Last Update: Jan 16 @ 6:24 PM
Lead Story
Chris Hurd is breathing a sigh of relief, at least for the moment. As the owner of Hurd Auto Mall in Johnston, he oversees 15 acres, three showrooms and an inventory of 1,000 General Motors vehicles that hadn’t exactly been zooming off the lot lately. READ MORE
Tell us about it!
Know a family-owned business that has a story to tell? Have issues unique to owning or running a family-owned business that you’d like to share? Please contact PBN Managing Editor Mike Mello, no later than Feb. 3, by clicking here or calling 273-2201, ext. 213. We’ll publish the best stories in an upcoming special section. Read More
Every Monday morning on NBC 10 News Sunrise, Frank Coletta talks with PBN Editor Mark Murphy about the latest business news.
Hattie Bryant invites you to watch a one- to four-minute video tip each day about best business practices from the weekly TV show Small Business School.