and abide by established standards as developed by IGSHPA.

Section 2. Voting Member

The official company delegate, or their alternate, who has a current membership in a voting category (Refer to Chapter 9 of the bylaws) is a voting member.



ARTICLE III. Advisory Council

Section 1. Name

The name of this guidance body is the advisory council of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of the advisory council is to represent the membership and provide direction in accomplishing the purpose of the organization.

Section 3. Council Composition

The advisory council will be composed of a maximum of fifteen (15) voting members. Ex-officio members of the council will consist of a designated member of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association staff and others as voted in by the advisory council. Ex-officio members are entitled to a voice but not a vote.

Section 4. Membership Eligibility

To be eligible for election to the advisory council, a voting member must exhibit willingness and have the financial resources to actively participate and contribute to the tasks of the council.

Section 5. Officers

The officers of the advisory council are a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and treasurer.

  1. The chairperson and vice chairperson will be elected by a simple majority of the advisory council by a secret ballot to serve a term of one (1) year. The tenure of the chairperson or vice chairperson or treasurer shall not exceed three (3) one-year terms. To retain the Chair, the person must retain advisory council membership. The advisory council chairperson will preside over all advisory council and general assembly meetings The chairperson will identify all special committees as requires. During temporary absences of the chairperson, the vice chairperson will assume the responsibilities of the chairperson.
  2. The secretary will be elected by the advisory council membership. The person elected to this position will serve a term concurrent with his/her advisory council term. The duties of the secretary are to record the minutes of all IGSHPA meetings or to designate a person to record such minutes.
  3. The treasurer will be appointed by the dean of engineering at Oklahoma State University as long as the ground source heat pump program is under his/her administrative responsibility. The treasurer will always be an employee of Oklahoma State University. His/her duties will be to deposit membership dues and other income to appropriate OSU Foundation accounts, pay approved bills as directed by the executive director of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association and submit an annual report to the membership.

Section 6. Tenure of Appointments

Elected advisory council members will serve a term of three (3) years. Should an advisory council member submit his/her personal resignation, this position on the advisory council will be filled at the next regular election. The person elected will serve the remainder of the unexpired term. Newly elected advisory council members will take office immediately following election by the membership.

Section 7. Advisory Council Meetings

The advisory council will meet annually prior to the scheduled general assembly meeting and when necessary as determined by the advisory council. The chairperson and the Executive Director will designate the date, time and location of the advisory council meetings.

Section 8. Removal From Advisory Council

A member of the advisory council who has two (2) consecutive absences from the council meeting is subject to removal from the advisory council by a two-thirds vote, unless such absences are excused by the advisory council.

Section 9. Quorum

A simple majority of voting members of the advisory council will constitute a quorum.

Section 10. Proxy Vote

Advisory council members may appoint another member of the advisory council as proxy to represent their vote as long as a quorum exists. A proxy will not count as two (2) voting members in determining a quorum.



ARTICLE IV. Meetings

Section 1. Name and Purpose

The Geothermal Heat Pump Industry Conference is the name of the yearly meeting of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association. The purpose of the yearly meeting is:

  1. To conduct the business of the association;
  2. To provide a forum for the exchange of information and explore the future direction of the association;
  3. To develop and review proposals of publications and related activities;
  4. To present committee reports.

Section 2. Time and Place

The yearly meeting will be held annually at a site selected by the advisory council.

Section 3. Attendance

The committee chairperson will review all requests for attendance at committee meetings and issue all invitations to non-committee members. Criteria for invitations will include knowledge and expertise in subject matter of the committee assignment. General sessions are open to anyone who is a registered attendee of the conference.



ARTICLE V. Oklahoma State University/International Ground Source Heat Pump Association

Section 1. Conference Activities and Publications

The Oklahoma State University staff of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association will assume all administrative responsibilities for the details of all IGSHPA conferences, publications, and sale of all IGSHPA materials.

Section 2. Executive Director

The executive director will be approved by the advisory council. The executive director is responsible for routine operations and decisions provided these actions are in consonance with state and federal law and the policies and regulations of Oklahoma State University and its governing board of regents.

Section 3. Copyrights of IGSHPA Manuals

Oklahoma State University's board of regents shall perpetually own the copyrights of authored material which has been validated by the general assembly of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association. All publications will be formally registered for copyrights in the name of the Board of Regents for Oklahoma State University.



ARTICLE VI. Amendments

These constitutional articles may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the advisory council present. Due notice of the proposed amendments shall be given to the chairperson of the advisory council by electronic mail or other medium at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and distributed to the members of the advisory council by electronic mail or other medium at least two weeks (14 days) prior to the meeting.
The advisory council shall have two weeks to make suggested changes and/or additions to proposed amendments. Following incorporation of suggested revisions, the proposed amendments will again be disseminated. The advisory council may vote to amend the constitution by written ballot, electronic ballot, or table said amendments until the yearly meeting.


Bylaws of IGSHPA:

CHAPTER 1. Advisory Council
CHAPTER 2. Nominating Committee
CHAPTER 3. Election of the Advisory Council
CHAPTER 4. Adopting Agencies
CHAPTER 5. Membership Privileges
CHAPTER 6. Membership Privileges
CHAPTER 7. Committees
CHAPTER 8. General Assembly Voting
CHAPTER 9. Levels and Dues
CHAPTER 10. Amendments to the Bylaws

CHAPTER 1. Advisory Council

Section 1. Distribution

  1. The voting members of the advisory council shall include:
    A minimum of sixty-seven (67) percent representation from the foundation, utility 1, and manufacturer levels;
  2. A maximum of thirty-three (33) percent representation from all other voting levels;
  3. At least one (1) charter member.



CHAPTER 2. Nominating Committee

Section 1. Purpose and Duties

The nominating committee is responsible for reviewing all nominations received from the general membership to verify eligibility to hold office and prepare a slate of nominees for election. The nominating committee will prepare a slate of two (2) nominees for each vacant position for placement on the ballot for election. If two (2) eligible names are not nominated for a vacant position, then one (1) name may run unopposed.

Section 2. Membership

The nominating committee will consist of two members, one who is a council member and the other who is a member at large. The two members serving as the nominating committee will be appointed, upon recommendation of the advisory council, by the council chairperson to serve a term of one year. Members of the advisory council who are up for re-election are not eligible to serve on the nominating committee that year.



CHAPTER 3. Election of the Advisory Council

Section 1. Nominations

IGSHPA will send nomination forms to each voting member through a specified member's electronic mail address or designated fax number. Additionally, the nomination form will be posted on the IGSHPA web site thirty days prior to the yearly meeting.

Section 2. Voting Procedures

A slate of nominees will be collected by IGSHPA and a ballot prepared. The ballot will be distributed to each voting member through a specified member's electronic mail address or designated fax number. Additionally, the ballot will be posted on the IGSHPA web site two weeks prior to the election. IGSHPA staff will verify the voter's eligibility from the IGSHPA database. For election on all ballots, a nominee must receive a majority of the total vote to receive an advisory council position. In the event of a tie vote, the advisory council shall decide by a secret ballot election. Individuals elected to the advisory council will be notified by electronic mail within one week of election or prior to the official announcement at the opening session of the yearly meeting.



CHAPTER 4. Adopting Agencies

Section 1. Adoption of Materials

Any member corporation, institution, heat pump manufacturer, etc. that desires to adopt the copyrighted training material of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association may do so by requesting and completing official adoption forms. Copies of these forms will be maintained by the executive director of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association at Oklahoma State University.


CHAPTER 5. Membership Privileges

Section 1. Validation Participation

An IGSHPA member is entitled to submit material to the editorial staff for committee review and possible inclusion in IGSHPA publications, to attend all meetings of the general assembly of IGSHPA, and to request the published proceedings of all IGSHPA meetings.


CHAPTER 6. Membership Privileges

Section 1. Annual Conference

The official meeting of the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association is the yearly conference. There are three types of meetings held at this conference: the advisory council, the IGSHPA committees, and the general assembly. The advisory council meeting will be held by the day preceding the opening day of the general assembly or before the end of the yearly meeting. The advisory council meeting will be open to the membership unless the advisory council votes to be in closed session. Times and locations of committee meetings will be announced by the committee chairperson or his/her representative. The general assembly meeting will be officially opened by the advisory council chairperson on the date and time specified in the invitations. Although a general assembly meeting may last for several days, it shall be considered one meeting. Intermediate adjournments for the purpose of committee work or recesses from day to day; do not destroy the continuity of the meeting. The meeting will be officially adjourned by an approved motion from the floor on the final day of the annual conference at the time the chairperson determines that all business has been concluded.

Section 2. Advisory Council Meeting

The advisory council will meet annually during the yearly meeting and when necessary as determined by the advisory council. The chairperson and the executive director will designate the date, time, and location of the advisory council meetings.


CHAPTER 7. Committees

Section 1. Committee Formation

The advisory council chairperson will form committees as necessary and appoint the chairperson for that committee. The committee chairperson, with the approval of the advisory council chairperson, will select a vice chairperson, secretary, and as many members as is necessary to perform the tasks assigned to the committee. The numbers of members may fluctuate if necessary. Members assigned to office work under the direction of the chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson will preside. Should the chairperson and vice chairperson both be unable to attend the meeting, an acting chairperson will be appointed by the committee. It shall be the responsibility of the committee secretary to keep accurate minutes of the meetings. It shall be the responsibility of the committee chairperson to submit a report from the yearly committee meeting and/or additional reports by electronic mail or medium as need to the advisory council chairperson and the IGSHPA office.


CHAPTER 8. General Assembly Voting

Section 1. Voting Procedures

All voting members will have an equal voice and vote in the general assembly sessions. In the event of controversy, any three (3) members may ask that the chairperson conduct a roll call vote.


CHAPTER 9. Levels and Dues

The membership types will be divided into eleven (11) categories with the designated dues structure for each category.

(1) Foundation Member (voting) Any company or utility involved with the promotion of
ground source technology. Initial fee is $10,500; annual dues are $1,430.

(2) Manufacturer I Member (voting) Any company that manufactures equipment, piping, or accessories related to the ground source system industry. Annual dues are $1,430.

(3) Manufacturer II Member (voting) Any company with less than 100 employees that manufactures equipment, piping, or accessories related to the ground source heat pump industry. Annual dues are $905.

(4) Holding Company and Member Utilities (voting) Any holding company and all its member utilities. Annual dues for the holding company are $1,430; for member utilities with 100,000 or more meters, $695; for member utilities with less than 100,000 meters, $265.

(4) Utility I Member (voting) Any utility with 100,000 meters or more. Annual dues are $1,430.

(5) Utility II Member (voting) Any utility with less than 100,000 meters. Annual dues are $525.

(6) Product Distributor Member (voting) Any company that wholesales equipment, piping, or accessories related to the ground source system industry. Annual dues are $525.

(7) Association Member (voting) Any nonprofit association promoting interest and materials for the ground source system industry (i.e., statewide heat pump association). Annual dues for the association are $640; $105 for each additional association member.

(8) Product Representative, Dealer, or Contractor Member (voting) Any company or individual involved in commercial applications and/or the retail installation trade. Annual dues are $420.

(9) Architect or Engineer Member (voting) Any registered architect or engineer in ground source system design. Annual dues are $420.

(10) Associate Member Any employee of companies in the above membership levels or instructors of educational institutions. Annual dues are $105.

(11) Accredited Installer Any individual who has passed the IGSHPA Accredited Installer examination and maintains the accreditation through the continuing education program. Three year dues are $300. (Includes continuing education fee.)

(12) Individual who does not qualify for any of the preceding membership levels. Annual dues are $105.

Questions concerning membership levels will be submitted to the membership committee for consideration and recommendation to the advisory council for disposition.


CHAPTER 10. Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1. Amendments

The articles of the bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote in the advisory council meeting at the yearly meeting. Any proposed amendment will be sent by electronic mail or other medium to the council chairperson at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and then distributed to all council members at least two weeks (14) days in advance for their review and consideration.

The advisory council shall have two weeks to make suggested changes and/or additions to proposed amendments. Following incorporation of suggested revisions, the proposed amendments will again be disseminated. The advisory council may vote to amend the bylaws by written ballot, electronic ballot, or table said amendments until the yearly meeting.



IGSHPA Constitution and Bylaws
Constitution of IGSHPA:
ARTICLE I. Name, Purpose and Affiliation
ARTICLE II. Membership
ARTICLE III. Advisory Council
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
ARTICLE V. Oklahoma State University/International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
ARTICLE VI. Amendments
Bylaws of IGSHPA:
CHAPTER 1. Advisory Council
CHAPTER 2. Nominating Committee
CHAPTER 3. Election of the Advisory Council
CHAPTER 4. Adopting Agencies
CHAPTER 5. Membership Privileges
CHAPTER 6. Membership Privileges
CHAPTER 7. Committees
CHAPTER 8. General Assembly Voting
CHAPTER 9. Levels and Dues
CHAPTER 10. Amendments to the Bylaws


